
Heartburn while drinking alcohol

Common Questions and Answers about Heartburn while drinking alcohol


Avatar m tn While it was two years ago you spit up blood, since drinking alcohol gets you to vomiting again, apparently damage done by acid in your pregnancy is reactivated by alcohol coming in contact with those damaged tissues.
Avatar f tn I drink every other day (vodka) have been for the last 6 months. I've always had heartburn and am constantly eating tums or taking Prilosec. This past week I've been vomiting everyday after drinking and have been vomiting acid. Last night was the worst. I woke up st 4am violently vomiting acid my throat and nose still hurts today. I did vomit what looked like blood, it also burned very basket when it came up.. also went through my nose. I took zofran an anti nausea pill to calm it down.
Avatar f tn m pregnant nd they tried to assure me it was okay, but i thought alcohol during pregnancy leads to fetal alcohol syndrome, learning disabilities, etc.
Avatar f tn I personally believe its not right to consume alcohol while pregnant, so I guess my ice cold beer will taste all that much better when I finally get to have one.. Hang in there ladies, we will all make it!
Avatar f tn Definitely check with your doctor and have him/her run some tests. It could be something completely unrelated to drinking and alcohol is just exacerbating it.
Avatar f tn Drinking while pregnant is not good. So many things can go wrong... tell your friend for the sake of her baby to stop and educate herself a little more.. prayers for a healthy baby..
Avatar n tn I gets me upset to see that. Her baby should come first than those bottles.
Avatar f tn alcohol is obviously bad for the development of your child but there are also a lot of babies that have been introduced to alcohol throughout the while time mother was pregnant and been fine.
Avatar f tn Watch what u eat, fried, spicy, citrus and caffeine are 4 of the 5 foods that can increase and bring on heartburn.
Avatar f tn s that big an issue, other than the fetal alcohol syndrome worriedbabe mentioned. I drank a glass of wine once in a while when I was pregnant, but it was never more than 2 or 3 in a month, and that was more specifically in the very beginning when it was Christmas/New Years, and what I drank was about a half glass, not full. So I didn't drink a lot, and I made sure there wasn't a high alcohol content.
Avatar n tn Many people of Asian descent experience an unusual flushing reaction after drinking alcohol — even in very small amounts. This is caused by a genetic disorder in which the body is unable to break down alcohol completely. Some research suggests that people who experience alcohol flush reaction may be at increased risk of alcohol-related conditions, such as cancer of the esophagus and liver disease. The only solution to all of these problems is to avoid alcohol. http://www.mayoclinic.
Avatar f tn According to the Zoloft® (sertraline hydrochloride) prescribing information, drinking alcohol while taking Zoloft is not recommended. The medication and alcohol both act upon similar chemicals in the brain. So the concern is that Zoloft will increase the effects of alcohol -- whether this is increasing depression symptoms or affecting motor skills. So I would say NO. Thats just me. You are very young and it could cause your anxiety to go threw the roof.Good luck to you !
Avatar f tn I just found out I'm pregnant. I tested positive with a hpt. According to all the apps and my lmp I'm at least six weeks. Up until this point I've stopped drinking caffeine and alcohol. But also up until knowing I have consumed alcohol. My Dr appt is next week...should I be worried at all that I may have hurt my baby??
Avatar f tn My friend has foster kids who are 3 and 4 both have HUGE delays and all of their teeth are rotted out both of these their doctor says is because of being exposed to alcohol while they were in the womb.... On Tuesday they are both getting 4 root canals a piece... Remember that while your enjoying a drink.
Avatar f tn Unfortunately, your body is trying to tell you that it can't tolerate the type and/or amount of alcohol you are consuming. There are many people out there that simply cannot tolerate alcohol. I understand that you are 22 but always drinking alcohol to have fun can lead to problems later on in life. If you can't have fun without drinking, this is a sign of a potential addiction problem beginning. You have your whole life ahead of you.
Avatar m tn I like to eat alot of mexican and italian food,fast food like hamburgs and fries(i dont eat that food all the time), obviously smoking, drinking alcohol. Then you ask why am i complaining and wondering why i have bad heartburn?if i already know what causes it? good question, i guess its so hard for me to choose fruits and veggies over say something like a pizza or pasta. I LOVE spicy food. I do slreep with 2 pillows i cant imagine sleeping with anymore, but its worth the try.
Avatar n tn During that period I felt very bloated and gas pressure at the top of my stomach (where it meets the esophagus) without heartburn while taking the meds, but the bloating and gas was really uncomfortable. Also during that time I stopped taking the meds after a week of taking them because of the discomfort in the stomach. The result was chronic severe heartburn. I stopped them because I was in denial and I didn’t like the side effect (pressure) – I thought it had to go away on its own.
Avatar n tn ve been having that pain when drinking only pop!!! Lately a light similar pain while drinking orange juice!! For many years i decide to just live with it and not really drink acohols ( i was never a big acohol fan anyway) but now with orange juice, this is been disturbing my life and i can't take it anymore! when i was younger ( 19-20) i use to drink and get drunk maybe 2-3 times a months ( nothing crazy at all) so is not like i was a big drinker or something what can this be cause by???
Avatar f tn Is it ok to drink milk while pregnant. It seems that is what I have been craving lately.
Avatar n tn Drinking while pregnant can cause serious birth defects to your baby. Maybe you should practice some social activities with friends?
Avatar f tn I stopped drinking alcohol about 9-10 years ago. No special reason for that. I still went out with my friends and had fun, just that I was drinking non alcoholic drinks. You can have apple juice with soda, or long drinks without the alcohol and still have a good time.
Avatar f tn You will get mixed answers because doctors don't know exactly how much alcohol it takes to give a child fetal alcohol syndrome. They presume it is different for everyone that is why don't say none at all and some say a few glasses is Ok. I suggest you don't take the risk at all. My motto is if it illegal or if you can't buy it till you are 18+ you shouldn't put it in your body while pregnant.