
Flaxseed meal for weight loss

Common Questions and Answers about Flaxseed meal for weight loss


Avatar f tn Try flaxseed meal. There is a brand called Bob's Red Mill that is already ground. If you live in an area that has a Trader Joe's store, that's a great place to get it. They sell the product cheaper than anyone else I know of. Other places will have it, too. I have seen it at grocery store chains in my own area. You can also find it at natural food stores or co-ops. I would try Trader Joes first, though. The beauty of flaxseed meal is that it is an actual food fiber.
Avatar m tn I think taking the fiber supplement is correct, because this sounds like the colon spasming. There is a gentler fiber that I have found to be less irritating to the gut. This is flaxseed meal. I read of a woman who said that she used it much like one uses Metamucil and drinks it down first thing in the morning and last thing at night and has done so for years. Taking psyllium fiber (the main ingredient in Metamucil) wasn't helpful for her bowel troubles, but the flaxseed meal was.
962905 tn?1247147215 What are the best choices when it comes to fruits for weight loss? The healthiest options will be the lower calorie, low carb fruits, although even higher calorie fruits such as the banana are a far better alternative than most snacks found in a vending machine. One of the best fruit choices is the apple. Apples are not only low in calories and relatively low in carbs, they're also high in pectin, a natural ingredient similar to fiber, which helps to promote satiety.
Avatar f tn I used flax seed meal for helping me keep my weight up, putting it into smoothies, oatmeal, etc. It makes wonderful cornbread. Check out this post: http://www.medhelp.
Avatar f tn Then, when I reached my target weight, I adopted a maintenance program which consists of 2 meals every day, and replace1 meal with a “diet shake”... protein bars for between-meal snacks. Be careful... not all meal-replacement products are equal.
Avatar n tn Has anyone used flaxseed oil for the 20g's of fat. I thought if I mixed it with a fruit smoothy it would be tolerable and I also found a flavored flaxseed oil but that was pretty expensive. I want to try to use the "good" fat for protease inhibitor. This anti-depressant already has me eating like crazy. I start this Friday Yikes!!
Avatar f tn I joined a gym and exercised for a year but did not lose a single pound. I am a vegetarian. I diet but instead of losing weight, owing to heavy workout and strength training I got slip disk in L4 and L5. I was on complete bed rest. Ever since I have put on weight. I joined a slimming program but there also instead of losing eight I gained 9 pounds. I have tried everything. I do not have thyroid. My PCOS tests were also normal. Still I cannot lose weight.
Avatar f tn The dark chocolate is a good source of magnesium. I take flaxseed oil capsules 1000 mg twice a day. I don't take it with the evening meal, however, or it gives me dreams. I know yams are something my mom used to fix us for pms/period symptoms. Pumpkin seeds I was told is a good source of those omega 3 fatty acids, which is good for inflammation and mood.
2019518 tn?1328532621 your body seems to adapt to one program and compensate so you literally need to fool it by switching around. Also for weight loss cardio is a must... throw in a 10-20 minute walk before or after your sessions...
Avatar f tn ll get use to it. Eat a healthy meal replacement shake if eating all the time is too hard for you. You can do it!
Avatar n tn As I mentioned in response to your other question. . . . . flaxseed is recommended for eye problems and specifically for dry eye. I buy the liquid gels and also grind whole flaxseed and mix it into a healthy smoothie drink. (Obviously, the flaxseed is to be taken orally--never directly to the eye!
Avatar f tn With flaxseed meal, you can even add just a small portion of the amount you will be using for the whole day with each meal, so that you're also not eating it all at once, which might be helpful when you have such a sensitive system. Don't forget that you must drink plenty of water with any kind of fiber and with gastro problems, for that matter.
Avatar f tn s great to be a healthy weight for so many things, lowering risk factors for serious health problems!
Avatar f tn I'd first consider just adding another healthy meal. Most shakes doctors know about aren't particularly healthy. You can make your own, but to play it safe I'd try using rice protein as the base -- most shakes are either dairy or soy and they are both common allergens and many people don't tolerate them well.
723842 tn?1231534472 Try eating some protein and fiber with each meal because it takes longer for the body to break them down so you will feel fuller longer. Don't cut your calories too much or your body will go into "starvation mode" and hang onto any extra weight. There are numerous web sites that will assist you with calculating the # of calories you need each day just to maintain your weight, then in order to lose, you will need to create a deficit by eating less and using more calories.
Avatar f tn I agree that you should have some protein (as well as fat and complex carbs) with every meal. The fruit salad is probably not such a good idea for every meal/snack, because fruit contains a lot of sugar, even though it's a natural sugar. When you eat things with that much sugar, it causes your blood sugar to spike, which in turn causes your pancreas to pump out insulin. Whatever sugar you don't use up right away, is shuttled by the insulin, right into fat cells.
Avatar f tn This works to lose weight if one is too fat (as a meal replacement) and will cause weight gain for those that are too thin. Contrary to what some might think, weight bearing ie weight lifting, builds muscle mass and increases weight also. This does not mean you need to look like a male body builder, but it does help with weight gain. I assume you do not want unhealthy fat gain. BTW, dietary fat has been shown to NOT cause weight gain for those trying to gain weight.
Avatar n tn So many people assume that in order to lose weight, they have to constantly do strenuous exercise....And in reality, this isn’t the case either. Now, to understand how exercise effects weight-loss, you have to understand how your body creates energy, and there are only 2 ways it does it. One is by burning fat and the other is by burning blood sugar, or glucose. Even when you’re not doing anything strenuous your body still burns fat. It’s known as “Resting Metabolic Rate.
1302038 tn?1439575232 Good Idea's ladys I am gonna try weight loss for idiots plan on Friday sounds promising :)
Avatar n tn ve been giving her a pinch of flaxseed meal in her food each day, as the omega fatty acids found in flax oil i supposed to help w/inflammation. I think maybe it also helped when I vacuumed the sheep wool rug she was sleeping on in the winter & cleaned up a lot of the dust in the area where she sleeps.
Avatar m tn My nutritionalist tells me to do as much cardio as possible, its the best in shedding weight, but as a man i think adding weights once or twice a week will help tramedously as well as it will help tone as u loose the weight and aid in the weight loss. her tips..
Avatar f tn You're looking to lose almost 30 pounds in 1.5 months and that's almost impossible to do safely. Safe weight loss is 1-2 pounds/week, so that means the most you should plan on losing is about 10-14 pounds. There's no reason why you shouldn't get started, though. The first thing you should do is eliminate sodas or other fizzy, sugary drinks from your diet, along with sugary, processed foods.
Avatar m tn They are usually helpful if you want to lose a significant amount of weight, are preparing for weight-loss surgery or are at risk for health problems due to excess weight. It is advisable to consult a qualified doctor before opting for this diet because not all people can tolerate it. These diets are again associated with their own adverse effects. Most people regain the weight they lost while dieting as they start taking same diet.