Estrogen and serotonin

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Avatar f tn s or selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors and SNRIs, serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors do not actually increase the amount of serotonin molecules in the brain. SSRI’s are thought to block the reabsorption (reuptake) of serotonin by certain nerve cells in the brain. This theoretically leaves more serotonin available in the brain. However if you have low serotonin to begin with these medications either will not work well, or work for a while then "poop out".
Avatar m tn The problem is finding the cause or causes but at the end of the symptoms and causes of serotonin deficiency is general info to help boost serotonin. When you reach a serious state of serotonin deficiency suicidal thoughts occur as I unfortunately know from experience.
Avatar m tn TCA agents are predominantly serotonin and/or norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors. Serotonin deficiency causes numerous symptoms but includes chronic pain (eg: headaches, backaches, fibromyalgia).
Avatar f tn ve been reading, everything in our endocrine system is very interrelated, I was reading the other day about how our estrogen levels can affect our serotonin levels, for instance, and the serotonin not only effects our moods, but even our appetite and digestion, which might explain why so many women complain of GERD and other digestive issues during menopause.
Avatar f tn s or selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors and SNRIs, serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors do not actually increase the amount of serotonin molecules in the brain. SSRI’s are thought to block the reabsorption (reuptake) of serotonin by certain nerve cells in the brain. This theoretically leaves more serotonin available in the brain. However if you have low serotonin to begin with these medications either will not work well, or work for a while then "poop out".
Avatar n tn Low serotonin symptoms include depression and migranes. What is causing the low serotonin is another matter. I had severe serotonin deficiency due to vitamin B12 malabsorption. My migranes were due to magnesium deficiency.
Avatar f tn Your liver has to process all those drugs. I hope you are alright! My mother has paracetamol toxicity and her liver enzymes were very high. You can die days after overdosing on drugs due to liver failure. I would go to the hospital just in case. I too had suicidal thoughts. In my case due to vitamin B12 malabsorption. This was my cause of seriously deficient serotonin levels. Serotonin is the happiness neurotransmitter.
1179774 tn?1310132650 There is not a lot of research on it, but since there is serotonin in the brain AND in the GI tract, it makes sense that headaches and IBS would go hand in hand. At least certain types of headaches. Are yours menstrual?
Avatar n tn ve had severe serotonin and dopamine deficiency from numerous conditions including nutrient deficiency states - notably vitamin B12 malabsorption (severe serotonin deficiency of note!), magnesium, other B vitamins, vitamin D, calcium, zinc, iron, vitamin A..., hypothyroidism, severe insulin resistance, estrogen deficiency, adrenal insufficiency.
5681148 tn?1372266454 Say I'm walking down the street to school or something. If I hear a car coming behind me, I walk slightly faster and try to get past a tree or a crack in the paving or anything that marks a point in the road. I try to do this before the car passes me. This somehow reassures me that the day is going to be good. It's kind of like gambling in a weird way..
Avatar f tn I could write a novel about this since I've had severe dopamine and serotonin deficiency and unfortunately still have very low dopamine although serotonin levels have improved. My serotonin in particular was severely deficient due to vitamin B12 malabsorption. My serotonin isn't too bad now.
Avatar m tn s or selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors and SNRIs, serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors do not actually increase the amount of serotonin molecules in the brain. SSRI’s are thought to block the reabsorption (reuptake) of serotonin by certain nerve cells in the brain. This theoretically leaves more serotonin available in the brain. However if you have low serotonin to begin with these medications either will not work well, or work for a while then "poop out".
Avatar f tn I know that estrogen and serotonin production is supposed to go down, which would then also cause oxytocin levels to decrease, but the effects I'm feeling are as if all three are increasing instead. That shouldn't be possible, right? Does anyone know how I could go about figuring out what's going on hormonally so I could potentially extend it's effects beyond a week?
6207205 tn?1389773318 I had OCD badly when I had vitamin B12 malabsorption and also to some degree with my thyroid imbalances. All due to low serotonin levels. Increase serotonin and say goodbye to your OCD and any of the other symptoms you might be suffering with. I had plenty from that list below! Excerpt from Nutritional Healing...
Avatar f tn There are so many reasons for low serotonin but you have already listed one reason - vitamin D deficiency. Find the underlying cause of serotonin deficiency and you no longer have to suffer the possible side effects of the drugs. My main reason for severe depression was due to severe vitamin B12 deficiency (just to add vitamin B12 and folate deficiency are causes of low platelet count too).
Avatar m tn s are thought to block the reabsorption (reuptake) of serotonin by certain nerve cells in the brain and this theoretically leaves more serotonin available. If you have low serotonin to begin with these medications will not work well or work for a while then stop working. Due to your symptoms, magnesium deficiency is the #1 suspect. Symptoms of magnesium deficiency are numerous but include anxiety, panic attacks, migranes, asthma, calcium build up (aortic stenosis is due to calcium build up).
Avatar f tn Im 23 male and i smoke half a pack of cigarettes a day. No drugs no sex no nothing. These symptoms have acumulated since i was 16. But now lifes just unbarable. I sweat at a persistent rate (not like drenched but a simi thick oily sweat) it makes me smell awful even if I'm in cool environments (2-6 times a week). Maybe twice a week i have a tingling sensation thru out my entire body especially in my chest, but most of the time its in my hands (4-5 times a week). U have a fast heart rate.
Avatar f tn I asked why and he said that I was physically aggressive in my sleep. He told me that I was shaking and making funny noises and when he touched me, thinking I was having a bad dream, I physically attacked him, pointedly at his groin. He tells me that after I attacked him to my satisfaction, I got up, had a drink of water, and went back to bed with a smile on my face with my eyes closed all the while. I do not remember this.
Avatar m tn I have been a regular exctascy (MDMA, Methampetiamine) user for the past 6 months or so and have been suffering from sexual dysfunction that i strongly believe has resulted from this recreational drug use. I was doing some research and found some information about MDMA damaging serotonin which directly influences sexual behavior. My question- I decided to quit MDMA about a month ago, and im wondering if my sex drive and erections will go back to normal over time or if this damage is permanent?
Avatar f tn However, I know Wellbutrin works differently than other antidepressants because it affects Norepinephrine and Dopamine levels versus Serotonin (like with most other antidepressants and/or anti anxiety meds). Increases in Norepinephrine and Dopamine would most likely cause more anxiety. They are the same receptors affected when you take stimulants, such as Adderall or Cocaine. I've never understood why doctors prescribe Wellbutrin to patients experiencing anxiety.
Avatar f tn Has anyone used Remeron for depression, while taking Maxalt for their migraines? I have migraines about every other day, and take 5mg maxalt for them. I was just given Remeron for depression, as the doc said i cannot take any SSRI's because of serotonin syndrome. I cannot find and interactions for Remeron, but just wondering if anyone else has tried these together. Any info appreciated.