
Estrogen glucose

Common Questions and Answers about Estrogen glucose


Avatar n tn s insulin levels, which in turn promotes estrogen production. Is there any conclusive science that the medical community is aware of, on any of this?If some sugar (refined or otherwise) can be safely consumed, i.e. "in moderation," what does moderation mean?How much is okay?
Avatar f tn Anybody else on here have sex issues from taking any nucs. I feel my test levels are down and Estrogen up. My erections are not what they used to be and I don't last long anymore. I'm feeling like self medicating hrt because I know doctors aren't going to give you a script unless you're extremely low. I hate estrogen pills like arimidex and aromasin. Is cialis safe to take with Entecavir?
Avatar m tn ➢ Hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) Test for Diabetes (Blood glucose) – 6.3 nmol/L = eAG of 134 ➢ 2-Hour Insulin Glucose Challenge Test Results: CPS-2HOURS (Cohas) = 5.06nmol/L Insulin (2HOURS) = >2089 pmol/L ➢ Insulin1 – 370 pmol/L ➢ CPS = 2.03 nmol/L ➢ Estradiol = 196 pmol/L ➢ Progesterone = 3.03 nmol/L ➢ Testosterone 215 ng/dL = 7.56 nmol/L ➢ Estradiol 196.24 pmol/L = 53.
Avatar f tn One of the benefits of soy is that it breaks down to a type of estrogen substitute. I have never taken estrogen replacement and my levels have always been great. Try a few soy products (ice cream, appetizers, supplements) and see if you feel better. Also, have you MD test your glucose levels. Both higher and lower levels will make you sweat!!
Avatar m tn ➢ Hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) Test for Diabetes (Blood glucose) – 6.3 nmol/L = eAG of 134 ➢ 2-Hour Insulin Glucose Challenge Test Results: CPS-2HOURS (Cohas) = 5.06nmol/L Insulin (2HOURS) = >2089 pmol/L ➢ Insulin1 – 370 pmol/L ➢ CPS = 2.03 nmol/L ➢ Estradiol = 196 pmol/L ➢ Progesterone = 3.03 nmol/L ➢ Testosterone 215 ng/dL = 7.56 nmol/L ➢ Estradiol 196.24 pmol/L = 53.
Avatar m tn You may need to do further blood test to assess the health of your thyroid, liver and also check up your glucose level. A check on estrogen level both total and free may be also required to know if the reduction in free T is due to high estrogen level. By the way, I am eager to know what your doctor has commented, since only he knows more about your health status after physical examination.
1715257 tn?1308732738 Glucose intolerance is really sensitivity towards the glucose-sugar levels. If one actually balance the meals, glucose can be replaced with fibers containing similar materials of glucose such as stuff found in apples and pineapples. Those fruits also can cure your numbness. I hope it helps.
Avatar f tn I started out tired in the fall. Now I have a goiter and suffer from internal shaking (head, arms, legs). Exercise aggravates the problem. I stopped taking birth control pills in March. However, since June I haven't had a menstrual cycle, and my estrogen is high. Can anyone help with these lab results? My endocrinologist has me all over the place--neurologist, sleep study, lab work, ENT--no answers. January: TSH .784 (.350-5.
Avatar m tn In case you have not taken recently some herbal medicines to boost up testosterone, or some drugs that interferes with brain functions, I would think that these levels were more or less of the same range even before. But, higher estrogen levels indicate high fat level in your body and possibly combined with high average insulin levels. Reducing estrogen level would definitely be helpful.
Avatar f tn Because I am high risk I have to do the first glucose screening at 12 weeks. I eat well usually but they have me so scared about being high risk and this being my first pregnancy I dont know what to think.
Avatar m tn I would think you meant heavily built, and in that case, your low T could be caused by higher level of estrogen in your body, do you know your estrogen counts? If in fact high estrogen is the culprit, you should not only keep away from estrogen pills and estrogen rich food, but also try to bring it down by regular exercise and balanced food intake, there by reducing your weight. Reducing your estrogen level will naturally push up your T level.
