
Estrogen and digestion

Common Questions and Answers about Estrogen and digestion


Avatar f tn i was having heart paps alot, first i thought it was changing to a natural thyroid, or maybe my estrogen was too high but i changed meds and they only got then i started burping alot i noticed and went off the digestive enzymes....AND ALL HEART PAPS VANISHED........not one night or day.......and i was having them first thing in the morning evening during the day.......way too many but i knew it had to besomething i had done recently...and thankfully it was.......
Avatar f tn ve been reading, everything in our endocrine system is very interrelated, I was reading the other day about how our estrogen levels can affect our serotonin levels, for instance, and the serotonin not only effects our moods, but even our appetite and digestion, which might explain why so many women complain of GERD and other digestive issues during menopause.
Avatar f tn Has anyone taken over-the-counter estrogen? Did you find that it worked just as good as the prescription estrogen, better or worse? Thanks.
Avatar f tn I was under stress and developed irritable bowel symdrome and my Dr told me to use Align the probiotic(now over the counter) and I had gall bladder issues and ended up having it removed. Has your Dr ruled out Reflux,hiatial hernia or gall bladder problems? Are you having any vomiting? When does the indigestion occur? An hour or so after meals,or get worse at this time?
Avatar f tn since my baby made three months his been pooping very very often like more then six times a day but every time he poops its a little and its different now its yellow like mustard and had a bad bad rash wich i think its from pooping so much. is this normal?
Avatar f tn My daughter has just been diagnosed with dysautonomia. We have been going to a gastroenterologist for months and had endoscopy's and a colonoscopy with no answers for her chronic constipation and nausea, now we know it is caused by the dysautonomia. Does anyone have an answer that will help her with constipation and digestion? She has to take a ton of laxatives just to go to the bathroom at all. She eats very little and is a vegan.
Avatar f tn hi have had diarrhea on and off for almost a month my pcp did a stool sample and I found up today that I have no good bacteria in my stool what does this mean and can this be a bad my pcp wants me on a bland diet and take pro biotics twice a day and how do you loose your good bacteria
Avatar n tn I have MS and one major problem I have is GERD, hiatal hernia, and gastroparesis. I have finally found relief for the constipation that goes with this. I now take 2 omeprazole a day, 4 domperidone--a motility drug, and a Zantac before bed. I have tried ginger capsules and all kinds of natural supplements, plus tums, etc. Any suggestions? I have had a bezoar when digestion just stopped, gall bladder out--infection in that. I feel like I have morning sickness all the time!
Avatar f tn Today i took a bm and it was bloody . Like bright red . And at the time is was difficult to pass but i pushed it out way too fast . No itching or anything but when i wiped there was blood . At least a spot as big as a nickel . Bright red . And there was spots of bright red blood on the stool but not mixed . Ive been experiencing contipation and i have had no change in diet . Idk what it could be . Could i have hemorrhoids ? There's no growth outside the anus .
Avatar n tn Most of the time some foods come out undigested - i do have IBS and have terrible gas and bloating.
Avatar f tn Welcome to the gastroenterology community! What do you mean by "weight over a 150 pounds to boot"? Do you mean that she needs to loose 150 pounds to be at a normal weight? How long has this been going on for? Has she seen a doctor about this?
Avatar n tn My 10 year old lab mix has eaten 4 whole stuffed jalepeno's and now she isn't feeling very good, what can I do to help her?
Avatar f tn As soon as I swallow food some days my abdomen above my navel will feel like there is a big bubble of air or gas in it. Tolerable but yet discomforting. Flatulence and feel like passing a stool but not ready yet. Anyone who has gone through this and offer some great solid advice?
Avatar n tn Cramps in relation to bright red rectal bleeding may be suggestive of a partial colonic obstruction and very rarely suggest cancer .The possibilities that may need to be considered include GI motility issues as seen in IBS, infections, inflammatory bowel diseases, growths/ masses etc. You should seek consultation from a gastroenterologist to consider the possibilities mentioned above. Have a fiber rich diet. Once a specific cause is identified, it can be managed accordingly.
