
Estrogen in animals

Common Questions and Answers about Estrogen in animals


Avatar f tn The fact you seemed to easily put on muscle indicates your testosterone is there. There is no normal penis size, so that's a non-issue. The question there is, does it work, not how big it is. We come in all sizes and shapes and maybe this is just yours. But if you're truly concerned, see your doctor and get a blood test for sexual hormones.
Avatar f tn In a 6 month period my estrogen level went from below 20 to over 2300. What could it be? I am a 'healthy' 53 year old female. 5' 5" and 140 lbs. I have been in menapause for 5 years. (no period). I have taken herbal supplement, "Estroven" since the beginning. I have not had HORRIBLE hot flashes, night sweats or mood swings. However, I have had vaginal dryness. A couple of years ago, I began using Estring 2mg - which helped.
Avatar n tn No, you don't. But giving up all dairy products is just smart. All dairy cows produce a lot of estrogen just to produce milk. Forget the fact that they are given de-wormers, antibiotics, growth hormones and such. And animal estrogen isn't a good thing. Then there comes the debate about phytoestrogens in plants. Soy for instance .... so many studies and so many different answers! Keep everything in moderation and you will do well. I actually take a drug called neurontin for hot flashes.
Avatar f tn Actually much friends puppy almost suffocate the baby because he too like the smell an taste of milk an after she fed her daughter he wanted to lick it off an almost took her breath away, I'd say watch with all animals just in case you never know. I've had a cat who was so mean any new baby he seen he'd try to sit on there heads like wtf cat we eventually got rid of him, he was a mini serial killer I swear never met such an evil cat.
Avatar f tn Believe me, i want to get rid of the cats. But i don't even mess with them. They're my husband's cats. He takes care of them i do not. They just like to annoy me. I honestly only take care of my dog, turtles, and our fish. But like i said, there's absolutely no animals allowed in my baby's room. None have ever gone in there and probably won't ever go in there. I'm keeping my baby away from the animals for quite a while.
Avatar f tn My other half has a cross bread its a big 31kg dog that thinks shes the size of a pug and does not like to be left alone and is constantly wanting attention she is really really starting to depress me i cant stand her she smells and follows me around she throws up in the kitchen, poos in the garage and malts everywhere i put her outside and can hear her wining constantly im fed up of hovering the floor to get rid of her disgusting hair im debating leaving the house til the baby arrives i dont
Avatar f tn I recently switched rooms with my brother into my mom's back room which is bigger then my old room and my dog seems to think she moved in too. My brother said she would hardly go in there but if i don't let her in she will keep scratching the door until i open it and she has to get under the blankets with me if not she "cries". She follows me everywhere and if i sit down she will be right next to me. If i could show you a picture right now of my dog it would be so funny.
Avatar f tn Animals are so smart:))
7552244 tn?1393364737 My cat never slept with me in my room he would always sleep in my moms room on her spare pillow with his blanket and ever since ive been pregnant hes never left my side! He throws fits when I leave my room for more than 5 minutes and he nudges my stomach almost all the time every day. Has anyone noticed a change or is it just me?
3112100 tn?1379614659 I'll be 38+4 in an hour nd the last few days two of my animals have been like stuck to me nd I cnt figure out why..
Avatar f tn Are your cat's in heat
Avatar f tn My dog is obsessed with my belly. He licks it all the time!! My hubby tried touching it once and our dog made a really weird noise and pushed him away. I think they can definitely sense there's something in our tummies!! I'm 26+2 with my first boy.
8110498 tn?1397344782 m prego with # 2 she has been acting out.... Potting in the house, tearing up trash, eating my food if I sit out down to go to restroom ect... Has anyone else had there animals act like this while they were prego? Idk what to do with my dog I luv her very much but I don't need the added stress.......
Avatar f tn i wanted opinions about my dog. I don't know I animals can tell UR pregnant but my dog just follows me all ova my house. I'm mean more than usual since I've been pregnant. I'm 15w 3d i mean its to the point where I almost trip on her. If I kick her out my room n close the door she will just lay right outside my door TIL I open it. If she's in my room she lays right nxt to my bed to where I gotta step ova her to get up. Sometimes I don't even know she's there.
Avatar f tn Does anyone else have any animals that are glued to them?
Avatar f tn If I go to the bathroom atleast one has to be in there with me even when I shower. My chihuahua will sit and and look at me and just start crying and howling for no reason. And if I walk outside she freaks out and cries she has to literally be with me at all times. Could this mean labor soon? I just don't get why they are being so weird.
Avatar f tn i was just wondering if anyone knows if it's true or has experiencing with their animals sensing when labor was close? I have a husky and she's usually a spoiled brat, she doesn't like to cuddle and she don't lay be me. She stays at the end of the bed or on the floor but yesterday and today she has been laying by me and curling up right against me. Just wondering if maybe she knows it's coming?
Avatar m tn Elevated levels of estrogen in men cause them to take on more feminine characteristics. In fact, when estrogen levels in men are higher than they should be, it can bring about a whole slew of unwanted and potentially dangerous side effects. Enlarged breasts are one of the first and most noticeable side effects to appear in men when estrogen levels are elevated. This is known as gynecomastia and a few other names in the gym too.
429647 tn?1249753429 only to find out that her cancer is estrogen postive and probably caused or in some part aided in the growth of her masses. This is a very touchy subject on this forum, and as much as I love and adore Mary, she and I are on opposite sides on this one. Flashes are horrid, I will agree that I have had a really tough time with them as well as the other symptoms of menopause....but, you know what....I am alive. Gather all the facts you of luck.
Avatar f tn The estrogen is kicking in with a vengeance and my poor husband has to just grin and bare it all. I think after this pregnancy he will think carefully before attempting to make number 2. Are you experiencing the same?
Avatar f tn Then I went to another gyno who said that recent studies have proved that estrogen only with uterus in tact is safer that in fact it's the progesterone that is toxic. Is anyone receiving the same advice?
Avatar f tn Thank you for your last response. I did see a dermatologist and she said the marks on my legs were sun spots. However now I have many other questions. Mt Melanoma was "in situ", which I hear is great. But now I am trying to do all I can to prevent it from coming back. I have recently read that both estrogen and vitamin C have been linked to increasing Melanoma. Is this true?
Avatar m tn Endometriosis feed off estrogen. The estrogen-dependent endo lesions, if left unchecked, will begin to create their own estrogen. I do want to clarify that the pill or any other form of HRT does not prevent the Endometriosis from growing. The reason it is used is to help stop the pain by stopping the periods. I was on a low dose BCP (Marvelon) for 8 yrs continuously and did help with my pain. However it still continued to grow even after deep excision surgery.
587083 tn?1327120262 With menopause your body stops making estrogen. Eating soy products seems to boost the estrogen a bit, but is that good? I was a regular consumer of soy milk, tofu, edamame and flax seed after menopause. After my diagnosis of breast cancer (estrogen positive) my oncologist recommended I avoid soy products because even the weak phytoestrogens may stimulate cancer cells. Research is not conclusive but better to be safe. As the addage goes, 'all things in moderation.