
Estrogen in chicken

Common Questions and Answers about Estrogen in chicken


Avatar f tn I wonder if it's an external influx of estrogen. If you eat 'fortified' eggs or chicken frequently, that's a source of excess hormone. Also, excess soy in the diet can add too much estrogen to your body. While breast cancer doesn't usually present this way, it would be worth a trip to the doctor if only to ease your mind. Blessings!
Avatar f tn t do soy protein. Soy has estrogen in it.
Avatar f tn I am 33 years old w/extremely low levels of estrogen, not sure what the correlation is but I tried to do a low dose of estrogen and it didn't help so I went off of it. I know that stress and anxiety can decrease your levels of estrogen, progesterone, etc. So which came first, the chicken or the egg?
Avatar n tn I am extremely depressed and am suffering with hypothyroidism, low testosterone, too much estrogen, high cholesterol and low Vitamin D what is wrong with me? I originally thought that everything here is linked to depression from stress and anxiety so I started taking Lexapro for the depression. But my wife thinks that maybe all of these things are linked to a health issue. About 11 months ago I was diagnosed with high cholesterol and low thyroid, so I am taking red rice yeast and .
Avatar n tn No, you don't. But giving up all dairy products is just smart. All dairy cows produce a lot of estrogen just to produce milk. Forget the fact that they are given de-wormers, antibiotics, growth hormones and such. And animal estrogen isn't a good thing. Then there comes the debate about phytoestrogens in plants. Soy for instance .... so many studies and so many different answers! Keep everything in moderation and you will do well. I actually take a drug called neurontin for hot flashes.
429647 tn?1249753429 only to find out that her cancer is estrogen postive and probably caused or in some part aided in the growth of her masses. This is a very touchy subject on this forum, and as much as I love and adore Mary, she and I are on opposite sides on this one. Flashes are horrid, I will agree that I have had a really tough time with them as well as the other symptoms of menopause....but, you know what....I am alive. Gather all the facts you of luck.
Avatar f tn The estrogen is kicking in with a vengeance and my poor husband has to just grin and bare it all. I think after this pregnancy he will think carefully before attempting to make number 2. Are you experiencing the same?
Avatar f tn Then I went to another gyno who said that recent studies have proved that estrogen only with uterus in tact is safer that in fact it's the progesterone that is toxic. Is anyone receiving the same advice?
Avatar f tn Thank you for your last response. I did see a dermatologist and she said the marks on my legs were sun spots. However now I have many other questions. Mt Melanoma was "in situ", which I hear is great. But now I am trying to do all I can to prevent it from coming back. I have recently read that both estrogen and vitamin C have been linked to increasing Melanoma. Is this true?
Avatar m tn Endometriosis feed off estrogen. The estrogen-dependent endo lesions, if left unchecked, will begin to create their own estrogen. I do want to clarify that the pill or any other form of HRT does not prevent the Endometriosis from growing. The reason it is used is to help stop the pain by stopping the periods. I was on a low dose BCP (Marvelon) for 8 yrs continuously and did help with my pain. However it still continued to grow even after deep excision surgery.
Avatar m tn Elevated levels of estrogen in men cause them to take on more feminine characteristics. In fact, when estrogen levels in men are higher than they should be, it can bring about a whole slew of unwanted and potentially dangerous side effects. Enlarged breasts are one of the first and most noticeable side effects to appear in men when estrogen levels are elevated. This is known as gynecomastia and a few other names in the gym too.
587083 tn?1327120262 With menopause your body stops making estrogen. Eating soy products seems to boost the estrogen a bit, but is that good? I was a regular consumer of soy milk, tofu, edamame and flax seed after menopause. After my diagnosis of breast cancer (estrogen positive) my oncologist recommended I avoid soy products because even the weak phytoestrogens may stimulate cancer cells. Research is not conclusive but better to be safe. As the addage goes, 'all things in moderation.
Avatar m tn All I know is that after you get pregnant you can use an ovulation monitor as a pregnancy test since it can tell an increase just like when you ovulate. I'm not sure how soon after ovulation it works though.
Avatar n tn Does anyone happen to know if there has been a connection with too much estrogen causing more neuropathy pain?? Anyone experience the onset of neuropathy after a hysterectomy? I would appreciate any info.
Avatar f tn I had IVF implantation on Sunday the 3rd. Today I had blood work done at the Dr's office and my Estrogen and Progesterone levels dropped "a smidgen" according to the nurse. They are having me increase my Progesterone shots from 1cc to 1.5ccs and get an Estrogen patch. The nurse says that this doesn't mean that the procedure didn't take but I am worried. It sounds like a bad sign. My question is for other people who have had IVF. Has this happened to you?
13782075 tn?1437961772 Super easy way to make yummy chicken is to buy fresh chicken breasts and marinate them in wishbone Italian dressing in a gallon bag. Cut in pieces. Dump contents of bag into skillet. Fry until done. Eat with dip of choice or cut in smaller pieces and eat on a salad. Enjoy!
Avatar f tn I have just finished dose dense chemo for 8 rounds, and will be doing radiation in a couple weeks. I feel that my estrogen is already not there, then how can I be sure that taking Aridimex will not hurt me even more and cancer will recur really aggressively. My Medical Onc. wants me to consider Aridimex/Zometa.
Avatar f tn Is there something in chicken that can make you sick? I am 6 weeks and 4 days pregnant and I've been craving chicken but when I eat it I get sick and throw it up. Please let me know anything....
Avatar m tn There are some hereditary conditions in which males have elevated estradiol levels. Also some endocrine syndromes. MOST of the time, the excess estrogen is produced in excess adipose tissue. Usually estrogen is converted into testosterone, but in some cases, this fails to happen. This is the type of case in which something like Aromasin might help.
Avatar n tn I'm freaking out here! I just had chicken for dinner and got nearly done and realized it was not cooked all the way through. I'm scared about the potential harm here. I can't believe it took me that long to notice! I'm 10 weeks today, so since I'm still early in preg. I know it's a sensative time for growth etc. Help!
Avatar f tn I was told yesterday that I have dense breast tissue, and through ultrasound was told that I have a cluster of cysts in this area by an xray technician. I has told to come back in 6 months and they would check if anything had changed. Can you help me understand what these are? Is it normal? Is Fibrocystic the same as what I was told I have?
Avatar f tn No I haven't. I'm also 6 weeks and 5 days today.
Avatar f tn Is it possible to kick without withdrawals? The withdrawals help us remember how awful it was and where our drug use took us. There are things to help us with the w/d's look up the thomas recipe or the amino acid protocol. They're listed on the right hand side of the website. Detoxing under a doctors supervision would be the very best thing to do in my opinion. I don't know if you can do that. You've taken the first step to kicking it. You've admitted that u have to stop.
Avatar f tn Your symptoms may be due, at least in part, from not having enough estrogen. Women also lose about 50% of their testosterone when their ovaries are removed. Unfortunately, doctors fail to divulge this important information before surgery! 1mg of estrogen taken orally is a fairly low dose for a woman without ovaries. And some women do not absorb oral estrogen very well. Has your doctor ever checked your blood level of estrogen or estradiol?
Avatar f tn endo feeds off of estrogen so it is best to stay away from chicken and red meats. organic chicken is best because it doesnt have all those added hormones. eat fruits vegetables, stay away from dairy and sugars, drink a lot of water, take omega 3 vitamins, antioxidants.
Avatar f tn Hi..... In 22 weeks into my pregnancy and I can't stand chicken cooked or raw i can't eat it smell it look at it i cant even think about makes me sick to my stomach but why???