
Estrogen surge

Common Questions and Answers about Estrogen surge


1545670 tn?1302258058 I was told to stop taking OPK after a positive because it can also pick up estrogen and you get a rise in estrogen at the very end of your cycle. So, maybe the first was LH surge and now this is the estrogen. Hope that makes sense. I switched to the digital too to make sure that I knew when I got my +opk and that helped a lot. Good luck!
Avatar m tn s the result of a secondary estrogen surge. I read that---if my memory serves---in Taking Charge of Your Fertility. Is this cm coinciding with a waking temperature dip? It always would, for me, and I think that's another signal the estrogen surge is happening.
1386765 tn?1451164337 Can EWCM mean anything other than estrogen surge around ovulation? I have had it for 7 days straight now and I am on CD 26 so i usually expect AF in a couple days. I'm not sure if I'm ovulating late, which is possible as I was stressed out a bit. I am just surprised it is lasting sooooo long. Please give any thoughts as I'm very confused and can't find anything online.
Avatar n tn It is hard to predict. The higher levels of estrogen may promote the midcycle LH surge, which is what urine OPKs look for. If this happens, the surge might come a couple of days earlier. This is called positive feedback. On the other hand, the higher estrogen levels my inhibit LH (this is called negative feedback) delaying the surge. You will need to test for ovulation to find out.
320424 tn?1205500555 Estrogen is responsible for low temps and we get a surge of it when we get our Lh surge. Fertility Monitors register the estrogen surge, too. It is what causes that dip just b4 o. Not all women see it. If your temp shoots up and stays elevated, that is what it was. Good luck!
Avatar n tn s insulin levels, which in turn promotes estrogen production. Is there any conclusive science that the medical community is aware of, on any of this?If some sugar (refined or otherwise) can be safely consumed, i.e. "in moderation," what does moderation mean?How much is okay?
1545464 tn?1376704158 I was actually a may-june cycle ivfer and cycle got cancelled as my response was very low. hence i am moved to june july cycle today. i would be put on estrogen priming protocol this time. last time it was gonal-f lupron supression protocol which didnt work for me. my numbers are not too great. am 33. AMH low FSH slightly elevated though follicle count is good; didnt seem to be working for me. Hoping for the best this time. did anyone had EPP protocol? is it complex really tough or is it ok?
405855 tn?1217100767 What is the correlation of estrogen and follicles? What should the estrogen number be before ovulation. Can this number be affected if you are taking Femara. On CD11, I had 5 follis - 20, 15, 18, 17, 16, 12 but my estrogen was only 23, is it possible? My lining was so think 4 mm only.
1565900 tn?1328789175 Yes! I think they are worth the money. In fact, I just bought a used one from Ebay and wish I had bought it sooner. I have conceived twice (one daughter) using a borrowed one from a friend. They are spendy, and the sticks that you need are usually about $30 (US) for a box of 30. if you're an ebay user, that's where I have found the best prices. For not as huge of a cash committment, the ClearBlue digital ovulation tests are really good too.
404837 tn?1290609027 I had to take estrogen too to counteract the thining the clomid was doing. I usually took two pills twice daily on day 7-11 I think. I was worried about taking it to since it says you shouldn't take if you are trying to get pregnant?
Avatar n tn I think it is similar to the ClearBlue Easy Fertility Monitor which is supposed to detect an increase in estrogen, which is supposed to occur prior to the LH surge. If I remember correctly, chloride ions are supposed to increase even before estrogen does, so it really lets you know when your most fertile days are. The only problem I hav ever heard about the device is that it can beep several times during the night when you first start using it.
Avatar f tn I know. It gets to be so consuming. Since my miscarriage, I've kind of enjoyed not obsessing every month about Oing and BDing.... I'm ready to start TTC again now though. I hope this is your month!
1060179 tn?1285808658 Oh wow...that's very high!!! Usually the LH level is above 20 on the surge day (and less than 7 before then). Could this be your estrogen (estradiol) levels and not LH?
Avatar f tn release of progesterone and higher estrogen are associated with our cycles. If you have a surge of thyroid hormone occassionally that is natural. Usually women can feel added energy right before their cycle starts and then when it hits you have a low time in energy. A tremor could mean many things like low potassium alsong with a surge of thyroid hormone. I would track this symptoms for a few months and speak to your doctor prior to jumping to see an endo at the first notice of this.
1320252 tn?1290190343 You must have ovulated if you got a positive LH surge, right? When I was taking 50mg Clomid my uterine lining was also thinned out so my OB prescribed me Estrogen to help thicken it for implantation (and it also helped with the dryness from Clomid). Then I started taking Progesterone pills from CD15 - AF and guess what? AF was a no show. I am now almost 6 weeks pregnant so apparently that combination was perfect for me.
1507079 tn?1291513583 it a surge in estrogen mixed with the progesterone that will release after you start to menstrate. It will effect the thyroid hormone and cause a surge ( hyperT) briefly until you start your cycle. Usually 24 to 48 hrs of the surge.
Avatar f tn I will probably have at least one during the course of this pregnancy, because of the surge in estrogen. The extra estrogen is making you emotional, too. These are all normal reactions to the new chemical cocktail in your body. I hope that you can find a way to cheer up (I watch comedies and Disney movies to feel better), and try to remember that you haven't done anything wrong, and there's nothing to be ashamed of.
676912 tn?1332812551 Estrogen, in opposition to progesterone, has a lowering effect on temperatures. A secondary estrogen surge in the middle of the luteal phase may cause a temperature dip at this time. Indeed this may explain why this pattern also occurs on non-pregnant charts. Mid-luteal phase estrogen levels, however, have been found to be higher in conception cycles than non-conception cycles and this may also contribute to the greater frequency with which we see this pattern on pregnancy charts.
1289166 tn?1285255967 I don't know, I have seen some as late as CD 19 but everyone is different. I would just keep testing and know that it may have just not picked up. From what I understand, many people don't get a clear reading for their surge but that definitely doesn't mean you didnt' get your surge. Are you tracking your BBT?
Avatar f tn The boost in estrogen with these prowerful birth control products now out for the public can cause a long surge in estrogen robbing the body of progesterone to keep your body balanced. You need a complete panel of gender sex blood labs or better yet - saliva panel testing, along with liver tests to determine what to do to put your body back to normal cycle. I suggest not doing the BC at all either.
Avatar n tn I started taking Clomid on November 6th through the 10th (days 3-7). I then took estrogen pills for five days. I was told to have intercourse every other day from the 13th through the 19th. I took an OPK several times during that period, but I never had an LH surge. Does this mean there is no way I am pregnant? I am now taking progesterone until I can test on the 30th. Also, should we still keep having intercourse in case I ovulate late? I thank you for your response?
Avatar n tn , then i started estrogen on the 9th day (i need to take this bc i usually do not produce much of my own estrogen and the fertility drug that I take stops estrogen production in my bod) After i took the shot and returned home, I saw the doctor and he only saw a small possible follicle, i had blood work to see if I had ovulated and it came back negative on ovulating. Of course I am sad and confused about it.
Avatar f tn Totally normal. I personally think it's the surge of estrogen and progesterone. Sex is just unappealing. Then there are those women who are horny the whole time... Lucky lol. My poor hubby is going crazy!