Fibromyalgia symptoms brain fog

Common Questions and Answers about Fibromyalgia symptoms brain fog


Avatar n tn Those symptoms strongly suggest that part of your mind is preoccupied with something that is not on the surface, something you are not looking at squarely, and this is causing you anxiety symptoms ( brain fog). You can treat the anxiety with anti anxiety medications or with psychotherapy, or best of all, a combination of the two.
Avatar f tn To me, and again, my opinion only. The brain fog comes from the medications taken for fibro. A lot of people use 2-3 different things for certain symptoms, to me (my opinion only), that would be a cause for the "brain fog" so many complain about. I take only OTC, (everyone is different) aleve & tylenol for my aches. It works for me. Have you thought about CBT for your insomnia? Cognitive Behavioral Thearpy.
Avatar m tn I have the same symptoms... but without changes in months. I suffer from brain fog daily. It starts in 30 minutes after waking up, in the afternoon it calms down a bit and dissapear after a short sleep (15-20min). I was going thru this the last 2 years, doctors dont know what to do, whats the matter...
1394098 tn?1385960134 I think that symptoms like "brain fog", and others such as gastrointestinal irritation, salivary gland and eye inflammation (pseudo-sjogrens), muscle pain and joint aches can ALL be characteristic of HCV infection. How many symptoms one has, and how severe, probably has to do with how each person's immune system uniquely deals with the virus.
Avatar f tn I had chiari decompression surgery @ the University of Miami in 2004. I also have fibromyalgia. The symptoms I'm about to describe confuse me as to which is causing it. I have episodes of sever brain fog mixed with poor motor skills. I have the normal fibro pain all over which I don't think has any relation to chiari. Can anyone please help me.
Avatar n tn Neurofeedback can improve symptoms in some. Consult your neurologist since the cause for brain fog appears to be fibromyalgia in your situation. Take care.
710094 tn?1229308706 Take omega 3 fish and flax oils and gingko biloba along with good b vitamins / multivitamins . Brain fog is common in chronic pain conditions . Also try to avoid wheat completely for few days and see it helps (wheat gluten allergy) , Take lots of rest , I am taking cymbalta and it has helped me with pain and brain function . Never loose hope , we are in this together , you will feel better soon . I was reading reviews of a product called IMMUNE26 made from egg powder .
1687031 tn?1359653615 as a result, i have suffered with chronic fatigue, low energy, and brain frog (among many other symptoms). i am a mother and a college student and obviously these symptoms are not conducive to either role...ugh! i am tired of relying on prescription drugs to treat my symptoms and am in search of some healthy alternatives. any suggestions?
1184051 tn?1264435308 /or RA and when I told him my symptoms he said they were all due to fibromyalgia. It really made me mad that he wouldn't take them seriously and didn't even want to treat me for fibro. I'm going to press my family doctor to start a treatment regimen.
Avatar f tn It lasts up to 2 days each time and symptoms are not the usual hives, sickness or diarrhoea but a hangover/morning sickness, nausea, brain fog, poisoned feeling through my veins and my eyes go yellow. I’ve ruled out : fibromyalgia, bad gut health, menopause, mental health and anxiety as I’ve tried treatments for most but no luck.
Avatar m tn sounds like chronic fatigue syndrome and the " brain-fog" usually present in fibromyalgia patients. as for the unbalanced and dizzy feeling it could be inner-ear trouble (vertigo) try a low carb high protein diet for the fatigue. if the dizzy spells get worse see a doctor . you might also try dramamine or bonine normally used over the counter for motion sickness.
Avatar f tn Like Phtartist above, fatigue is low on my list of symptoms. I also do not have the brain fog, but definately feel that I have fibromyalgia after many years with all over body pain as well as the many other diseases that typically accompany fibromyalgia due to the central nervous system being on high alert. And according to the lead researcher, Dr. Clawson at the University of Michigan, he was emphatic that fibromyalgia is NOT greater in women.
1168938 tn?1327154232 Joint issues, muscles pains, sleepless nights, depression, cognitive issues, brain fog, always tired, IBS, Gerd, cramps in hands, hips and feet, temperature varies from boiling hot to cold, weakness in muscles and twitching, difficulty walking I'm unsteady on my feet and that's just a few of my symptoms. I also have reflex/startle myoclonus and spinal myoclonus which seems to be the thing the doctors talk about and they tend to ignore my other symptoms.
Avatar f tn Hello~I would ask your doctor about fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue, both can cause the brain fog. Fibro is diagnosed by pressing different "trigger points" I think chronic fatigue is diagnosed via blood work.
