
Estrogen and uterus

Common Questions and Answers about Estrogen and uterus


233616 tn?1312787196 estrogen liver fibrosis ....and get 684,000 hits. Apparently the benefit to protecting the liver is well documented and the research has been around for a while. Yet my liver doctor didn't mention it, or suggest I go back on it.....but I did it through my endocrinologist as soon as I found out. I'm wondering how many ladies in here are aware of this, have any doctors told you??? or whether any men have considered a small dose to help slow the progression of this disease?
Avatar n tn My pathology report showed that my ovarian cancer was estrogen receptive/reactive. So why is HRT okay? My local gyno-oncologist and my gyno-oncologist at the Fred Hutchinson Center in Seattle both indicated it was okay. I like being on estrogen, but I am concerned because it seems risky. What is your opinion?
Avatar f tn A month ago, I had an uterus ultrasound and it showed that my fibryo has grown 3 inches from last year. My ob/gyn had me to do some additional blood work which shows that my estrogen level is very high regardless I'm taking the estrogen blocker med Tamoxifan. Therefore, she recommended me I should consider a surgery to take out both of my ovaries and uterus at the same time. Did anyone have this type of procedure done before, and what are the potential side effects afterwards?
Avatar f tn I made hysteroscopy, and the doc said that I have triple lining and my uterus look like pear, the tubes are good and everything look great). When I asked the doc to give me estrogen to increase the thickness, she said the estrogen have side effects that causes the cervix to be harder which will prevent the sperm from getting to the point. I read that estrogen better to be taken on day 13 or so so it does not affect the size of egg (not to stop get from growing).
Avatar m tn I would like to take estrogen to help the menopause symptoms still driving me crazy one year after surgery and chemo for ovarian cancer stage 2c - I also had a prophylactic bilateral mastectomy as I have a history of breast cancer in my family - I have heard the HRT can increase the incidence of OC but I am wondering if an estrogen patch would be safe as I have had my ovaries, uterus, tubes, cervix, and breasts removed surgically.
Avatar f tn Has your doctor ever checked your blood level of estrogen or estradiol? Some women do better on the estrogen patch or one of the gels. And some find that they need some testosterone to function. I also use estradiol tablets but I insert mine vaginally and it seems to absorb better that way. I only need to do it 3x a week at this point.
Avatar f tn The Women's Health Initiative showed that combined HRT as Prempro (conjugated estrogen plus progestin formulation medroxyprogesterone acetate) increased the risk of breast cancer. Estrogen taken without a progestin (Premarin) did not increase risk of breast cancer. But you are correct that a progestin or progesterone needs to be taken with estrogen to protect the uterine lining from proliferation and risk of hyperplasia or cancer.
594914 tn?1245263684 If fertilization does not occur, estrogen and progesterone levels drop sharply, the lining of the uterus breaks down and menstruation occurs. If fertilization does occur, estrogen and progesterone work together to prevent additional ovulation during pregnancy. Birth control pills (oral contraceptives) take advantage of this effect by regulating hormone levels. They also result in the production of a very thin uterine lining, called the endometrium, which is unreceptive to a fertilized egg.
Avatar n tn He really is a great doctor, one of the best in his fields here in New York City, but there is only so much he can do, and his resolution that just removing my uterus will have no hormonal side effects puzzles me as I know the opposite to be true. So my options are limited it appears, live with the fibroid or take out my uterus. I would keep my ovaries and fight to keep my cervix as well because of the side effects that removing your cervix can cause.
Avatar f tn I am going to have a total laparoscopic hysterectomy (uterus and ovaries) in about 2 weeks. 1) How long will I spend in the hospital? 2) What are the tricky tasks around the house that I might do out of habit, but really shouldn't? I'm guessing laundry and loading/unloading dishwasher...what else? 3) How soon after surgery do women start on hormone replacement? Thank you!
Avatar m tn s, memory and cognitive impairment, lung cancer, vision changes, hair and skin changes, sexual dysfunction. Estrogen may help with symptoms and may mitigate some of the risks.
Avatar f tn Well, my gyno says she would like me to be on estrogen only if my labs come back showing it's needed because she says she worries about osteoperosis. I do not have a uterus so I don't need progesterone she says. I have no idea about any of this because I had my uterus removed 10 years ago and I pretty much forgot about it. But her concern is that I'm only 43 and I"m very thin with all of these thyroid issues along with the whole GERD and taking prilosec everyday.
