
Heartburn remedies gum

Common Questions and Answers about Heartburn remedies gum


Avatar f tn For heartburn drinking lots and lots of milk definately helps to ease it and it doesnt happen as often but as for the cold i have no suggestions sorry..
Avatar f tn This is tmi but I've been having bad acid reflux for the past two starts off as terrible heartburn then I throw up a little in my mouth...the burning sensation is horrible :/.....I have pills for heartburn but right now they aren't helping....any advice? Remedies?
Avatar f tn I don't have heartburn but my friend has terrible heartburn and is drinking ginger with lemon. She peeled ginger. Cut it up. Slice lemon and boiled it then put it in the fridge. Also added honey in it. It also took away her nausea.
Avatar f tn For me fun helped me a lot. After I eat I chew gum and that helped me. I used to get heartburn even just drinking water!
Avatar f tn Since I stared perimenopause I suddenly developed horrible bloating/gas along with heartburn/acid reflux. It sems to be much worse at certain times of the month. Does anyone have a home remedy they use that works well for this? I hesitate to see my Dr. because I know they will hand me a script for "the purple pill". I am not opposed to medication, but see it as a last resort. Anyone have any suggestions?
Avatar f tn I'm 32weeks with painful heart burn and acid reflux. Are there any home remedies I can try to help stop it? If not, maybe is there a medicine I can take?
Avatar f tn Im 32weeks today and suffering extreme heartburn anyone know any remedies????
Avatar f tn I'm 29 weeks tomorrow ...what are some good remedies for heartburn?? Even water gives me heartburn ...
11970398 tn?1443134602 Ok so ive had heartburn/acid reflux so bad my dr put me on Pantoprazole, well ive been having stomach issues since i started it so she told me to try a few days without it to c if it was the cause of my stomach issues, well now i have heartburn so bad i wanna cry, do any of u know heartburn remedies that i can try that r obviously safe for my son?
Avatar f tn I have a very bad heartburn also. I take warm milk, it seems to work for me.
Avatar f tn Chocolate milk was the only thing I could tame my heartburn with in my second pregnancy
Avatar f tn You can buy sea bands. I also bought ginger gum but I like it the taste of ginger.
2110589 tn?1334780577 I used to, with my first baby, but then I would chew minty gum as soon as I felt the heartburn coming and then never again =)
Avatar f tn i ate gum that has mint in it and it took my nausea away right then and then once the flavor when out i really didnt have nausea for alittle bit but then i got that feeling again and i poped another peace of gum in my mouth. so mint or spare mint gum works for me and still does=). if you like gum i would recommend it =).
Avatar f tn Is my most hated thing about being pregnant!!!!!!!! Back pain and body aches are almost unbearable, but heartburn.. OMG I can't deal.. especially when I'm tryna go to sleep!
Avatar n tn Ive had loads of heartburn threw out my whole pregnancy I've found the best thing is tums the smoothie ones don't taste bad but now they also have chewey tums which taste like candy:) tums have saved me from endless heartburn
Avatar f tn t believe it would work but it did! I just ate pizza hut and had horrible heartburn. I read somewhere chewing a piece of sugar free gum would calm it. Well, its nearly gone and much better! You ladies must try it!
Avatar f tn Hello any remedies to help with heartburn 10 weeks pregnant and heartburn is killing me.......
Avatar f tn Hey I was wondering what everyone does for heartburn? Is there any thing I could take to help it or and home remedies that worked for anyone?
Avatar f tn Anyone know of anything to stop heart burn?
Avatar f tn I'm 19 years old and pregnant with my first baby and never had heartburn a day in my life. But now everytime I eat pizza, chili etc I get get a hurting, burning feeling in my chest and lower throat. Is this heart burn. I know probably sounds like a stupid question but I've never had this before it's hard to explain.
Avatar f tn Is there any home remedies for heart burn i have it constantly and dont think i can cope another 16 weeks with it