Fibromyalgia upper quadrant pain

Common Questions and Answers about Fibromyalgia upper quadrant pain


Avatar f tn The liver, stomach, gallbladder, pancreas and lung disease can all radiate pain in the upper right quadrant. Upper right quadrant pain should not be ignored, since it can indicate serious disease. Make an appointment to see your gastroenterologist to diagnose the cause of the pain. Good luck.
Avatar n tn Has anyone had both right upper quadrant pain and left upper quadrant pain with SOD? This discussion is related to <a href=''>upper right quadrant pain after gallbladder removal</a>.
Avatar m tn Could be anything, including IBS, My own experience has been to have pain in the upper left quadrant versus the lower left quadrant on occasion.
Avatar n tn Is this just on one side? You definitely need to go see your doctor for an evaluation. There are several things that could be responsible for this. Examples include, endometriosis, gallbladder pain (although that is often upper quadrant pain, it 'can' radiate there), gall stones, kidney stones, IBS, a UTI, fibromyalgia, celiac disease, diverticulitis, https://www.healthline.
Avatar f tn however, I have severe burning, grabbing pain in my upper right quadrant that radiates to my lower right back. Exercise (walking, bending, etc.) exacerbates the problem. My surgeon made mention of polymyocitis. I have had a history of fibromyalgia that presented first after a laparotomy to remove a serous cyst adenoma.
Avatar f tn i have a pain in my upper right quadrant, it feels like right below my ribs. and when i get this pain it's usually right after eating or especially when its really greasy foods. now i've been having these pains off and on for a while, almost a year. and when it gets too uncomfortable at times, i massage the area, which relieves it alittle, but never completely goes away. when i feel around, i've noticed little lumps, and when i apply pressure, it pains right on the lump.
4001578 tn?1353606689 from last month or more than that i have been feeling burning sensation in the upper left quadrant , epigastrium , in axilla and pain in left shoulder , spine of scapula , in left arm ! My resting pulse rate is more than 100 .. it ranges between 100 to 125 .. My systolic pressure in normal and diasolic pressur is incresed above 80 ! and sometimes having fever sometime not also having headache mostly all the time and also suffering from insomia any diagnosis ?
Avatar n tn Besides the liver, the pancreas stretches from the right upper to left upper quadrant and the pain is usually felt deep as your describing. Ask your Dr. to check for pancreatitis. Stomach issues also cause URQ pain such as Gastritis, Peptic Ulcers, and Gastroenteritis. Ask for an H-Pilory breath test to rule that out. Are there any other symptoms other than pain? Do you experience nausea ? Does it get worse with eating? A little more description will help rule out things.
Avatar f tn Upper right quadrant pain and now upper left quadrant pain too as well as side right pain abd right abd left back pain. Nails look pale! Had several tests all normal.
Avatar f tn I have upper LEFT quadrant pain which I notice in the middle of the night. This has been going on for a couple of years and wondering if anyone else has these syptoms. Sometimes the pain is extremely sharp that I very slowing turn to the other side for relief. Know what this could be? Usually the pain subsides, then I can go back to sleep. Last night, I had to get up because of the intense pain.
463897 tn?1468013750 (a circle of 5 or 6 small bruises) I also have tenderness in the right upper quadrant (cholecystectomy in 07), with occasional severe cramping, nauseating symptoms. I am currently on plaquinel, nexium 2x/daily, and astepro nasal spray. I also take tylenol arthritis for pain. What could possibly be going on?
Avatar n tn I just experienced a problem with upper right quadrant pain and back pain. It ended up being a gallstone that was lodged in there, even though I did not have a gallbladder. I hope you get to the doctor and have them check it out as it could be a number of things causing the issue. I know it's painful so please call the doctor. Let us know what happens.
Avatar n tn My LFT was normal. I have right upper quadrant pain, the doctor performed a sigmoidoscopy and was normal. I am wondering if the pain is related to fatty liver or gall bladder problems. I am around 215 pounds and am working on reducing weight.
Avatar f tn If there is gall bladder dyskinesia, you should be having fatty food intolerance and sometimes pain in the right upper quadrant if there is evidence of gall stones or inflammation of the gall bladder. If due to non-functionality of the gall bladder, there is stasis of bile, it could predispose to gall stone formation. Hope this helped and do keep us posted.
Avatar f tn Back pain is generally not a HBV symptoms. Pain or discomfort in the upper-right quadrant has been experienced by many Hepatitis B patients, they come and go, doctors have not clear explanation.
Avatar n tn Hello~Causes of left upper quadrant pain include dyspepsia (ulcers, gastritis, esophagitis), pancreatitis, or splenic diseases. You could have a touch of the flu starting too. If pains persists or gets worse, I would see your family physician.
Avatar n tn When leaving the hospital I would get this awful pain in my right upper quadrant, it felt like someone was squeezing my insides. No, 9 months later I get it off and on if I lay on my right side for too long at night, I also occasionally get it laying on my left side. It starts with a sensation of cold water being poored on the right or left upper quadrant of my abdomen then slowly progresses into the squeezing pain until I switch sides. Any ideas?
Avatar n tn When leaving the hospital I would get this awful pain in my right upper quadrant, it felt like someone was squeezing my insides. Now, 9 months later, I get it off and on if I lay on my right side for too long at night, I also occasionally get it laying on my left side. It starts with a sensation of cold water being poored on the right or left upper quadrant of my abdomen then slowly progresses into the squeezing pain until I switch sides. Any ideas?
Avatar m tn Upper right quadrant pain can mean a lot of different things. Many having nothing to do with the liver. Still, go ahead and get re-tested to avoid the crazy "what if?" game.
Avatar m tn I too have the same problems. Before treatment and eot everything I went to the dr they said it was a pulled muscle. Had just about everything done and no one knew or could give me an answer to what it was. I'm still clueless as to what is causing it. Maybe things will change after 6 months but who knows.