Avatar n tn Yes,,I would start tx.
Avatar f tn For example, anticholinergic agents (such as those used for IBS and chronic diarrhea) can slow the muscular waves of digestion and reduce the pressure gradient in the esophagus. Similarly, codeine and other opiates slow down the action of smooth muscle tissue and affect LES tone. Tricyclic antidepressants have also been linked with GERD, most likely because the neurotransmitters they work on in the brain are the same as those in the gut.
Avatar m tn I have another question regarding Levothyroxine. I've been on it for 5 weeks now and for the most part the only positive difference I've noticed is having more energy. The cons of things I've been feeling are muscle pains, menstrual cycle changes and digestion. Can Levothyroxine cause constipation or mess up your digestion in any way? I've been having a lot of abdominal pain for the past week and my stomach is just gurgling really loudly when I eat.
Avatar m tn hi everybody this question may not belong to here but i didnt find the right place so i had problems in digestion and any food make great amount of gases and my colon i think it is not stable and i feel my intestine moving in different directions and making noise and sound and in the morning i always feel that my stomatch is not well like i will vomit if i eat any normal food but the great problem is that these great amount of gases i cant prevent them for long time so they are moving quickly f
401554 tn?1270213756 T2 area of the vertabrae) have a very large part in the heart rates and rhythm. I have been treated on and off again by him for about 12 years for lower back problems. After my attempted ablation and ICD implant, I went saw him for a treatment on my lower back and told him about my heart issues. He explained about he sympathetic and parasympathetic nerves and how they work and adjusted my T1 & T2 areas.. I went back once a week for several weeks and then stopped going...thus...
Avatar f tn I have been having problems with my stomach - bloating, stomach noises, butterflies, burping and slight pain. My doc has tested my blood for most things and i am going for an ultra sound scan soon. however, i wanted you opinion on whether my thyroid could be hyper active. i have a fast, pounding heart rate, light painful irregular periods and the problem runs in my family. can hyperthyroidism cause stomach problems? Should i mention my concerns to my doc and she has not suggested thyroid issues?
Avatar m tn My gastro is going to start me on Humira and my question is, does Humira aid with digestion and stop the diarrhea. Thanks!
Avatar m tn Does hypothyroidism cause a lack of digestion and in tern a lack of absorption of nutrients? I have an iron issue at the moment but have not started treatment with Synthoid or anything like that. I am unsure whether my iron problem will improve if my digestion is not at its full potential. Any advice?
907968 tn?1292622204 t know anything about Synthroid or for that matter, I know nothing about the thyroid. What I need to know is could there be a connection between Synthroid and the lack of digestion? I.E. stumic always full and very little, er... leaving the system. The digestion is still working but it's very very slow. Again, I think I know what is causing my problem but just to be sure I need to know if there could be a connection between Synthroid and the digestion?
Avatar m tn Hello my name is Babbal I am new to the forum. Ok so here is my issue I weigh 230 lbs absolutley unintentional I cannot lose weight no matter what I consume only about a thousand calories a day not because i starve myself because frankly that is my capacity when a growing male my age needs about 2500. Next I have a very very slow digestive system I have GERD take prevacid 30mg twice a day..
Avatar n tn ll want to make sure that they only contain Proteases, Lipase and Amylase and no other active ingredients. Prescription enzymes are the best. There are sustained-action enzymes and immediate release enzymes. A combination of the two can work wonders but you'd need to get instructions from your doctor and then figure out what works best for you. Enzymes take several weeks before they work. Enzymes are also sold in health food stores but, again, watch the ingredients.
Avatar n tn If you've been on the nexium and you've changed your diet to a GERD-friendly one and the symptoms continue, have you been scoped yet? If not, it's time to ask your doc for more testing. Ask to be tested for H. pylori and have an upper endoscopy done to get an idea of what your esophagus, stomach and duodenum look like. All PPIs have side-effects that can be more serious than weight gain.
Avatar m tn Be sure to eat your food slowly and drink before and after meals to promote good digestion.