
Amount of estrogen in hrt

Common Questions and Answers about Amount of estrogen in hrt


Avatar f tn They only thing she may consider is an estrogen ring which only releases a small amount of estrogen which absorbs locally. Very little is actually released into the bloodstream. This would only be used if other non-hormonal lubricants did not work. This will not do much for other menopausal symptoms.
1168718 tn?1464983535 Hi, I'm on a HRT (Vivelle-Dot) but I'm also a limbolander, but I might be of some help. I was put on Vivelle-Dot after loosing all my hormones due to a hysterectomy. Both Vivelle-Dot and Climara seem to contain estradiol (a form of estrogen bioidentical to your body's own). In the summer, I have been on this med for a year. I was put on this med right after my last form of hormone was removed (which was one ovary by this point).
Avatar f tn Most of all my specialist and drs except for one specialist says I need to take combined hrt. Estrogen only taken by a lot of women in the 60 s showed there was an increase in uterus cancer for those who had their uterus in tact. The 70s saw a big increase in this type of cancer which is why they prescribe combined.
429647 tn?1249753429 only to find out that her cancer is estrogen postive and probably caused or in some part aided in the growth of her masses. This is a very touchy subject on this forum, and as much as I love and adore Mary, she and I are on opposite sides on this one. Flashes are horrid, I will agree that I have had a really tough time with them as well as the other symptoms of menopause....but, you know what....I am alive. Gather all the facts you of luck.
Avatar f tn I have been on the minivelle patch 0.375 and progesterone 100 mg and although I am able to sleep I have lost a significant amount of bone density since I started menopause 4 years ago. It has not helped with keeping me from having osteoporosis. Even with bhrt, we are all subject to cancers as Estrogen is Estrogen regardless if it is natural or not. You have to decide is it better to look great while you age or risk your health. I am going to try weaning off the hormones and see how I feel.
Avatar m tn Estrogen is not associated with an increased risk of any type of cancer (except endometrial/uterine). Studies that compared estrogen-only HRT with combine HRT showed an increased risk of breast cancer for combined but NOT for estrogen-only. Intact women's ovaries produce hormones into their 80's for optimal health and well-being.
Avatar f tn Also, just so you are aware, “natural” hormone replacement has the same risks of estrogen exposure as “clinical” HRT. Estrogen is estrogen, whether it is from soy or the lab. This is why we recommend that women with estrogen receptor positive breast cancer avoid HRT as well as soy and other “natural” estrogen products.
Avatar f tn Sorry to hear about the hysterectomy. You may still have enough hormones in your body explaining the mild symptoms (hot flashes). So taking the HRT may have given you too much estrogen thereby causing the headaches. I also had a hysterectomy and did not start HRT until around 6 weeks post-op even though I was not having many symptoms (the main one being inability to sleep).
Avatar f tn I had a hysterectomy about 3 months ago for endometriosis/adenomyosis/chronic pelvic pain. I'm 32 and I didn't want to have it but I had exhausted my non-surgical options and I was so tired of being in pain. I had my ovaries removed as your ovaries produce the estrogen that feeds the endo but I was given hormone replacement therapy (HRT) immediately post-op: I got to my room and my nurse placed an estrogen patch on me. I honestly think 6 months is too long to wait for HRT.
Avatar n tn ) As you are probably aware, there is an association of increased risk for BC in menopausal women using combination HRT (estrogen and progesterone), esp. for lobular cancer. (I don't believe there is as much information re a link to BC when estrogen alone is used, but I could be wrong.) In the recent years since the trend has changed to using the lowest doses of HRT for the shortest possible time, BC rates in this country have dropped.
Avatar n tn Kind of concerned as breast cancer runs in my family and not sure about using this cream. Has anyone tried anything more natural?
1336491 tn?1340619541 From what I know I would not hesitate to go back onto HRT. My hysterectomy was in 1993 and I only went off the estrogen in 2004 to help lose weight . (It worked) Estrogen is not an immune suppressant per se.
Avatar n tn This is a horse hormone that is labeled as equillin. There are no traces of this hormone equillin in the table of human hormones. The second component in Prempro is called Provera stated progesterone - but its really not human progesterone or progesterone at all. Human estrogen is actually a blend of three different molecules. Estriol, estrone and estradiol.
Avatar n tn I think the most common symptom of low estrogen is hot flashes. If you're not having those, you might be OK on the amount of estrogen. Try what the gyn says and if it doesn't work, get your dose tweaked.
