
Heartburn while pregnant hair

Common Questions and Answers about Heartburn while pregnant hair


Avatar f tn I'm 19 years old and pregnant with my first baby and never had heartburn a day in my life. But now everytime I eat pizza, chili etc I get get a hurting, burning feeling in my chest and lower throat. Is this heart burn. I know probably sounds like a stupid question but I've never had this before it's hard to explain.
6646587 tn?1391043347 The heartburn and hair correlation has some basis in scientific fact. Increaaed Estrogen levels, which have been linked to hair growth in fetuses, have also been linked to heartburn in expecting mothers. Is it a foolproof way of telling if the baby will have a full head of hair? No. It is slightly more than a wives tail Though.
Avatar f tn Does it really mean she's gonna have a lot of hair? Cuz I have always had heartburn, but this is rediculous!
Avatar f tn I remember my mum telling me she had heartburn really bad when she was pregnant with me and I remember jer having it bad when she was pregnant with my brother and we both were born with full heads of hair.
Avatar f tn Wow, u could actually see hair in the ultrasound?? That's crazy. I hope my baby has hair cuz I've been getting heartburn myself, but didn't see any hair at his 18 wk ultrasound. Think he's was too small at that point..
Avatar f tn an old wives tale states if you have heartburn while pregnant it means your baby will come out with a full head of hair..
9523089 tn?1414211966 My mom had intense heartburn while pregnant with me and I came out with black hair all over. I was a flippin' gorilla! Lol.
Avatar f tn ( so I hope she has hair I bought so many cute bows etc lol
Avatar f tn So is it true if you don't have heart burn while pregnant your baby will. be bald ??
Avatar f tn I just read an article about a study done at John Hopkins, and apparently it is true in most cases that if you have a ton of heartburn while pregnant, you can expect a baby with thick, more than average, hair! Thank God that all this heartburn isn't for nothing!
Avatar f tn I have had heartburn twice ever, and not while pregnant, and my first daughter had a ton of hair. In the hospital everyone was like "you must have has so much heartburn" but nope.
Avatar f tn It is safe to use while pregnant. Also yes I do believe that means baby has a lot of hair. Cause I had it with all 3 of my kids and they all had a lot of hair. I am 26 weeks pregnant with my 4th now. No heartburn yet but I do believe it will here soon.
6363715 tn?1394225781 My first had a head full of hair - ZERO heartburn second bald as hell lol- Severe heartburn this time I have it terribly bad again so we'll see in a couple weeks.
Avatar f tn When I was pregnant with my son I never had heartburn but he came out with a head full of hair so it's just a myth
Avatar f tn It's just a cute myth... I had no heartburn during my first pregnancy and my son came out with a headful of hair. I'm pregnant with my daughter now and I have the worst heartburn sometimes though I'm sure the hair on her head has nothing to do with it.
Avatar f tn m allergic to acetmenaphin(tylenol) which is supposedly the only thing I can take while pregnant. My doctor refuses to write me prescriptions for anything else and tells me to deal with it and there's nothing else like aspirin that I can take. She's very rude. My sister had a baby about a year ago, she's allergic to tylenol as well and her doctor told her other medicines she can take that wouldn't be harmful to the child. She can't remember what they are tho.
Avatar f tn Yes it is heartburn and about the hair I would say no but people belive in loads of things. I get heartburn from iron tablets from hot and spicy food.... from loads of things try not to eat few hours before bed time drink milk or ask doctor to give you some think I have to take it often as wake up with heartburn very often..
Avatar f tn Did you know that if you have heartBurn While You pregnant.
5615074 tn?1378316840 I read that it has been somewhat scientifically proven that heartburn means your baby has hair. Idk if its a lot of hair or just hair in general but I read it in What to expect when expecting.
Avatar f tn Hmm...I'm on the fence about some of these old wives tales but I do believe that some of them are more accurate than not. I've always been told the same tale; however, I was told that the baby would either have a ton of hair or either they would possibly have little to no hair but not completely. bald. Just so happen with my first child (a girl)...
1666434 tn?1325262350 Heartburn can affect some women while pregnant. Do you have trigger foods that bother you? Do you notice certain times when you get heartburn versus other times? What do you do or use to help?
262365 tn?1268508268 d like to add that I have lost two pounds between my 2 wk appointment because also for the past three weeks I have been suffering with acid flux/heartburn very badly. So bad til it makes me skip meals to avoid the heartburn. I also noticed that I wake up feeling nasally; I have to blow my nose (trying to clear my throat), it feels like the back of my throat is filled with mucus. I have not had a cold or virus or any so throat.
6712392 tn?1393708678 a wives regarding the amount of hair is if you see a mouse (which I did) while pregnant... there actually is a correlation between heartburn and a lot of hair... I had heartburn my 1st pregnancy and my daughter came out with a full head of hair...
8824415 tn?1409177244 Lol what's your race? A friend of mine had really bad heart burn and her daughter was born with no hair bald headed like a man and she's a black girl. Now when I was pregnant with both my girls I had heart burn with both and they were born with heads full of hair. I'm also pregnant with another girl and have heart burn.. I pray she to has hair. But I guess its just a myth or it could be true idk.
7159675 tn?1397442207 I been having crazy heartburn sine I got pregnant and im 28 week's does this mean that my baby will have alot of hair
Avatar f tn Its very normal to have heartburn the more pregnant you get. And just because you have heartburn there is no medical proof that your baby will have hair. Its a50/50 chance just like what gender you will have...
Avatar f tn Does having acid reflux/heartburn mean your baby will have a lot of hair?