
Estrogen for prolapse

Common Questions and Answers about Estrogen for prolapse


Avatar f tn Estrogen is used to help the viginal skin, mucosa, become more healthy so it will heal better after surgery. Estrogen does help some symptoms of prolapse such as urgency, vaginal dryness, frequent urinary infections.
Avatar f tn Why didnt you see a Urogynecologist as they are the prolapse specialists? Gynes without the extensive extra training for prolapse operations are generally not the best Consultants to see. If you were offered a hyserectomy did they say they would suspend the top of your vaginal cuff so as to avoid further prolapses? Be careful of having a hysterectomy without a suspension of the vaginal cuff as many women just get more prolapses of the vaginal wall and even the vaginal cuff later on.
Avatar n tn I am 56 and just had hysterectomy about 8 weeks ago for prolapse. I had surgeon check my ovaries, and if they looked good keep them. The reason for this on my part was I am already at high risk for fratures with osteoporosis and the little drip left in the ovaries I thought was something I would try and keep. If there is nothing wrong why take them?Hope you make a decision you are happy with. Good Luck.
Avatar f tn Thanks for the input.I called my doctor today and left a message describing the situation.I haven`t heard back yet.I hate to take up a doc`s time if it isn`t warranted.I am in no pain but am concerned about the possibility of infection because it is an open lesion in a very moist environment.
Avatar f tn She set me up with some compounded estrogen vaginal cream for the atrophy. And, she said that I should take my magnesium supplement every day to avoid any constipation that will make things worse. I usually only took that after constipation was an issue. We did not discuss a pessary. Hopefully the doctor's assessment of my situation is correct and avoiding constipation will help with pain/discomfort and will stop the progression along with the use of the vaginal estrogen.
Avatar f tn t always tell you but anyone who has had breast cancer and sensative to estrogen can not use added estrogen. You may not be affected with this problem but anyone reading this should be aware that there are many women who can no longer use added estrogen because of health issures.
Avatar n tn The reason for the hysterectomy was from a uterine prolapse from 3 very large babies (all vaginal delivery) Thanks
Avatar f tn I am 51 years old and havent had a period now for about 6 mos. I do have the mesh sling since 2010. My question is the inside of my vagina on the left feels like a tampons is fallin out or like there are stitches that need to heal. My GYN said I need to do kegels and to have regular sex and she also put me on 1gram of estrogen cream to be used twice weekly.
167426 tn?1254086235 Hey Marty - my mother is 77 and my aunt is 82, both of them had complete hystos, ooperectomies, etc when they were in their early 40s, no HRT at all, and no prolapse issues. For me it is 4 years, no prolapse, but, I was on bioidenticals, (big mistake for me) for a short time. None of us have had chemo.
Avatar f tn So in hindsight I have been having some symptoms of bladder prolapse for 20 years, since the birth of my second (and last) child, and obvious symptoms for several months, but only last Thursday did it finally dawn on me what was happening. After a Pilates reformer class that day which included an intense ab workout, I was in the shower when I felt a bulge at the vaginal opening (OMG!!??). I jumped out and grabbed a mirror and saw this smooth pink bulge where an opening used to be!!
Avatar f tn This is the prolapse Urogyne forum Bobbikey. Dilators and estrogen cream is used for prolapse as well both pre and post surgery for many ladies. I use both the dilator and estrogen cream to maintain the vaginal skin as well as stretch the vagina as my muscles have become too tight in order to exercise and maintain my pelvic floor strength. There are different reasons for the use of dilators.
Avatar n tn Now with this doctor (uro-gyn) will not remove the ovaries when he does surgery for a prolapse bladder and prolapse uterus which includes a hysterectory. I know I am not explaining this correctly....but here are my concerns. Do I NOT use the hormone creme before and after the surgery for a short time or continue to use as normal. New doctor says the estrogen in the hormones could cause a stroke. 2. Where's Suzanne Sommers when you need her???
Avatar f tn I had total hysterectomy 16 years ago I am now 56. I take monthly infusions of IVIG for low IGG immunoglobulin and very low IGA. I have heart disease, anxiety, depression, fibromyalgia, arthritis, irritable bowel back issues, migraines basically been falling apart since 2007 when diagnosed with sarcoidosis. Which now has healed itself after oncologist ruled out cancer. Wondering if hormones could help?
