
Heartburn pregnancy reflux

Common Questions and Answers about Heartburn pregnancy reflux


Avatar n tn if what you asking is "could this be due to pregnancy" it's unlikely. heartburn in pregnancy is due to a number of things one being the size pf the pregnant uterus pushing the stomach and causing reflux. Also higher levels of progesterone during pregnancy cause acid reflux to occur. I feel this is too early to be pregnancy related. good luck.
Avatar f tn I had a positive prego test and there is more to that story.. but the question right now is .... at like 5-6 weeks can the GERD/reflux be this bad due to pregnancy? I also posted on the gastroenterology forum to see if somebody there experienced this... I am a little bit of a hypochondriac and like an idiot looked up symptoms on line and the only thing I found was pancreatitis.. so stupid.. now I am giving myself a panic attack about it..
Avatar n tn Ok, so the last few nights, I've been waking up with HORRIBLE acid reflux. Like to the point where I was choking on stomach acid. It was really bad. And really scary. Is acid reflux and/or heartburn (like my heartburn is CONSTANT) a common symptom of pregnancy? I've never had acid reflux or hearburn problems in my life. And my boyfriend and I had sex probably about 2 weeks ago and 2 days ago where the condom slipped off when he was pulling out and stayed in me. A little scared.
Avatar f tn Is acid reflux the same as heartburn ? I don't get heartburn. Believe I only had it once through this pregnancy but I've had acid reflux a lot through out my entire pregnancy.
2030273 tn?1329708650 I have awful heartburn and acid reflux. I usually take some tums with a little bit of milk and make sure I sit up afterwards. I have severe nausea too and the heartburn always makes me get sick again. It's common in pregnancy... but I know how bad it *****!
Avatar f tn I have acid reflux and didn't want to take zantac with my first pregnancy so I was using a bottle of tums a day! Tums is great for the calcium but really ***** for persistent heartburn/reflux. Zantac stopped working for me and I've been on prilosec for a while now. Just one a day. Over the counter is more expensive than zantac but works better in my opinion.
Avatar n tn good luck and all worth it in the end!
Avatar f tn Seriously going insane with heartburn and reflux. It never goes away! Tums don't seem to help. Today I didn't eat for like 9 hours, had only water and hung around. What can I do to make it go away or do I just have to live with it?
Avatar f tn I get acid reflux sometimes but I never had heartburn. Can anyone tell me the reason why? Hopefully I'm not alone. I'm at the end of my second trimester so I will be beginning my third trimester this Saturday.
Avatar f tn Acid reflux is not considered heartburn. I had so bad first pregnancy that I lost 70lbs and felt terrible all the way through. This pregnancy I have it also not as terrible as first I'm halfway through it and I've only lost 20lbs. Protonix is what doc gave first time this time doc is giving Prilosec could be reason I'm not sure. I hope you're getting treatment for acid reflux could cause long term esophagus issues.
Avatar n tn omg I get it at night time to plus I get acid reflux at night so im in for it with heartburn and acid reflux lol im 31wks 3dys
Avatar f tn What can i take for acid reflux . I beleive thats what ive been gettin like a burning in my throat and somethings stuck in it .
6903444 tn?1385943346 My first pregnancy,my daughter was born with a head full of hair and i didnt have heartburn at all.
6396087 tn?1399167632 ve always seem to have them...third trimester and still heartburn... Who else experiences this so late in their pregnancy?
Avatar f tn I tried Prilosec (which he made sure was safe) and it worked great! I would get heartburn and reflux from almost everything I ate, so mine was really awful. Check with your doctor if the Tums don't work!
1317258 tn?1421713625 It only gets worse the further into pregnancy you get. I remember with my first, I had heartburn here and there, but nothing serious and he hardly had any hair! With my second I had really bad acid reflux and he was born with TONS of hair! So, if it's true, this baby should have loads of hair as well! lol The only thing that calms it at this point for me, is drinking a small glass of grapefruit juice. It settles it for a few hours.
Avatar f tn I suffered from serious heartburn my entire pregnancy. I think you can even take zantac but I would speak to your doctor about it.
Avatar f tn I had heartburn/acid reflux so bad that I lost 20 lbs. My doctor had me take Prevacid (sp?) for 2 weeks. When that didn't work he gave me a prescription for Protonix (sp?). It took 2 weeks for it to start working. I am now 26 weeks. I've gained some weight back but I still struggle with it some days. It's no where near as bad as it was in the beginning though.
Avatar f tn Did anyone experience heartburn now? Please I need your help about it and I have taken TUM severally.
Avatar f tn ( wonder if my baby will have a full head of hair lol due March 9th!
Avatar f tn I had heartburn at the end of my pregnancy started at 35 weeks I delivered on Christmas at 38 1 day.
Avatar f tn That might be severe case of heartnurn or acid reflux. Try drinking a little bit of milk maybe and then talk to your doc. Before pregnancy I had horrible throat problems. I actually developed a mild eating disorder because I was convinced I could not swallow and it gave me horribke anxiety to eat. I was given a referral to see a shrink after being seen for it 3 times at the e.r.
Avatar f tn I get bad heartburn and SEVERE acid reflux to the point where some nights ill wake up gagging or some nights I wont get any sleep at all. The only tums that temporarily work for me r the 1000 ones. Milk doesn't work for me either sometimes ice cream will help the HB but not the acid reflux. It doesn't matter what I eat or drink the acid reflux is a constant all day annoyance. I'm hoping it goes away right when baby comes!
Avatar f tn m 28 weeks and have heartburn almost this entire pregnancy. I had acid reflux years ago before I lost a bunch of weight. That combined with my on the job experience (RN) has taught me some tricks over the years. Tums are good for mild relief quickly but Zantac will last longer. Both can be taken safely during pregnancy but check with your doctor first as every pregnancy and person is different. Zantac can be taken twice a day and Tums as needed.
Avatar f tn Never had heartburn atall or acid reflux in my life before this week (33 weeks.) It is excruciating! Does anyone have any tips on this? Dying slowly from the inside.
378497 tn?1232143585 The only other time besides pregnancy that I had heartburn (reflux) REAL bad was when I had the IV Solumedrol in late March.... My GOD, was it horrible....I know this is going to sound totally lame, but have you tried gnawing on some celery when it first starts?? I know it sounds crazy because I thought it would NEVER work, but amazingly, it did!! Unfortunately it doesn't last long, though.. I also tried an OTC acid reducer (no name brand) and it worked excellent....