
Heartburn pregnancy week 28

Common Questions and Answers about Heartburn pregnancy week 28


Avatar f tn Ive been on diclegis for nausea since 14 weeks. If i go without it for a day im so sick the next day with nausea. I'll be 28 weeks Thursday. I get heartburn everyday too but its better when im on my diclegis.
Avatar f tn I'm 26 weeks 5 days and my doctors have me on modified bed rest to hold off preterm labor (just found out my cervix is a little above 2cm). So yesterday I actually put together my hospital bag just in case. I hope to not need it for a few more weeks but with how my pregnancy has been going you never know.
Avatar f tn Its normal to have heartburn all through out ikr pregnancy I'm 28 weeks and I've have it bad all through out my pregnancy
Avatar f tn I am getting very restless and cry a lot as I dont get sleep in week 28. Please help.
Avatar f tn Both tines i was pg almost a week after i got crazy heartburn when i would try to drimk. Bothvtimes i had no idea i was pg but there are sone really early symptoms for some women. Mine ws def heartburn when trying to drink. Like the babies are saying we dont want that yucky stuff!!
Avatar f tn Yes I've also noticed the drop To be honest I've had a pretty easy pregnancy, the only real complaint I've had to date was heartburn. .. and I mean chronic heartburn!!! Day and night and of course I was loaded up with the usual home remedies but nothing worked for long.... then I discovered omeprazol through the doctor:):) not a patch of heartburn in 4 week's! How's your pregnancy going?
Avatar f tn I had the worst heartburn everyday for the last 10 weeks of pregnancy with my first...
Avatar f tn I started getting heartburn early in my pregnancy. I'm 21 weeks now and still have it. It's gotten a bit worse these past 3 days, as if my stomach and throat are constantly burning. I usually drink milk to help my heartburn and occasionally take tums.
Avatar f tn Sometimes you can see hair on your ultrasounds once your far enough along. Ask the tech whenever she does yours if she notices any hair. I'm having my 28 week ultrasound next week and figured that would be a good time to loom for hair. Ultimately though, just gotta wait and see probably.
Avatar f tn Hello Mommies this is my first pregnancy I am exactly 28 weeks and 4 days. I have been experiencing heartburn mostly after I eat. Has anyone else experience this? If so what did you do to prevent or make it go away? Or can you? I Do not Eat Spicy foods I Google ways to prevent and it say not to lay down right after you eat wait 3 hours and elevate your feet. I have done all n nothing works..
10909590 tn?1416437106 I did not really get stretch marks my first pregnancy but I did have a little heartburn this time my stretch marks a real bad but I already had them from being fat did not really get stretch marks during my pregnancy this time I still don't have new ones just the old ones from me gaining a lot of weight and getting fat and then losing weight. but I have gotten heartburn a couple times not real bad though.
Avatar n tn I got super lucky in the case that even though the first half of my pregnancy was hell due to hyperemisis, all the heartburn I use to get pre-pregnancy disappeared when I got pregnant. Awesome I know! Anyway, for about the passed week I've been having insane acid reflux! Even with water. :/ My question is do you think it's due to her flipping and her feet are up high? I also stated having trouble breathing cuz I think she's being up my lungs at times!
Avatar f tn I'm 28 weeks and just getting this crap. I was told to cut out spicy foods and take tums.
Avatar f tn It started earlier today around 5 I get a sharp pain all across my chest and into the top part of my back. It hurts to breathe when this happens and it feels like I have a knot in my throat. I'm 28 weeks pregnant and not sure if its just heartburn. But it doesn't feel like heartburn at all. This is way more painful and it comes and goes. Has anyone had this before?!?!
7159675 tn?1397442207 I been having crazy heartburn sine I got pregnant and im 28 week's does this mean that my baby will have alot of hair
Avatar n tn I'm now 28 weeks 4 days and although so many people have told me you get it bad in pregnancy I've not suffered from it up until now so I thought I was lucky but over the last few days I've been suffering soooo bad with heartburn. It wakes me up in the middle of the night and as soon as I've eaten I can feel it starting. Does anyone know of any remedies? Other than chugging loads of gaviscon and rennies lol.
Avatar f tn Is anybody else towards the end of there pregnancy & HATE acidreflux/heartburn as much as I do !!!!
Avatar f tn I am 28 weeks pregnant and i havent experienced any pregnancy symptoms either. If it wasnt for my missed periods i wouldn't have known i was even pregnant. Now im showing and can feel the babies movement so it seems more real to me. No sickness And no Major complications so i consider myself extremely lucky.
Avatar f tn Im 28 weeks and my hospital reccommends to take the classes between 28-38 weeks. I wouldnt wait til 38 weeks because you could go into labor early. My class also comes with a tour. My mom said it is helpful because they will tell you exactly what will happen when you go into labor and where to go. Also with the heartburn. My doc told me to take pepcid ac (10mg) or zantac (75mg) and to try proping my head up more. Hope this helps. Good luck!
Avatar f tn I still have morning sickness, chest tenderness, heartburn, constipation, bloating, ligament pain, lower back pain, acme, and severe lyrics frequent urination. Nothing like my first pregnancy.
4043310 tn?1355912647 So I had my 28 week appointment today and am measuring on track, nice weight, good blood pressure so am very happy my pregnancy is goin great.
Avatar f tn You cant detect pregnancy at week one. Check yourself thats the week you ended your last period. Week 2 is ovulation, week 3 is preconception, week 4 is sperm connecting to the egg. You are not pregnant before 3-4wks. If you tell hospitals you had a pos pregnancy test then they just say youre pregnant. With 9 total tests (if I read that right) and only 1 being positive its very likely to be a false one. Especially if you used a blue dye test. I would call dr and set up a real appointment.
Avatar f tn I will turn 28 weeks tomorrow, who else is 28 or around 28 weeks? What are you experiencing?
Avatar f tn Omg i hate heartburn and im 28 weeks lately ive been getting it almost everyday specially at night and it feels like it lasts forever im having a lil girl and if what they say bout heartburn is true then she should have a head full
Avatar f tn Is it common to have indigestion and heartburn in week 7 because I dont ever recall this during my first two pregnancies?
Avatar f tn I suffered a M/C in July and have had a period since then but i was due on, on Friday the 10th of September as my periods are a 28 day cycle to the day. I have had small cramps in my lower abdomen but nothing like a 'normal' period cramp, i have sore breasts/nipples and very tender. I have had no sickness, but mild heartburn now and then and i'm also feeling very snappy for no reason.
Avatar f tn I am 6 week 7d pregnant. Can sumone share their experiences during this early stages?As I dont feel any......