393685 tn?1425812522 Female hormone imbalance The ovaries produce many hormones. Chief among them are estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone. The ovarian hormones estrogen and progesterone interact to coordinate a woman’s menstrual cycle during her reproductive years. The brain produces the hormones follicle stimulating hormones (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH) which trigger hormone production from the ovaries.
Avatar f tn Your estrogen levels are way too high. Total estrogen normal reference range: Day 1 - 10: 61 - 394pg/mL, Day 11–20: 122–437 pg/mL; Day 21–30: 156–350 pg/mL. High estrogen leads to excessive production of thyroid binding globulin (TBG). Although there are enough thyroid hormones in the blood, they are not taken up by the body's cells as they are inactivated by TBG. In other words, thyroid labs are in range but you have signs of low thyroid function.
Avatar f tn I take 20 mg of Lexapro daily and on other medicine. About one year ago, I had a glucose test done at my annual pelvic exam visit, and my sugar was higher than usual but not diabetic. I'm wondering if I might be having diabetic symptoms and not even know it for sure or if it's just a side effect of me taking Lexapro.
Avatar m tn ➢ Hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) Test for Diabetes (Blood glucose) – 6.3 nmol/L = eAG of 134 ➢ 2-Hour Insulin Glucose Challenge Test Results: CPS-2HOURS (Cohas) = 5.06nmol/L Insulin (2HOURS) = >2089 pmol/L ➢ Insulin1 – 370 pmol/L ➢ CPS = 2.03 nmol/L ➢ Estradiol = 196 pmol/L ➢ Progesterone = 3.03 nmol/L ➢ Testosterone 215 ng/dL = 7.56 nmol/L ➢ Estradiol 196.24 pmol/L = 53.
Avatar n tn hello,i have low estrogen and my doc said it was possible hypogonadism - premature ovarian failure. all the other tests turned out fine. i took a dose of clomid and my day 21 preg. levels were very good. a good ovulation took place. i get my peroid every 28 days, just like clockwork. my husbands sperm was checked, and is okay, just 40% make it thru the cervix, and 60% the opposite direction. if i were to take a higher does of clomid would it work?
Avatar f tn I think I will be starting next cycle, which will likely be next week. Did your MD try clomid 1st or are they going straight to injectibles? The unexplained thing is so frustrating. So here is some more info about how my IR was diagnosed bc they can't always find it with a glucose test. My 1st MD checked my fasting glucose and fasting insulin and both were normal.
Avatar f tn Maybe you should get your female hormone levels checked (specific days of your cycle the gyn doctor can tell you when), like FSH. Also, estrogen and progesterone levels. I'm wondering if you are getting a number of estrogen dips causing hot flashes? If any endocrine numbers related to your pituitary aren't normal, ask for a dynamic MRI with and without contrast of your pituitary gland. Also, does your heart rate go fast usually but slow down toward your mense?
Avatar n tn After a number of years of suffering from symptoms of hypothyroidism (25 lb weight gain during last 3 yrs despite diet of less than 1500 calories, depression, fatigue, thinning hair, brittle nails, and recently discovered I have high cholesterol, fasting glucose of 99, vitamin D level (total) of 21, and shoulder impringement/rotator cuff tear) my G.P. ordered a thyroid test for me and my TSH was 3.12 with 1.0 T4 free (I was told that is normal).
Avatar f tn The estrogen is kicking in with a vengeance and my poor husband has to just grin and bare it all. I think after this pregnancy he will think carefully before attempting to make number 2. Are you experiencing the same?
Avatar m tn All I know is that after you get pregnant you can use an ovulation monitor as a pregnancy test since it can tell an increase just like when you ovulate. I'm not sure how soon after ovulation it works though.
429647 tn?1249753429 my ttumor was tested and it was estrogen positive i am on an estrogen blocker.. how about asking your doc if the tumor was estrogen positive or not.
587083 tn?1327120262 With menopause your body stops making estrogen. Eating soy products seems to boost the estrogen a bit, but is that good? I was a regular consumer of soy milk, tofu, edamame and flax seed after menopause. After my diagnosis of breast cancer (estrogen positive) my oncologist recommended I avoid soy products because even the weak phytoestrogens may stimulate cancer cells. Research is not conclusive but better to be safe. As the addage goes, 'all things in moderation.