
How does abilify work

Common Questions and Answers about How does abilify work


Avatar m tn Does anyone out there know if abilify really does work, I have only been on it 4 days and feels like it has not kicked in. Please help. Thanks to all.
Avatar f tn I am on zoloft which does not help with my anxiety, does adding abilify help with the anxiety and the depression?
1255530 tn?1269867619 I found Lamictal to be the most effective for mixed states but each person responds differently to each medication. Abilify was activating for me but other people I know found it to be of help. I don't know if your specific reaction was to Abilify or if you have had that reaction to other antipsychotics as well.
Avatar f tn He started abilify 10mgs and seems fine now after many monyhs of non-treatment and pychosis.
642393 tn?1227032656 I just got Abilify about an hour ago my boyfriend is getting it filled now does anyone know anything about it Does it help? any side effects? By the way i don't think i am bipolar but it is for depression and my mood!! thank you all!!
1305767 tn?1361192676 did he say why he prescribed the abilify? Does he still want yout taking the 40mg of celexa and ativan? My shrink mentioned possibly putting me on abilify as well but to boost my lexpro for depression symptoms since I am very sensitive and can only be on low doses of meds. Why did he prescribe it for you?
Avatar n tn Does any one take Abilify if so for what reason and does it work? my Dr. just put me on 2mg for anxity and i want true answers I just hate to take something thats not gonna work and then I have to try something else..
526901 tn?1216334227 Forgot to mention 15 mg. does seem like a high dose of Abilify. Pehaps the does is way too high. I'm on 2mg and my doc says most of his patients are on 5-8mg. a day. I bet the high dose may have caused the panic attacks. Check the side effects, nervousness may be one and in you it could manifest as panic attacks. Best of luck!!
Avatar f tn having some odd kinda dizziness and shortness of breath and a kinda unsteady feeling,,,,,,,,so i stopped it per dr over a week ago and was put on lamitcal but i did it for a week and still had some dizziness but was still dizzy,so since over all i thiught i felt better on the abilfy the dr had me go back on the 2 mg last night,,,and today i had the odd dizziness again and im not concentrating aswell,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, any ideas has this done thiss to others on abilify?
Avatar f tn Only bummer about Abilify is the cost. it can be very expensive. It works for a lot of people and may work for you also. Give the Abilify a good 6 weeks to work at full effect. Keep in touch and if you need me you can always PM me.
Avatar f tn I recently changed antipsychotics from Zeldox (Geodone) 160mg to Abilify 10mg. I am also on 200mg of lamotrigine and 50mg of Trazodone. I took my first full dose of Abilify on Friday the 6th and today is the 11th The Abilify is working about 70%. I have been crying more, I wrote a big long blog about how life is useless because I can't work full time and be a parent and all those other 'normal' things the drug companies promise you that you can do if you just take their drug.
1499921 tn?1308446605 I do require an antipsychotic and a mood stabilizer both as I have schizoaffective disorder but if a person has bipolar they are of course other choices as regards mood stabilizers but it depends on the specific person and their reaction to the medication and how they experience the side effects. Abilify does have less of a potential for weight gain than other atypical antipsychotics though but it still can happen.
4592241 tn?1359813138 My doc wants to put me on Abilify to go along with the wellbutrin I am currently taking. Does anyone know about this drug and have they had good results? I have been on wellbutrin for 8 months and it was work up until about 6wks ago then beed getting more depressed and having fatigue and crying all the time...any help?
Avatar f tn Some days, he will feel so sleepy whatever he does, other days he will be fine. Can this random sleepiness be attributed to abilify? Thanks.
390140 tn?1219883889 If I could give you any advice. Stay away from this medication. Someone said that it felt like speed. It does. I was only on it for 10 days. My doc ignored the side effects I;m having and now have to take benzos around the clock....i'm considering a lawsuit against the doc and/or the manufacturer. I work as an RN but because of the seizure and tremors I have, I can't work.
Avatar f tn I am wondering about Abilify instead of Geodone. What is your experience with this drug? Does it work as well as the atypicals? It should for how much it costs. I also take lamotrigine 200mg/day and trazodone 50mg for sleep.
1696867 tn?1312609591 My question is, how long do I need to put up with the side effects? It is effecting my home and work life ( I have even had to go part time - just can't function). I want to feel "stable", but to what extent should if ruin the rest of my life?
Avatar f tn To those who have switched from one antipsychotic to Abilify how did you find it worked comparitively. To anyone who is on it, would you suggest taking it? How has it helped you? I ask because I am on Ziprexa (Geodone in the US) and it causes me some agitation.
407790 tn?1397761026 Usually, medications like Abilify are used as a supplemental medication, in addition to an antidepressant one is already taking. The idea is for the Abilify to help the AD work a little bit better. Are you on an AD now, if so, which one, and what's your dose? If you can share a little bit more about your history, we can advise you a little bit better.
Avatar f tn So yesterday Abilify(2mg in am) was added to my 600mg(3002xd)Lithium, 1mg(1xd)Xanax and of course 50mg(1/2 or 1@bedtime)..Has anyone had any experience with Abilify?f it's something bad..nevermind.
Avatar f tn Abilify can be used to augment antidepressants such as Lexapro. I use Lamictal to augment my Pristiq and it works much better than just the Antidepressant alone. Combining SSRI's or SNRI's with mood stabilizing drugs such as Abilify or Lamictal can often help a lot. Although they do take a good few weeks to kick in. In the past I have taken just about every drug you mentioned above, but I am supprised that your doctor has never tried you on an SNRI such as Effexor XR or Pristiq.
3248163 tn?1354847640 and
Avatar n tn Why does Abilify cause diabetes? I know that is one of the side effects on there and I have been watching mine lately, but I was wondering how it chemically causes that to happen???
Avatar f tn As I mentioned in another post, I don't find that there is much of a correlation between the number of medications that are necessary to achieve good functioning and how well a person does on those medications. In other words, being on four pills is not a "bad" thing if four pills are what it takes to feel well.
873773 tn?1257560602 I went to the doctors yesterday he wants me to start Abilify? Does anyone know anything about this medication good or bad? He also wants me to Up my Klonopin to 4mg 's a day . He said if he were to change me to adavin he would have to put me on such a high dosage as much as 12mg? Does this seem right i am seriously thinking my doctors nutts :( Everytime i went to the Emergancy room after my dad passed i was given a shot 2mg;s of adavin it calmed me down so i could think ..