Avatar n tn Lymes disease or Infectious mycoplasmas. Symptoms right up that alley (total symptoms are all over body). Muscle aches? RA symptoms? endometriosis or hysterectomy? "brain fog"? stinging eye pain, ankle/shin pain? research and search Autoimune Illness and Mycoplasmas. also research ILADS to have proper Lyme testing done w/ IGENEX labs for Borrelia Burgdorfer and coinfections of Bartonella, Babesia, Ehrlichia, Rickesettia.
Avatar f tn Other causes are adrenal exhaustion, food and chemical reactions, nutritional deficiencies, stress, depression, or conditions like Fibromyalgia. Treatment for brain fog depends on its causes. In some cases, treating illnesses or injuries may help. In other cases, counseling and meditation may prove more beneficial. Some people may find relief simply by getting more rest, eating a balanced diet, and getting adequate exercise. Please try the self care measures.
Avatar f tn One night I woke up and had terrible ear/jaw pain especially when opening my mouth. Shortly after, I had an onset of brain fog symptoms -- I just feel out of it, a little woozy and disoriented. Besides the ear pain, my head does not hurt. Furthermore, since these symptoms occurred, I have been feeling a bit of neck and upper back discomfort. I went to a nurse at my school and she mentioned that I have a little bit of fluid in the side with the ear/jaw pain.
2128874 tn?1335442182 My reactions always entail widespread sharp muscle pain (I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia), extreme fatigue, brain fog, depressed mood (this is very serious...). Sometimes the reactions entail tremors and abdominal pain. I think I've always had these symptoms to an extent, but perhaps, they've worsened with academic pressures and age. Is the solution simply pinpointing and removing certain foods from my diet or is there a name for this?
Avatar f tn Oh yeah good old fellow brain i hate it.i just went out eating and all these noises and voices are just putfing me into this bubble.i feel i dont live in reality am not able to have conversations or think clear...its typical for chiari...nobody who has not have this can understand what we are going thru just every single day...
Avatar m tn Help! I have had a "hazey feeling" behind my forehead that for 13 years, but I took Klonopin 2 mg and the symptoms went away. The KLonopin stopped working 8 months ago and the "brain fog" has been so bad thsat I lost my job and attempted suicide. I need help fast. I have had all the test possible: eeg, mris, Cts, etc. all negative. I can't concentrate, it is hard to talk, hard to think, please help.
Avatar m tn I have it as part of my Lyme Disease and Bartonella so I know how frustrating it is. Of course infections and autoimmune disorders come with other symptoms, so if brain fog is your only symptom, you might try researching some nutritional or environmental possibilities.
Avatar n tn recently ive started having trouble concentrating on almost everything and have a habit of zoning out, so my mindset is essentially one thats on cruise contrtol. my forte is writing and i think brain fog has in fact made me a very good writer, but ive suffered in other areas of school due to the fact that i dont have the drive or the attention span to do the work. what should i do?
Avatar n tn chronic pain in muscles and joints, ataxia, numbness in hands, feet and skin, fatigue and weakness, tremors, migraines, brain fog, chest pain (heart is fine with exception of tachycardia and arrhythmias), chronic tendonitis, and light, sound, temperature sensitivity. I have celiac disease and hashimotos. Fibro was ruled out as I didn't have the pressure points. After years of finding no answers, I begin to wonder if something was ruled out prematurely.
Avatar m tn Ive been back to the er and have got the same test and like last time they came back negative.(Symptoms).........Brain fog feeling like i have a constant ears feel like they are stuffy..i feel like im drunk or stoned...i feel like im in another world...its like im living in a plastic ball...So I was wondering if it was anyone that could shine sum light on my situation.
2114131 tn?1399240871 Sorry you are getting headaches and more brain fog. What condition is your liver in? As the previous poster said, you need to treat your hep c asap. The sooner you are cured of the virus, the sooner your liver will begin to repair itself. I hope you are seeing a hepatologist who will treat your symptoms and put you on the best treatment for your geno type. Good luck.
Avatar f tn You have stiff neck? RA symptoms? Chronic hadaches? stomach and bowell issues? ovarian cysts or a hysterstomy? brain "fog", vertigo, anxiety? If so your Fibro might be in fact a mycoplasma infection or possibly Lymes. Can you give me a full report of your symptoms? Search and look under AI diseases/chronic illness.
Avatar m tn The tender points are one of the defining symptoms of FMS, along with muscle pain and brain fog. I have all 18 of the tender points, but they are not always sensitive to the touch; it usually depends on the quality of sleep I get (the two are very closely related). Your best bet is to go find a very understanding, very open-minded doctor who can help you sort out your symptoms.
1015372 tn?1253074011 Earlier this year (prior to discovering I had active hepatitis B), I began treatment for ADD and depression ... as I was becoming increasingly distressed about my inability to concentrate, focus, or organize any part of my life. I still feel as though I'm always just getting by ... trying not to let things fall through the cracks (i.e., paying bills on time, doing laundry, keeping up w/my billable hours (I'm an attorney), etc.).