
Heartburn gum

Common Questions and Answers about Heartburn gum


Avatar f tn I have a very bad heartburn also. I take warm milk, it seems to work for me.
2110589 tn?1334780577 I used to, with my first baby, but then I would chew minty gum as soon as I felt the heartburn coming and then never again =)
Avatar f tn Is my most hated thing about being pregnant!!!!!!!! Back pain and body aches are almost unbearable, but heartburn.. OMG I can't deal.. especially when I'm tryna go to sleep!
Avatar f tn t believe it would work but it did! I just ate pizza hut and had horrible heartburn. I read somewhere chewing a piece of sugar free gum would calm it. Well, its nearly gone and much better! You ladies must try it!
Avatar f tn These late night heartburn be kicking my ***. Tums don't work no more and milk bearly work.
1666434 tn?1325262350 And what is interesting is this can go beyond normal foods--- I got heartburn the other day from chewing a gum that had aspartame in it, that was awful! I usually never chew gum with the aspartame in it or phenyltronics ( not sure of spelling) and I did because I was desperate and it was horrible. Also had this happen several times with toothpaste. I can't help but wonder if it is the preservatives in foods and or products that react to the body in such a way.
Avatar f tn How do you get Rid of heart burn?!
Avatar f tn For me fun helped me a lot. After I eat I chew gum and that helped me. I used to get heartburn even just drinking water!
10665671 tn?1413744449 t work for nothing ...
Avatar f tn Try really really cold milk, you can also take tums if you haven't tried that. Those two always work for me. Good luck!
7365709 tn?1395398972 Constant chewing of strong spearmint gum helps alot.. Works wonders.. Preferably the black or green package of dentyne ice...
Avatar f tn Help me I'm burning inside heartburn has been sooo horrible for the past couple weeks! What can I eat or take to make it go away?
Avatar f tn I'm 32 weeks and I have been experiencing horrible heartburn! ! Tums are not helping at all anymore. I wanna cry! :( pleaae help ?
Avatar f tn What are some foods or drinks that help relieve heartburn. Mines so bad and I can't take tums anymore.
Avatar f tn EVERYTHING gives me heartburn! Gum, juice, cheese, fruits, etc. What gives you heartburn?
Avatar f tn d like to no the answer to the same question I have avoid certain foods and it still comes every day. I take tums like gum . well not exactly just a figure of speech . I take the recommend dose on the bottle. I asked my doctor about it when I saw him today he recommended trying the liquid form and if it doesn't help he will prescribe me sum thing that is safe for me and baby. Just know your not alone I feel your pain I get hurt burn and acid reflux daily .
Avatar f tn Since becoming pregnant I've had bad heartburn and indigestion..I've tried taking tums but that doesn't help..does anyone have any tips on how I can resolve or make it easier to cope..thus will be really helpful.
Avatar f tn I cant relate to the blood pressure though! I got told to chew gum to help with heartburn and it really helps!
Avatar f tn So I'm guessing it goes along with heartburn but it's not my chest it's like a burning in my throat..kind of like that just puked feeling. Any suggestions of how to cool/get rid of it?
Avatar f tn it starts off as terrible heartburn then I throw up a little in my mouth...the burning sensation is horrible :/.....I have pills for heartburn but right now they aren't helping....any advice? Remedies?
Avatar n tn I have had the worst heartburn all day long. Does anyone recommend anything besides Tums?