
Fibromyalgia fibro fog

Common Questions and Answers about Fibromyalgia fibro fog


710094 tn?1229308706 It sounds beyond fibro fog to me. I think you should see your doctor RIGHT AWAY and make sure you tell them exactly as you did here. I don't want to scare you, but I think sometimes us fibro patients have a tendency to blow everything off as Fibro related, and we do need to listen to our bodies for other things as well. Please let us know how you're doing. Take care and be careful.
Avatar f tn To me, and again, my opinion only. The brain fog comes from the medications taken for fibro. A lot of people use 2-3 different things for certain symptoms, to me (my opinion only), that would be a cause for the "brain fog" so many complain about. I take only OTC, (everyone is different) aleve & tylenol for my aches. It works for me. Have you thought about CBT for your insomnia? Cognitive Behavioral Thearpy.
Avatar f tn I had chiari decompression surgery @ the University of Miami in 2004. I also have fibromyalgia. The symptoms I'm about to describe confuse me as to which is causing it. I have episodes of sever brain fog mixed with poor motor skills. I have the normal fibro pain all over which I don't think has any relation to chiari. Can anyone please help me.
326947 tn?1252591233 In some people the fog is worse than in others. From what I have read from people who have have fibro, the fog is worse in people who have a more severe case of CFS than it is in people whose CFS is on the milder side, but everyone who has fibro has a fog to some degree. Fibro can make your life totally miserable, that's for sure.
Avatar m tn B-Complex (great for your mood) and Omega 3-6-9 (improves concentration/mostly dissolves my fibro fog.
1184051 tn?1264435308 You know what...I think I am suffering from "fibro fog" tonight...I am guessing they did an MRI of your brain right??? Also, are you suffering from body aches or pains in your body too, or just fatigue and headaches??? Let me know. Ok hun.
Avatar f tn I have Fibromyalgia and "foot in mouth" disease from "Fibro fog". Drinking Green Tea seems to help some. But there are days when what I say doesn't come out quite right... Seems to be because the body is in fight or flight mode at all times and our brains can't engage in regular conversation. We either speak too fast and step on our tongues, or speak slowly and say the wrong words.... Only thing that works on my pain is Naproxen.
Avatar n tn // Pain with skin and pressure points can indeed be a sign of fibromyalgia. Please stop back and give us an update.
Avatar f tn One study found 93% with unexplained bone and muscle pain were deficient in vitamin D. Vitamin D council recommend vitamin D levels to be between 50 - 80ng/mL or 125 - 200nmol/L year round. Excerpt from Sage Medical Laboratory - "Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome": "Identifying fibromyalgia without a diagnosis of chronic fatigue would mean the patient probably does not have fibromyalgia. Now if it is fibromyalgia, it is a very debilitating disorder.
Avatar f tn There are several members here that have MS and Fibro. I am one of those. I was dx'd with fibro for 15 years, untill 5 weeks ago when I ended up getting dx's with MS I have not had the opportunity to ask my nero if my old doctors could have made a misdiagnosis. so much else to deal with right now. I know one person that has had MS for years and had Been Dx'd with Fibro for only the last four years so she has both.
Avatar f tn Hello~I would ask your doctor about fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue, both can cause the brain fog. Fibro is diagnosed by pressing different "trigger points" I think chronic fatigue is diagnosed via blood work.
Avatar m tn It is well know that forgetting things, not remembering things as before and just feel blah is called FIBRO FOG. I have had fibromyalgia for 16 years and I still am not used to the forgetfulness. I find myself looking for the words to finish the sentence. So in answer to your question, it is normal. I also have rhuematoid arthritis and breast cancer survivor. Good luck and go to the library and get some books on Fibro. it was very helpful for me and gives you alot of info.
Avatar m tn Now that I think back, and somedays that is very difficult as my brains cognitive abilities are decreased to what alot of docs and patients call a fibro fog. Sometimes the increased nerve activity and pain cause difficulties for the brain to process correctly and at times I even have difficulties with speech. Lyrica (nerve pain med) is often helpful for fibro, but need to find her a good doctor that first believes in fibro becuz there r lots of docs who dont....