Avatar f tn Thyroid hormones and estrogen go hand-in-hand for many of us. I was just the opposite - had an ovary removed for PCOS in '96, thyroid cancer in '03, other ovary removed for PCOS (huge, hemorrhagic cysts) in '06 and ongoing fibrocystic breast disease. All are fed by hormones (either thyroid hormones or estrogen) and many, many of us on the forum have these problems.
Avatar f tn I also had a septum and had surgery on 4-12-11. my Dr done the surgery because i also was pregnant and only carried my baby to 22wks. we lost her because her lungs were not developed. we want to ttc again so i'm in the healing process. i have a balloon inside my uterus and am taking estrogen, i have a follow up appt on monday so lots of questions for the Dr then. good luck and baby dust for all of us..
Avatar f tn You might wish to check out this site,has interesting info about uterine lining.i was using fertilitea this is good for improving your uterus and many other thing.
429647 tn?1249753429 my ttumor was tested and it was estrogen positive i am on an estrogen blocker.. how about asking your doc if the tumor was estrogen positive or not.
Avatar f tn Adenomyosis is a type of endo but on the inside of the uterus. The uterine lining keeps growing and the uterus keeps trying to "shed" and thus you are constantly cramping. It feels like you are pmsing 24/7. My pain was so severe and I was constantly taking pain meds. After the hyster, I felt so much better. It was a relief to not have the pain. I did not realize how much pain I was in until it was gone.
Avatar m tn In most cases, it is not cancer but, given her history of breast cancer, they will likely be being more cautious and suspicious of an excess of estrogen/estrogen dominance and therefore, will take precautions to make sure that it isn't cancer and doesn't turn into it. Treatments can vary, depending upon what they find and what method they use to determine what it is.
Avatar f tn Fibroids are very common and typically do not need any treatment. They can cause irregular or heavier bleeding. If that is a concern, there are treatments to reduce and regulate bleeding.
Avatar n tn But I think that what you are asking is whether your ovaries will stop functioning and stop making estrogen and whatever else and you will begin to have menopausal symptoms, such as hot flashes and dry skin. This will only happen if your ovaries are removed or simply stop functioning (possibly due to the loss of blood flow from the removal of the uterus).
Avatar f tn t have a uterus and are on estrogen therapy without the use of progeterone please talk to your doctor ASAP. Thank you.
Avatar f tn So have you had problems with a thin uterine lining in the past? I did several cycles on letrozole (femara), and never had to use estrogen. If the estrogen supplement is just given as a precaution, I would have them check to see if you actually need it...and if it's not necessary, just skip it. Best of luck to you!
Avatar f tn I have the odd spotting but I have had a biopsy done 6 years ago of my uterus and it came back not precancerous showing. I felt perhaps this was menopause but thought I should check with a doctor to be sure. Had a pap that was fine. They did a ultrasound and that was fun..I have never had to pee so badly in my life I swear. They found a fibroid and a cyst on my ovaries. My question is this. First does an ultra sound show if this cyst is cancerous?
Avatar f tn I am having surgery the end of May and not sure if I should opt to have my ovaries removed or not. I am 46 and my hysterectomy is currently involves only the removal of my uterus due to fibroids. My OB informed me that there is a 15% chance of getting ovarian cancer. Can someone give me some of the pros and cons, I'm right in the middle and can't make a comfortable decision. Thanks.
Avatar n tn Tamoxifen is a selective estrogen receptor modulator, meaning that it targets estrogen in the breast independent of ovarian production of estrogen. However, if you have had your ovaries removed, then you would be postmenopausal and could possibly take an aromatase inhibitor instead of tamoxifen. Either way, if your breast cancer is hormone receptor positive, then hormone therapy would likely be recommended as the body does produce estrogen outside of the ovaries.
Avatar f tn When taking birth control pills - for a long period - (Over a year) the body shuts down the other female hormone panels to some degree. You keep pumping in that estrogen with synthetic medicine and than other things start to fail. Estrogen dominance is linked to hypothyroidism and adrenal ( cortisol) issues. The more you take in ( estrogen) the more the thyroid will slow down it's receptors to pump out what you need to stabilize the body.
1143127 tn?1406726153 I had a complete hysterectomy, with removal of ovaries, and a rectocele in 1997 due to prolapsed uterus. For the last two or three years, I have had vaginal soreness that is right inside of the bottom of my vagina. I also have had burning in that area as well as the opening, but this is not constant. This is causing a great deal of frustration for my husband and me. I cannot have sexual intercourse anymore. As long as he doesn't try to penetrate too far, I can handle that.