
Fibromyalgia pain horse

Common Questions and Answers about Fibromyalgia pain horse


Avatar f tn Hi, Fibromyalgia can cause chronic deep muscle pain. There are many ways to decrease this muscle pain and one of them is water exercises or water aerobic. Warm water will be very comforting. The exercise will increase the blood flow to the muscles and tendons and thereby decrease the pain. http://www.webmd.
390388 tn?1279636213 One possible symptom of fibromyalgia is Costochondritis. You can also have pain in your sternum from this. If you have spoken to your doctor and they have ruled out all possible serious diagnoses then I would almost feel assured that it is fibro.
Avatar f tn Two years ago, the problem started as what I thought was a severe charlie horse. That problem persisted and the muscles tightened to the point that my calf muscles both ripped. My legs were bruised from the knee down and I couldn't walk for several weeks. Once that problem healed, I didn't have any issues until this past month. The muscles started again with the charlie horse feeling and have been continually tightening ever since.
391038 tn?1298737386 It sometimes wakes me up and feels like a burning pain yet almost like a charlie horse. It is not an excruciating pain but it is quite worrisome. I have not yet been diagnosed with fibromyalgia but it has been suggested by my doctor. I also have crazy pains in my shoulder around my clavicle and up my neck that comes and goes. Does this have anything to do with fibromyalgia? My knees hurt off and on. It seems like my pain migrates from place to place from day to do.
6884955 tn?1385764210 It sounds like menopause, but it's important to have your thyroid checked periodically as it can go bad at the same time.
Avatar f tn It was the most intense pain in my joints and it felt like my whole entire body was in one big charle horse. Then one day after a prayer for a miracle the thrush left my mouth and the pain went away. I still have all the muscle weekness and join soreness but not the intense charlie horse pain I had. My doc thinks its fibromyalgia, put me on lyrica, did not work at all! He refuses to help me with the pain so just quit taking anything and left it up to the higher power.
Avatar f tn People with Fibromyalgia often use Lyrica, which is also used for nerve pain associated with Fibromyalgia.
Avatar f tn ve had intermittent left upper abdominal pain that ranges from a sharp, pinching pain to an aching pain (anywhere from 3-8 on pain scale) I do not have any heartburn with this pain. The area where the pain is located is also sometimes quite tender to the touch. Some intermittent nausea as well - no fever. No change in bowel habits from "my norm". No changes in any medications. Pain does not "travel" anywhere such as back, neck, other areas of abdomen, etc.
Avatar f tn could this be causing it ( i have no prior incidents of this) or am I lacking in potassium (could it possibly be the lack of that or something else?). after the cramping goes down, the pain (muslce pain) remains throughout the day! please advise and thank you, thank you!
Avatar n tn Last fall I was having symptoms (very hyped up, hard heart beat, sweating, hot, wieght loss, nervousness) that finally led to testing and found out I have hyperthyroid -Graves Disease. I have been taking Methimazole since right before Christmas - about 6 months. I have done well on it, and not had to deal with too many side effects. Throughout all of this, I am typically very warm, and night time is the worst with VERY bad night sweats.
Avatar f tn Good morning all. I saw my primary care physician on Wednesday and got some surprising news. Ladies look into all the medications that you are currently taking. I too was experiencing pain in my arms, shoulders and legs that felt as if I had been working out for days. When I spoke to my doctor about this he told me that the medicine I was taking for my Cholesterol, Lipitor, was known for muscle pain. Great to know I spent $70 plus each month to make myself hurt a little more.
Avatar f tn Hi I have had had this problem with pain in my body since being knocked down by a horse 6 1/2 years ago, finally diagnosed with fibromyalgia 2 years ago. I also started having extreme foot pain 2 years ago, cannot exercise like I have always done. The pain in my hips in legs while trying to sleep at night has been horrible. All I take is ibubrofren and a half of Percocet when I am desperate. I don't want to get addicted to pain medication. Is there a pain med.
Avatar n tn What can be done about the chronic Fibromyalgia pain when I am allergic to pain medicines or the pain relievers do not give relief.
Avatar f tn I have been diagnosed with fibromyalgia and myofascial pain syndrome in the past, but I am not sure that my symptoms fit either diagnosis because the pain I experience is in the form of seemingly relentless charley horse-type cramps. They can occur in my chest or mid to upper back or shoulders.
Avatar f tn I have found that Fibromyalgia now for 6 years, and find this to be the absolute worse of all the pain. I am on Cymbaltia and find the pain relief for the pain so so. I have tryed Lyrica and even though I got relief I ate like a horse. I have tryed also tryed Stella I believe its called and it made me so depressed I felt I was dying. I wondered if any Fibro patients have any suggestions on different medications that have worked for you.
Avatar f tn Like she said drink LOTS of water and try eating a banana
529159 tn?1224991026 s been three days and the pain in my arms feel like a charley horse, and hurts to the touch. My Doctor rolls her eyes up every time I tell her something new. With only Gabapentin and cyclobenzaprine, and Doxepin for sleep ( which does'nt work when these cramps hit). My last visit the Doctor suggested counseling. Good luck. Oh and SSI has refuted my disability claim as well, stating fibro is not disabling.
Avatar f tn I take Opana ER which is an extended release pain med and I take percocet for breakthru pain. I also take Lyrica for nerve pain, Trazadone and Flexeril at night to help with sleep and muscle spasms, and I am on Zoloft and bloodpressure meds. I went a long time with no pain meds then to Tramadol then to Lortab, etc.... I have very high pain levels on a daily basis plus I have a high tolerance to meds so the weaker ones never worked well for me.
Avatar f tn t really sound much like fibromyalgia pain - that pain is typically widespread and not just in one area (although certain areas can feel worse at times than other areas). It also usually affects both sides of the body pretty equally. It sounds more like maybe a shoulder injury (have you fallen or stretched your shoulder at all? heavy lifting?) I could also be a pleuritic type pain (inflammation of the area around the lungs).
Avatar f tn I'm 29 weeks prego and this morning while stretching in bed I got a charlie horse in my left leg. Oh my gosh it was the most painful experience I had during this pregnant yet. Has anyone else experience a charlie house during their pregnancy?
8856671 tn?1404143983 Put ur feet down flat on the ground. You dont have to Stand up. It stops mine totally!
Avatar n tn I suffer from fibromyalgia and neurophy daily. When the pain is severe I can hardly stand it. Are there any new approaches to this condition. I am taking vicoden, cymbalta, pamelor and neurotyn?