
Heartburn pregnancy cause

Common Questions and Answers about Heartburn pregnancy cause


Avatar f tn I always try to drink milk with my spicy food or take something for heartburn before. Cause poster above is very correct, heartburn especially during pregnancy is so awful!!!!
Avatar n tn if what you asking is "could this be due to pregnancy" it's unlikely. heartburn in pregnancy is due to a number of things one being the size pf the pregnant uterus pushing the stomach and causing reflux. Also higher levels of progesterone during pregnancy cause acid reflux to occur. I feel this is too early to be pregnancy related. good luck.
Avatar f tn will eating spicy food during pregnancy cause a miscarriage? im 17 weeks, or a missed miscarriage? really worried!
Avatar f tn Hi I am 35weeks pregnant and I have really bad heartburn at night time and every time I eat I feel so full that I can barely even move. I feel the baby moving really low in my pelvic area where I haven't felt him move since the beginning of my pregnancy. I toss and turn all night. Are any of these signs that I could have the baby early or is there anyway to tell?
Avatar f tn Pregnancy heartburn !!!
Avatar f tn You could take antacids that are pregnancy-safe or try a more natural approach. Certain foods also cause heartburn. Like iceberg lettuce, citrus juices, spicy foods, & etc... look it up online.
Avatar f tn bit guilty cause i wanted to refrain from medicating myself and deal with it while pregnant...have any of u guys suffered frm heartburn early pregnancy?
9309926 tn?1405447056 I only had heartburn once or twice my entire pregnancy and my daughter had lots of hair when she was born.
5739386 tn?1378836460 Also try sleeping in a more sitting-up position. Heartburn in pregnancy comes from the stomach being pushed up out of its normal position by the uterus, and keeping the stomach acids down is helped by sleeping propped up a bit.
Avatar f tn As awful as it may taste. . A spoon full of mustard! This is my first pregnancy and heartburn had me waking up in the middle of the night every night cry, cause I was tired. A ate runs like candy didn't work and I hate milk. But I drunk it still didn't find comfort. So my home girl told me to try Mustard. I didn't believe it at first and then i asked all my relatives and they told me yes it works and to give it a try, they used it during their pregnancy.
7226011 tn?1389330533 80% of women who have severe heart burn during pregnancy have babies with lots of hair, and the same hormones that cause hair growth cause heartburn as well.
Avatar f tn I have regular heartburn. Hoping baby has lots of hair. :) Chewing gum seems to help a bit. I need to to try club soda.
Avatar f tn i haven't had heartburn thru my pregnancy, does that mean my baby won't have any hair?
2097069 tn?1335282883 Ugh! Does anyone know how to at least ease heartburn? So far i have tried. Milk, water, bread, ice cream, sleeping straight up, crackers, and Tums i go threw a big huge bottle a week and that dont help anymore. Its to the point i dont want to eat and it makes me gag. Any other suggestions???
Avatar f tn I am just about 5 weeks and today I have some of the worst heartburn I have ever experienced. There are tears. I have tried milk, baking soda and water and lastly Gaviscon. Nothing is working. Anyone have any tricks? I am definately going to be losing some sleep over this bout tonight.
Avatar f tn I get terrible heartburn at night.. Keeps us both up for hours. It was so bad one night I cried myself to sleep.. Anyone else going thru it..
5501743 tn?1390296087 Have one a day and you will never remember you ever had Heartburn throughout your pregnancy. I eat one fresh grapefruit every day, it turns your stomach acid into Alkaline, plus helps with constipation and preventing excess water retention.
400885 tn?1297698918 I am 35w and have had it most of my pregnancy. Tums and rolaids helped at first, but then it got worse. My doctor prescribed me Protonix. He said it is the prescription form of prilosec which is also safe to take during pregnancy!! Good luck, and hope you find something that will make you feel better!!
Avatar f tn HORRIBLE heartburn! What can I do to help relieve it? And why does it happen with anything I eat???
Avatar f tn I have the WORST HEARTBURN AND ACID REFLEX EVERRRR !!!!! I cant even sleep at nightt. Ugh the milk dosent really help. Any other ideass ?
Avatar f tn Acid reflux is not considered heartburn. I had so bad first pregnancy that I lost 70lbs and felt terrible all the way through. This pregnancy I have it also not as terrible as first I'm halfway through it and I've only lost 20lbs. Protonix is what doc gave first time this time doc is giving Prilosec could be reason I'm not sure. I hope you're getting treatment for acid reflux could cause long term esophagus issues.
Avatar f tn I'm 30 weeks and suffer with heart burn terrible some times its so bad it feels like it's a coming out of my ears! Doc offered me tablets that weren't known to cause any harm during pregnancy but also were not cleared by the board so I refused and rely on super milk I drink almost a litre a day!
Avatar f tn s nit recommended for pregnant women bc if the heartburn it can cause for you. I love spicy food but I had to cut down on it a lot bc the heart burn was just too intense. So if you can handle then go for it!!
6903444 tn?1385943346 I have been having nasty ole heartburn and I know not to believe in the old wive's tales but I did just read something about heartburn during pregnancy. It is said that heartburn during pregnancy means a greater chance at baby being born with hair but I don't see how hair could cause heartburn lol.
Avatar f tn It's a myth. With my first pregnancy I had lots of heartburn and my son barely had any hair at all.
Avatar f tn With my first I never had any heartburn. She was born with a TON of hair. This pregnancy I had major heartburn, I've never had it before pregnancy, ever. We shall see if my little guy has hair like his sister in less than 6 weeks.