
Estrogen priming protocol

Common Questions and Answers about Estrogen priming protocol


1545464 tn?1376704158 i would be put on estrogen priming protocol this time. last time it was gonal-f lupron supression protocol which didnt work for me. my numbers are not too great. am 33. AMH low FSH slightly elevated though follicle count is good; didnt seem to be working for me. Hoping for the best this time. did anyone had EPP protocol? is it complex really tough or is it ok?
Avatar f tn RE put me on Estrogen priming protocol, and I am on Lupron and Cetrotide as well. On Friday, (cycle day 6) the newer nurse thought she saw 11 follicles.. ranging from 5mm to 9mm.. now, Cycle day 9, the other nurse, who has been there forever, saw only 5 and she had a hard time locating my other ovary. She pressed on my abdomen, which was tender from the cramping I've had from the FSH meds.
Avatar n tn There are a lot of things that are supposed to help. Acupuncture, Dhea, human growth hormone, estrogen priming, testosterone priming, handfuls of other vitamins, etc. The most important thing you can do is just be healthy. I am put on a no alcohol, no caffeine, no gluten, no processed food, organic only diet supplemented with egg white protein smoothies.I have low amh, so they say this will boost the count.
1419915 tn?1289257100 m thinking this could be my only chance to try and improve quality. Jo, have you heard of the estrogen priming protocol? I wanted to try this one a while back, but my RE wasn't keen. Since I got 8 eggs on micro-dose, and my E2 levels rose so well, I may stick with the micro-dose, but I will ask about this protocol also. It seems to be the one many clinics are opting for now, especially for women with DOR. When are you due to start your next cycle.
Avatar n tn I'm so sorry. I too feel your pain. My first IVF cycle was cancelled on thurs (11/20) after having 2 failed IUIs (3 mature follicles first time and only 2 the 2nd even though gonal-f increased). I'm 39, a poor and slow responder and have fsh that varies from 7 to 14, depending on the month. My re cancelled IVF on day 13! after having me on microdose lupron (10 units), Gonal F (300) and menapur (150). He found 9 follicles but only 2 that were really responding.
Avatar n tn He claimed I had no eggs and wants me to do estrogen priming. I'm just confused why the estrogen was high and there were no eggs. It seems like I had about two but the ovulation was sufficient to mature and release them.
Avatar f tn Hi Squibby, I was on the Marshall Protocol but recently switched to Dr. David Jernigan's protocol. Estrogen is a no-no on the Marshall Protocol and there are good reasons why this is. If you would like information on the other protocol I'm doing (it doesn't involve antibiotics), please let me know. I have made much progress on the MP, but switched because, in my opinion, I found something that does the same thing... but it is safer.
Avatar n tn priming is like calibrating, if you don't prime the machine may not work right. you will notice if it's working correctly or not according to your sugar results. I wear a pump and if I don't follow the machine's instructions it won't work so I can not skip priming. maybe yor pump is different.
1268796 tn?1332893451 I had grade C embryos as a result of the long lupron protocol. My RE thinks that it was not a good protocol for me and my Estrogen levels were all over the map. my E2 started high and I was a quick responder with too many follicles, dropped the stims dose but it still went up. they were worried and tweaked the protocol and ended up with a drop in estrogen and had to trigger me right away.
Avatar f tn I'm sorry about your cancelled cycle. You will probably still ovulate on yopur own (if you normally do). I would use OPK's or an Ov. monitor to make sure. Did your RE say he was going to change your protocol for your next IVF attempt?
Avatar f tn Now RE is being aggressive and putting me on Estrogen Priming Protocol and 750iu a day of Gonal F. I will also be on Lupron (to suppress ovaries) and Estrace for my uterine lining. Input please- thanks.
Avatar f tn Has anyone here ever been on an IVF antagonist protocol (no lupron)? What did you think?
Avatar f tn Now I will be undergoing another super-ovulation IUI with estrogen priming protocol and I am going to request time off for the next cycle. I have lots of sick time with my full time job but my part time job, I will be unpaid. I am going to use a combination of sick time and vacation for my full time job. I am only going to take the day before my IUI and the following week or 10 days. I have a right to this and I will get a doctor's note if necessary.
1268796 tn?1332893451 Everybody is different and I believe each women will find one protocol worked better for her than others did. I responded well with both but as they started me with the long lupron protocol as it is considered the "ideal protocol" by my RE at least. I was a quick responder and my estrogen started to go up really fast. they were so worried about hyperstimulation that they tried to slow things down.
Avatar f tn They went through insurance, and long story short, their insurance *****. But anyways, our landlord is currently sanding and about to begin priming our kitchen. I was wondering how bad all the sanding dust and priming fumes are for me?? I really had no idea he would be beginning all of this until about an hour ago. So now I am wondering if we should be hanging around. Luckily my hubbys mother has our 3 year old, but what about me, being 17w4d?
922048 tn?1387942584 hi sherri- looked ethinyl estradiol and its what administered during estrogen priming. yes, indeed... my dh and i read up about it and wanted to try it in our next ivf cycle but my re refused and says its not going to work. i can't have my dh prescribed it to me :(( b/c he might loose his license but i'm tempted to order some form of it online and use it without my re knowing... i hope your re listens to you.
Avatar f tn Went to my gyno today to have some blood drawn to see where I'm at with the whole menopause thing. Started having hot flashes after upping my Cytomel dosage and both docs want to see if it's hormones or the cytomel. My gyno said that since I have no uterus she'd like to start me on estrogen if my labs show that I'm in perimenopause. I don't know why but I thought that if you didn't have a thyroid you weren't supposed to take estrogen. What is the protocol for this?
Avatar n tn I called Minimed and after a few frustrating days of troubleshooting - the pump would work for a day or half a day and then the no delivery alarm would come on again when priming or when setting a bolus - I finally got a replacement pump. I've had the replacement pump for about 3 weeks when all the sudden the no delivery alarm came on again.
Avatar f tn It seems odd to follow fibroid surgery with estrogen HRT (premarin and estrone are both types of estrogen) since estrogen causes fibroids to grow... You should call your doctor and ask when your period should start. I'm surprised your doctor did not tell you to use protection (condom, diaphragm) until you are ready to get pregnant since Premarin does not prevent pregnancy... I wish I could be of more assistance...
Avatar n tn 39 years with thin endometrium,normal ovulation ,have been trying oral estrogen for the last 2 years.want to know other strategies or medication. This discussion is related to <a href="/posts/Fertility---Infertility/Thin-endometrium-but-normal-ovulation/show/513850">Thin endometrium but normal ovulation</a>.
Avatar n tn Ask your doctor. It surprises me that he would not put you on estrogen in shot form, rather than using vaginal pills, but probably every doc has his own protocol. Did you tell him you would not take shots?
1417531 tn?1365597725 good luck for your next cycle jessie - different clinics have different protocol .. some require you to take lupron and estrogen .. mine is estrogen only then around ovulation time I start with progesterone pessaries .. the estrogen continues until the BT for pregnancy but the progesterone continues on to 6 - 10 weeks if you get a BFP .. this is completely different from my fresh cycle ....