
Heartburn pregnancy week 12

Common Questions and Answers about Heartburn pregnancy week 12


1012334 tn?1283702979 So, I had my 12 week check up this today! I got to hear the heartbeat and the baby even kicked the doppler! I could'nt feel it yet, but I definitly could hear it! the dr said "wow, he's kicking!" it was very reassuring since i have had a MC at 12 weeks before, so I will be very glad when I am past this week.
568659 tn?1256139982 I went to my 12 week check up today with my Mom (she begged Joe to let her take his place). First off I am very happy to say that with the holidays I thought I would have gained a lot of weight and I actually LOST 2 pounds! We had an ultrasound and it was the most amazing thing I have ever seen, my baby was jumping around like crazy and waving it's hands and legs. The legs are so long it was so awesome to see how much it has grown in the past 3 weeks.
Avatar f tn I have regular heartburn. Hoping baby has lots of hair. :) Chewing gum seems to help a bit. I need to to try club soda.
Avatar f tn I'm 26 weeks and have been suffering from horrible heartburn since week 12. What kind of over the counter antacids have you all tried that's helped?
Avatar f tn Yes I've also noticed the drop To be honest I've had a pretty easy pregnancy, the only real complaint I've had to date was heartburn. .. and I mean chronic heartburn!!! Day and night and of course I was loaded up with the usual home remedies but nothing worked for long.... then I discovered omeprazol through the doctor:):) not a patch of heartburn in 4 week's! How's your pregnancy going?
1394608 tn?1296935466 t necesarily get any implantation signal, such as bleeding. Heartburn will have nothing to do with pregnancy at this point (heartburn from pregnancy comes on only when your stomach is pushed upwards in your body by the growing baby) but it might have something to do with the hormones you are on. Ditto being hot. None of this is a sure sign, but you still could be pregnant since you did an embryo transfer 12 days ago. Good luck in 2 days!!!!
Avatar f tn I am just about 5 weeks and today I have some of the worst heartburn I have ever experienced. There are tears. I have tried milk, baking soda and water and lastly Gaviscon. Nothing is working. Anyone have any tricks? I am definately going to be losing some sleep over this bout tonight.
568659 tn?1256139982 I am freaking out here, I told my OB at my 12 week appointment that I am getting horrible heartburn and that nothing helps. He gave me a script to prilosec OTC and told me it was safe to take every day. I have not been taking it everyday but I have taken it a couple times a week since then. Well, I just looked online and it is a category C drug and is not to be used during pregnancy especially not before 20 weeks. I am only 17 weeks and have been taking it since week 12!
8975030 tn?1402144712 Heartburn definatly for me also. Had it since about 12 weeks!
Avatar f tn best thing for acid reflux is MILK i suffered 24/7 from week 12 to full term and nothing worked my baby did have lots hair milk doesnt cure it but makes it not so bad. stay away from oranges juice etc.
2186195 tn?1339430622 I had heartburn like crazy with my first. And at 12 weeks prego they told me she had fuzz on her head. She had alot of dark thick hair at birth. At a month old I was making lil pig tails.
Avatar f tn You cant detect pregnancy at week one. Check yourself thats the week you ended your last period. Week 2 is ovulation, week 3 is preconception, week 4 is sperm connecting to the egg. You are not pregnant before 3-4wks. If you tell hospitals you had a pos pregnancy test then they just say youre pregnant. With 9 total tests (if I read that right) and only 1 being positive its very likely to be a false one. Especially if you used a blue dye test. I would call dr and set up a real appointment.
Avatar f tn Is it common to have indigestion and heartburn in week 7 because I dont ever recall this during my first two pregnancies?
Avatar f tn Pepcid AC. Pregnancy approved and im only 12 weeks. They gave it to me while I was in the hospital. They said it was ssfe enough for me to take everyday if needed. Works in 30min!
Avatar f tn I know how you feel, i had a healthy baby boy in 2015, 2nd pregnancy ended in a missed miscarriage at our 13 week scan in March this year. (We had previously heard babys heartbeat at 8 weeks) and it was absolutely heartbreaking. I am now pregnant for the 3rd time and have been so nervous since finding out. I am 16 weeks and it was so good to hear baby still had a heartbeat at our 13 week scan. I still have so many moments of worry and anxiety.
Avatar f tn I have had really bad heartburn i cant seem to sleep at night. What does this mean. Anyone else have had really bad Heartburn at the middle of the night??
Avatar f tn I carried high with him and gained 43 lbs. With this pregnancy, im having a girl. Heartburn is horrible, carrying really low, i am 27 weeks and have already gained 27 lbs. My cervix is shortening, placenta was low lying, but moved up. I have had swollen legs, feet, and face. A lot of pressure and feel tired a lot. I think it has to do with the fact that mine are 7 yrs apart though.
Avatar f tn t bled at all during this pregnancy. This is my second pregnancy as the first ended in a miscarriage last December just before Christmas but in was 6 weeks then. I panicked and rushed myself to the early pregnancy unit who did a scan and saw the baby's heartbeat and saw it move so they said so far everything is still okay and to pray that the bleeding doesn't turn to fresh bright red blood or that the cramping preg ana in sainsbury font start.
Avatar f tn i would try not taking anything tbh, take a painkiller if its bad but cold remedies arnt good for you, drink lots of water and it will flush the infection out.
Avatar f tn I'll be 12 wks on Monday. So far this pregnancy is completely different. My first two pregnancy were so easy with little to no morning sickness or nausea. I feel sick every day. It happens everyday around 5pm like clock work. My questions to you ladies who are on the 2+ pregnancy are any of you in the same boat and how are you feeling?
4043310 tn?1355912647 I had my 12 week scan yesertday and wanted to share the experience. Before the 12 week scan I was really not thinkin any amouth of sickness is worth being pregnant but after seein that wee baby quite the thing bouncin about a sucking its thumb looking so prefect, I feel amazing so proud of myself and I know believe all the sicking all the bad bits to pregnancy really are worth it just to see that amazing little baby.
Avatar f tn I am 5 wks and my husband is getting all the cravings and now heartburn amd he never has heartburn is this normal?
457438 tn?1302068407 when i get heartburn i drink a cold glass of milk. It helps to coat your stomach and prevents acid fom creeping up. Or you can try eating some bread.
Avatar n tn if what you asking is "could this be due to pregnancy" it's unlikely. heartburn in pregnancy is due to a number of things one being the size pf the pregnant uterus pushing the stomach and causing reflux. Also higher levels of progesterone during pregnancy cause acid reflux to occur. I feel this is too early to be pregnancy related. good luck.
Avatar f tn Strange how at the beginning of this journey, we all wish for at least the first 12 weeks to pass, so that you are out of the danger zone. Now there is only 12 weeks left and it feels unbelievable. Today is not the best day as I have not slept in 3 days and I am experiencing the worst heartburn and gall attack ever. Hormones are playing tricks as well, as I catch myself crying for nothing. On the brighter side - it is my babyshower this weekend and I am very excited.
1790045 tn?1317184484 Has anyone been told the gender of their baby at their 12 week ultrasound? I go in for my 12 week ultrasound next week and we are wanting to find out as soon as possible. I've heard some doctors will tell you if the baby is turned the right way and some won't and you have to wait til your 20 weeks appointment.