4074293 tn?1351896693 Hey folks, I was wondering if any of the fibro patients have been on Lyrica and how well it worked or didn't work. I have started this drug and so far the only thing I've noticed is that I am 90% more tired, and mentally slow. I'm just looking to see if anyone had luck with it as far as pain. Thanks!
Avatar f tn My sed rate is also high but RA and Lupus test came back negative. Doew this sound like arthritus or fibromyalgia? Any comments would be greatly appreciated This discussion is related to <a href='/posts/show/1231071'>fibromyalgia with inflamation</a>.
Avatar n tn Neurofeedback can improve symptoms in some. Consult your neurologist since the cause for brain fog appears to be fibromyalgia in your situation. Take care.
Avatar f tn I've been concerned about the way the medical community is handling fibromyalgia and CFS patients. I used to work in the healthcare field and still have many friends who are still in the field. One of my friends works for a physician and she still doesn't believe that fibro is real ! She thinks that CFS is real, but still dismisses fibro. Even though I don't have fibro myself (at least not primary fibro), I told her that she was wrong.
Avatar m tn What other medication is out there? It is so hard to get up in the moring because of the pain I have to crawl to the shower to have the warm water loosen me so I can do my fibro stretches in order to function. I have read some of the people who take narcs for the pain. Are you aware that narcs can make it worse? There have to be some other medication out there to help with fibro without the side effects of narcs.
Avatar f tn There is no true inflammation going on in true fibro so tests for inflammation are normal. Fibro would not respond to prednisone as it is an antinflammatory and there is no inflammation in true fibro. There are overlapping symptoms like dry eyes etc.. between the two conditions. The best site I have found regarding fibro is if you would like to learn more about it. I am not a doctor. I have done lots of reading trying to figure out what I have though.
Avatar n tn I am so happy that you wrote what you did! I was dx with fibro in 1985. I suffered three head injuries, two of which were concussions. After the second head injury, I started with stiffening episodes. I was a school teacher. As I would hand out papers my arm would get in a position that set off stiffening of my right arm muscles ending in a claw hand. The muscles would burn and hurt like crazy. The papers would fall to the floor.
Avatar f tn I have fms & I do have a major "FIBRO FOG" and wanted to know if I will ever get my memory back? I want to go back to work but, how can I when I can not remember I even get lost when I drive! I tell my primary and R.A. dr's. but they do nothing to help me can't they @ least x-ray/mri/eeg my brain? Is there no cure for this? I have no control of my flare ups I understand that but, my memory needs major help!
Avatar n tn I was diagnosed with toxo and fibro as well. Once my doctor cleared the toxo the fibro went away. I am happy to say that I have been pain free for 6 years.
Avatar f tn I have taken lyrica and had to wean myself off. The doctor just kept raising the dosage and things just got worse. While lyrica works for some it doesn't for others. I had more pain while taking than I do now and the fibro fog was just unbelievable. I couldn't handle that at all. Give it a while to get into your system and then if it still does not do you well then wean yourself off of it.
908504 tn?1269103899 I have Fibromyalgia and horrible pelvic pain. My doctor just startedd me on Savella. Does anyone have any experiences with this new med they want to share with me?
684200 tn?1227462774 OH! this explains SO MUCH!!! Your Fibro is what is causing your problems!!! I also have this problem and it can be really bad! I have lost so much strength myself, many people think they have MS with Fibro, it can be that bad. Do you write on the Fibro Forum? If not, you should; you will find many people on there that are going through the same things you are. You should be followed by a Rhuematologist for Fibromyalgia. I also take Lyrica and can't tolerate it hardly at all.
Avatar f tn Is there an effective way to treat acne for those with fibromyalgia? My dermatologists have tried quite the variety of treatments for the acne with no success. The acne isn't cystic, but a bit more problematic than mild acne. Also, a sulfa allergy limits that option for treatment. Current regimen includes Azelex (for redness and inflammation) and Tretinoin. I'm curious if there is an effective treatment that takes the fibromyalgia into consideration.
Avatar f tn I have Fibromyalgia and Bulging/Herniated Discs in my Neck, and Many other Health Issues as you can see in my profile! First of all if you have Fibromyalgia there is something called the Fibro Fog, where you have a hard time concentrating and verbalizing! I personally think the most Prominent Symptom of Fibro is the Pain.