Avatar n tn There are a couple of problems with surgery for prolapse. For one, they have a fairly high failure rate. You may get relief in the short-term but then the problems may return. And those surgeries seem fairly risky. But even worse, many gyns do a hysterectomy for prolapse and having the uterus removed increases your risk of (another) prolapse not to mention all the other nasty after effects of hysterectomy (with or without ovary / gonad removal).
1128665 tn?1269273471 As a woman who has had surgery for pelvic organ prolapse and also suffered for probably 15+ years with IBS, I have to wonder how much of the constipation prior to my surgery for POP was from the IBS and how much of it was from POP. If there's anyone out there who has had this combination of conditions, I'd love to get feedback from you!
Avatar m tn Unfortunately, removal of the uterus increases the risk for bladder and bowel prolapse. And there are other adverse effects of hysterectomy (as mentioned in my other post) so you would trade one set of problems for another. If your bladder is by chance already prolapsed as well, it would seem reasonable to suspend both the bladder and the uterus which would allow you to keep your uterus and its lifelong non-reproductive functions.
Avatar f tn I had a LAVH hysterectomy in 1998 for uterine prolapse, and was fine until about 3 years ago in 2008. I began to have discomfort and bulging, and went to the GYN who sent me to a urogrynecologist with a bladder/vaginal prolapse diagnosis. He wanted to to do surgery and put me through several tests and estrogen therapy, and I didn't like him or his agressive plan. So I began to try to find another doctor, preferably female, and found one last year.
Avatar f tn Front wall of vagina indicates cystocele (bladder prolapse) and may be the cause of leakage. Sometimes as estrogen levels drop it impacts the strength and integrity of muscle tisse-all muscles both internal and external. Although you've always maintained a strong pelvic floor, it could be estrogen shift that is making things weaker and since you've had some leakage since birth of children, now a cystocele is occurring.
167426 tn?1254086235 Leslee refused HRT, There are 4 levels listed for bladder prolapse, if she is at level 1 then the Estrogen patch is mentioned to help build those muscles back up, they were unable to insert a cather into the bladder yesterday, altho she has no problem urinating, MY QUESTION is to you, have any of you developed bladder prolapse and what was done?
Avatar f tn There is a link between low oestrogen and urinary infections as well for many women and I use oestrogen cream for vaginal prolapse, and for urine infections as well. The oestrogen receptors in the bladder uptake the oestrogen through the vagina which keeps the lining of the bladder and gag layer thicker as well as helps the vaginal tissues as well. Your GP needs to assess if vaginal oestrogen is safe for you to use and they can prescribe it.
Avatar f tn I had surgery for rectocele, endocele and mesh sling on urethea for what the uro/gyn told me was urine leakage the first of Jan, 2011. I had to wear a pad for about 3 months and when it was over I noticed that I can touch my cervix whenever I wipe. I must have a completre uterine prolapse but at 3 months the Dr. said everything was ok when he examined me. I can even see it with a mirror when I stand up. The rectocele was a bother but I could live with it.
Avatar n tn My Dr prescribed it for me after my laparoscopic vaginal prolapse and rectocele surgery. I haven't gotten it yet, I want to talk to my oncologist first, I'm a 20 breast cancer survivor. If you use it, what are the benefits of it?
Avatar f tn i had hysterectomy last august and operation for prolapse bladder two weeks ago.if anyone has this problem,i would say go for the surgury.well worth it..
Avatar f tn This is quite embarrassing for me too. I have a boyfriend and every time we have sex I seem to have air while squeezing my muscles down there and when it queefs, it sounds so bad. Last night it even happened when I was vibrating my clitoris. I wonder why we girls have to go through all these troubles. Please guide me what to do because I feel so embarrassed that sometimes I think to just give up the sex with my partner.
Avatar f tn I plan to have corrective surgery in a month. It is being delayed for a trip and to give time for estrogen cream to help the vaginal walls. I am interested in sharing information about the surgical options. I have hemorrhoids, occassional colitis, uterin fibroids, and a Bartholins cyst and wonder if these can be corrected at the same time or if it is even necessary. If taking the uterus is an option, is it better to do that or not?