Avatar m tn Endometriosis feed off estrogen. The estrogen-dependent endo lesions, if left unchecked, will begin to create their own estrogen. I do want to clarify that the pill or any other form of HRT does not prevent the Endometriosis from growing. The reason it is used is to help stop the pain by stopping the periods. I was on a low dose BCP (Marvelon) for 8 yrs continuously and did help with my pain. However it still continued to grow even after deep excision surgery.
Avatar f tn I am a 19 yr old MTF trans patient who has yet to undergo HRT. While I desire the physical feminization provided by the typical t-blockers & estrogen HRT plan, I hesitate because I do not desire the inevitable breast development caused by estrogen. The idea of having breasts causes me great dysphoria. I am wondering if supplementing a SERM (Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulator) with t-blockers and estrogen would allow me to feminize my body while preventing breast tissue development.
631270 tn?1224862606 I am not scared that I have done any harm, it is just that there is a growing body of research that states that women without Ovaries do not have the enzymes necessary to utilize the Progesterone and so every good thing that I thought I was using it for was actually the action of the estrogen but the Progesterone may have been blocking some of the actions of the Estrogen (not getting through.
Avatar n tn Sorry I am too new at the hrt thing myself. I have just been relying on my doctor to tell me what is best for me.
Avatar m tn I would like to take estrogen to help the menopause symptoms still driving me crazy one year after surgery and chemo for ovarian cancer stage 2c - I also had a prophylactic bilateral mastectomy as I have a history of breast cancer in my family - I have heard the HRT can increase the incidence of OC but I am wondering if an estrogen patch would be safe as I have had my ovaries, uterus, tubes, cervix, and breasts removed surgically.
Avatar f tn Hello, I am now 44 and I had my uterus removed in 2010 for Fibroid tumors and soft ball size cyst on my left ovary, 2011 another large cyst came back on my left ovary and had it removed, 2013 another cyst on my left ovary removed, 2014 another cyst grew, so I had both of my ovaries removed. When the doctor went in they found endometriosis wrapped around part of my bowel and all through out my abdominal cavity. All of it removed. But of course I went into menopause immediately.
Avatar f tn After I had taken it for about 4 years, I had a hysterectomy. Cancer was in the center of a polyp in uterus, but had not left the polyp. It was very early cancer. I took no treatments afterwards. I kept taking estrogen, (but not the progesterone) and 13 years later had breast cancer. I hold no one to blame because of the estrogen. Most reports say that estrogen alone does not cause breast cancer, but if one does get the cancer, the estrogen feeds it and makes it grow faster.
15907588 tn?1443880242 I am a VERY fit and active woman who eats a VERY clean diet...granted my ovaries were taken out so that would make it a bit more harsh I suppose...but although diet and exercise are critical to our well being and over all health it is NOT the cure all...I would suggest getting on a small amount of bio-identical hrt as this will help...a woman's body and brain need is in every cell of our body and the bio-identical hrt are an exact replica of what our body makes...
Avatar f tn s own nerve supply as well as hormones so it does not matter if you use HRT or not...also many of the foods we eat become estrogen in the body so if endo is left behind it will grow...the key is to see a specialist and have the endometriosis cut out at the root...that is the only chance at curing this disease! I too have endo and had the complete hysterectomy which I so regret, I had no choice but to use hrt...because of my age and the risks of not being on them...
Avatar f tn I was on vivelle patch for many, many years and ran into trouble just taking estrogen. What happened was my adrenals were having a hard time working and since everything was taken out during my hysto., I wasn't producing much progesterone. My adrenals started to steal progesterone and I started having daily anxiety and panic attacks among other symptoms. As soon as I was put on progesterone, anxiety got better. I'm on the road to recovery now but it's taking a bit of time.
Avatar n tn Your symptoms of stomach bloating, belching, gas are not typical symptoms of menopause. The risks of estrogen replacement in menopause are probably exaggerated by the media, but there are some risks - you should only use estrogen at the lowest effective dose, for the minimum amount of time, to get relief. You may want to try it out for awhile and see if you feel better.
Avatar f tn Im going to the hrt clinic this week so im going to ask them to try new hrt, ive heard of the hrt implant so maybe this would be a good thing for me
Avatar n tn I now plan to hold on to the patches until I get some sort of confirmation about the amount of estrogen my ovaries may/may not be producing. :Your info was helpful.