
How much estrogen in hrt

Common Questions and Answers about How much estrogen in hrt


429647 tn?1249753429 my ttumor was tested and it was estrogen positive i am on an estrogen blocker.. how about asking your doc if the tumor was estrogen positive or not.
Avatar f tn Most of all my specialist and drs except for one specialist says I need to take combined hrt. Estrogen only taken by a lot of women in the 60 s showed there was an increase in uterus cancer for those who had their uterus in tact. The 70s saw a big increase in this type of cancer which is why they prescribe combined.
Avatar f tn I am now recovering from a mastectomy! HRT is not worth the risk, no matter how bad the menopause symptoms.
1168718 tn?1464983535 Hi, I'm on a HRT (Vivelle-Dot) but I'm also a limbolander, but I might be of some help. I was put on Vivelle-Dot after loosing all my hormones due to a hysterectomy. Both Vivelle-Dot and Climara seem to contain estradiol (a form of estrogen bioidentical to your body's own). In the summer, I have been on this med for a year. I was put on this med right after my last form of hormone was removed (which was one ovary by this point).
631270 tn?1224862606 I have been a bit frustrated lately with all of the contradictory research, but I am feeling much better than I had in some time. I have been reading a body of work by Dr. Elizabeth Vliet and she is making more and more sense to me as I read. Not sure how helpful this has been, but I do wish you luck.
Avatar f tn about the bleeding-1month is too long, perhaps your cervical cuff did not heal correctly ,,,,advice--contact you gyn. Im 46 also and on vivelle too, so far no problems from it, my doctor indicated I would be on it a lot longer than 6 months, more like 10 years. After ny surgery I did not really bleed more like spotting and it was brown which means old blood...if you are bleeding pink or red, I would be concerned.
Avatar f tn I was heart broken but at the age of 21 i fell pregnant and had a beatuiful healthy baby boy who is now, he is my miracle.
Avatar f tn Also, just so you are aware, “natural” hormone replacement has the same risks of estrogen exposure as “clinical” HRT. Estrogen is estrogen, whether it is from soy or the lab. This is why we recommend that women with estrogen receptor positive breast cancer avoid HRT as well as soy and other “natural” estrogen products.
1336491 tn?1340619541 From what I know I would not hesitate to go back onto HRT. My hysterectomy was in 1993 and I only went off the estrogen in 2004 to help lose weight . (It worked) Estrogen is not an immune suppressant per se.
Avatar m tn Endometriosis feed off estrogen. The estrogen-dependent endo lesions, if left unchecked, will begin to create their own estrogen. I do want to clarify that the pill or any other form of HRT does not prevent the Endometriosis from growing. The reason it is used is to help stop the pain by stopping the periods. I was on a low dose BCP (Marvelon) for 8 yrs continuously and did help with my pain. However it still continued to grow even after deep excision surgery.
Avatar n tn If breast cancer runs in your family i am surprised that your doctor would give you anything that has estrogen in it. I think you are better off getting off the cream and living with the symptons.
178345 tn?1242536246 t think that the feelings you are having are related to the patch per se, but related to the whole issue of too little or too much estrogen. I re-entered the Hormone Jungle last Spring after thinking I had much of this figured out (for YEARS!).... then Dr.
Avatar f tn I have been on the minivelle patch 0.375 and progesterone 100 mg and although I am able to sleep I have lost a significant amount of bone density since I started menopause 4 years ago. It has not helped with keeping me from having osteoporosis. Even with bhrt, we are all subject to cancers as Estrogen is Estrogen regardless if it is natural or not. You have to decide is it better to look great while you age or risk your health. I am going to try weaning off the hormones and see how I feel.
Avatar f tn the WHI studies that scare women were only done on conjugated hrt not bio-identical hrt...they are very different in how the body is able to use them. The conjugated hrt block receptors making the body unable to use them properly where as the bio-identical although made in a lab and synthetic are an exact replica of what your body made where the conjugated come from pregnant mare urine so they are natural (to a horse) but our body doesn't understand them...not worth the risk...
414018 tn?1268611672 Hey Mel... I have stage 3c, Grade 1...something called Micropapillary Serous Carcinoma (MPSC). It's a very hard cancer to treat because grade one cancers don't normally respond to typical chemotherapy. I'm so glad your having surgery because that is how our slow growing cancers should be managed - not with chemo. I met with a new surgeon yesterday who finally agreed with me - I've been waiting for over 2 years to find a surgeon who wants to do surgery!!
Avatar f tn s own nerve supply as well as hormones so it does not matter if you use HRT or not...also many of the foods we eat become estrogen in the body so if endo is left behind it will grow...the key is to see a specialist and have the endometriosis cut out at the root...that is the only chance at curing this disease! I too have endo and had the complete hysterectomy which I so regret, I had no choice but to use hrt...because of my age and the risks of not being on them...
Avatar f tn So if I was still getting my period, I could take birth control pills (which have a lot more estrogen in them than the estrogen replacement) in addition to what my body would be making and this is safe?!?! Has anyone asked their doctor about this or has anyone heard of any studies being done on young surgical menopause people? This is so confusing and scares me. When I wasn't on enough estrogen, life was miserable. I was 35 and yet I felt like I was 86!!
561921 tn?1216605621 How are you? Until menopause, the ovaries make most of your body's estrogen. When the ovaries are removed, estrogen levels suddenly drop. This change causes early menopause and increased osteoporosis risk When taking hormone therapy after an oophorectomy it is important to take estrogen plus progestin (hormone replacement therapy). The progestin protects the uterus from the increased risk of estrogen-related endometrial cancer. You can read more about this through this link: http://www.
Avatar n tn ) As you are probably aware, there is an association of increased risk for BC in menopausal women using combination HRT (estrogen and progesterone), esp. for lobular cancer. (I don't believe there is as much information re a link to BC when estrogen alone is used, but I could be wrong.) In the recent years since the trend has changed to using the lowest doses of HRT for the shortest possible time, BC rates in this country have dropped.
Avatar f tn I believe it was estrogen. I have had so much trouble with the reconstuction part, I am not so sure I want to do any type of drugs for fear of what else may go wrong, Thanks for taking the time to try to answer my questions.
Avatar f tn t make much of a difference. Can I take only the Estrogen HRT and toss the Microgest, or is it too much of a risk? It seems I have exhausted many options and Estrogen seems to be the last one.
Avatar f tn I am a 19 yr old MTF trans patient who has yet to undergo HRT. While I desire the physical feminization provided by the typical t-blockers & estrogen HRT plan, I hesitate because I do not desire the inevitable breast development caused by estrogen. The idea of having breasts causes me great dysphoria. I am wondering if supplementing a SERM (Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulator) with t-blockers and estrogen would allow me to feminize my body while preventing breast tissue development.