
Heartburn and fetal hair

Common Questions and Answers about Heartburn and fetal hair


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Avatar f tn Both of my first two I didn't have any heartburn what's so ever and they were both born with complete full heads of hair and it never fell out just grew even longer
Avatar f tn im pregnant with my 4th and suffered horrendous heartburn on them 1st and 2nd baby were born bald and my 3rd had lots of dark hair,i swear she looked like monkey lol but heartburn was the same on them all,cant wait to see if this little one will have hair or not...
7226011 tn?1389330533 When does the heartburn start ?
Avatar f tn s a science behind it. I had a good bit of heartburn with my first and she had hardly any hair (as a blonde) and continued to have hardly any hair until she was 2.
5549102 tn?1376522673 I know it is just an old wives tale but I believe it! Both my husband and I were born with a lot of hair and I have had insane heartburn especially at bedtime. I think my baby girl will have a full head of hair.
192291 tn?1345400135 I had some heartburn with DS into the third trimester and I heard that meant a full head of hair on the baby.....and DS was born a baldy, LOL. He didn't even need a haircut until he was 18 months old! I've had more heartburn this time and earlier on, it started in the second trimester. I don't know what we're having....but I"m pretty sure that heartburn, like many other pregnancy symptoms, doesn't indicate one gender over the other.
Avatar f tn s one thing said about pregnancy that there is actually a bit of science behind, though not much. I had heartburn with my son and he was born with tons of hair (lost it at a month or two though) and I have it again. God bless Zantac.
Avatar f tn I had heartburn and had my baby girl full of hair, like ALOT. Lol and long. But it's not always true for everyone. Its just another myth.
Avatar f tn My daughter had no hair when she was born and i had terrible heartburn. The ultrasound shows this one has hair and almost no heartburn.
Avatar f tn I had tons of heartburn with my first and she had very very little hair when she was born. She was basically bald until she was 2!
Avatar n tn The hormone changes soften up the muscles. The heartburn is vicious and doesnt really have anything to do with hair... i wish my babies had hair tgat equalled the amount of heart burn I get.
5813847 tn?1374728932 I had more heartburn with my first, and she was bald. My other 2 I still had heartburn, but not too much, and they had full heads of hair!
Avatar f tn I had no heartburn with my son and he had a head full of hair.
Avatar f tn Oh my I have had the worse heartburn and acid reflux with my son I'm 35 weeks I guess we will see soon if he has hair
Avatar f tn No, with my first I had alot of heartburn and she came out with no hair this is my second and iv had no heartburn.
Avatar f tn If that were true, when my daughter comes out I would be expecting her to have as much hair as I do, because I have the worst heartburn all the time, specially at night.
Avatar f tn Is it true that the more heartburn you get means the babies hair is dark?
4835896 tn?1369369421 I had no heartburn at all and my son was born with a head full of hair!
Avatar f tn Am I the only one freaking out about my baby not having hair when he comes out? lol I don't know if it's because I'm obsessed with my own locks or what, but I just really want him to have hair. I think he will because of his dad's origin, but STILL...
Avatar f tn My mom had awful heartburn with me and I was born with a full head of hair so black it was almost blue she also had heartburn with my brother and sister and they were both bald
Avatar f tn Wives tale! I had heartburn daily with my first and she was bald until she was almost 2!
2186195 tn?1339430622 I had heartburn like crazy with my first. And at 12 weeks prego they told me she had fuzz on her head. She had alot of dark thick hair at birth. At a month old I was making lil pig tails.
Avatar f tn I had no heartburn the first time and my baby was born with a headfull of hair I have had heartburn this time and maybe this one will have hair to.
Avatar f tn I had no heartburn at all with my daughter and she was born with a ton of hair! This pregnancy I had really bad heartburn in the beginning so we will see if my little guy has hair in about 8 weeks.
Avatar f tn I had very little heartburn with my first and she had a head full of fluffy dark hair lol. My friend had a lot of heartburn and her baby was bald.