
Estrogen and allergies

Common Questions and Answers about Estrogen and allergies


Avatar n tn The progesterone does help with sleep improvement and calmness, relief of anxiety and immune function improves, allergies tolerance improves and cortisol/adrenals improve, but bio estrogen (a combo of all 3 estrogen's created by a compounding pharmacy) helps with joy, and energy, voice, and the itching and lubrication, (for me anyway) the bio testosterone cream helps with energy, gumption, and some drive. I read that estrogen dominance can interfere with thyroid function, per Dr. Lee.
Avatar n tn I decided to start using natural progesterone cream because I was having symptoms of low progesterone, or estrogen dominance. I was hoping it would sooner or later address some issues I was having with allergies. Although I haven't used it for very long and my allergies haven't improved yet, what I have noticed is that I am somewhat constipated whereas before this was not a issue. Has anyone had this problem while using progesterone cream and does it sort itself out in time?
Avatar f tn Is there such a thing as pregnancy allergies? I had this constant sneezing and sinus problem when I was preggo with my son. Didn't have it any other time. Now It's back and is killing me.
Avatar f tn I am a 61 year old white female who has suffered with this problem first when I was turning 40 and then again when I was turning 60. It is a sever itch in my genital area. The bout I had at age 40 turned out to be sever allergies to my cats. However, when it came back the second time, I was fully tested for allergies again and all tests were negative. I was also tested for all STD's and everything else associated with the genital area and all came back negative.
Avatar f tn 75 within 2 months) 6 weeks after stopping BCP because my TSH was at 3.98 - thought to be slightly hypo and the cause og my symptoms - and it stopped the crazy menstruation, but not the extremely heavy bleeding OR the pelvic pain. And it made me have hot flashes AND my hair to come out by the handful. After 6 months of suffering on Synthroid, I got off of it.
Avatar n tn I am 45 yrs old and have had hormone tests done suggesting estrogen dominance. My allergies have gotten worse over the past two years. I am cold all the time (body temp 97.5), fatigued, anxious with various other symptoms. My recent thyroid tests were as follows: Free T4 - .61; T3 Total - 75.53; TSH - 2.21; Anti-TPO - 600 and Thyroglobulin Ab - 210. Based on how I feel, I believe I have hypothyroidism but my doctor says 'no' and I should retest in a year. What are your thoughts?
Avatar n tn I have been to an allergist and have had a skin test and the results were no allergies. I have taken pills and inhalers and nothing seems to help .The reactions I get are as follows... Eg . I go shopping to a clothing store.I Walk in for 10 mins lets say... My throat starts to feel like I ate a furball .
Avatar f tn if your test results come back negative, definitely time to look for other causes. Usually chronic infection with yeast causes skin issues like you've described though sometimes it's just a lack of estrogen in our genital skin that causes it to be more delicate and tear easier.
Avatar n tn I have been on Arimidex since 2007 and have the same symtoms as you described, I can't use any soap in the vaginal area because it stings too much, and use hypo-allergenic soap, There are cetain foods I've learned to stay away from also because they cause increased burning: berries, citrus juice. There are others that you can also look up on the net, My oncologist also told me to stay away from all estrogen and natural compounds.
Avatar m tn well meds - pursay - is not connected but the hormonal outline of them could bring one on Here is scoop in a nutshell with T4... With the conversion of the T4 medication is could require other hormones to get "active" most commonly estrogen - and the estrogen could be elevated spiking those headaches. I'd have her retested and see if she has optimal labs.
Avatar f tn Menopause is often thought of as a time of declining estrogen, but it is actually common for women to experience surges of abnormally high estrogen levels in the menopausal years, as well as earlier in life. This misconception has led many millions of women to engage in Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) to restore lost” estrogen, hoping to address the above list of conditions. This additional estrogen may only worsen the problem and even set the stage for the development of deadly disease.
Avatar f tn The effects on my brain were extreme - severe depression and inability to think, concentrate and remember. I had little energy and often felt shaky. I aged rapidly - lost so much hair and skin collagen. Although I didn't have heart palps or dizziness / vertigo, I know a number of women who did. Has any doctor prescribed estrogen? Finding the right form and dose of estrogen was a huge help for me including lifting me out of the black hole of depression.
1104206 tn?1407475591 5cm complex cyst in my right ovary have been to see a gyno/oncologist yesterday and he recommended removal of both my ovaries and fallopian tubes on on Dec 4, the gyno says its prob not a cancerous cyst but for peace of mind removal is best lm very worried of the after effects of the op, have heard a lot of negative things about the removal of the ovaries ranging from the menaupause symtoms[ i cant take hormone replacements due to the breast cancer i have had] terrible consipation, vaginal dryne
Avatar f tn I also have hashimotos (not taking thyroid meds since my doctor said it hasn’t effected my thryoid levels) and I had surgery for endometriosis recently. My allergies and asthma symptoms also worsen when I ovulaye and before my period.
1488429 tn?1289222119 A thyroid disorder can be the underlying cause effecting the sense of smell. Also, some medicaions. But you should see your doctor as the condition can be a serious health condition. A smell disorder can be an early sign of Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, or multiple sclerosis. It can also accompany or be a sign of obesity, diabetes, hypertension, and malnutrition. Hope this helps. Thanks for your question, and if you have any followup questions you are welcome to respond.
392430 tn?1382904781 Now we are waiting for the results of the bloodwork to make sure my estrogen levels have gone down and if so I start the gonadatropins tonight. DH and I feel like we have won a small battle and can't get the smiles off our faces.
Avatar f tn I went to a hormone doctor, they drew blood and found out I had way to much estrogen in my body. Which can be because of milk and meat and plastics. Well being a vegitarian I knew it was not the But, I ate soy meat and drank soy milk. These raise you estrogen. Also I drank bottled water in plastic. WEll laying off of these helped some , got hormone free reg milk and cut down on soy meats but it took taking Indole-3 carbinol 400 mg. a day to work.
405855 tn?1217100767 What is the correlation of estrogen and follicles? What should the estrogen number be before ovulation. Can this number be affected if you are taking Femara. On CD11, I had 5 follis - 20, 15, 18, 17, 16, 12 but my estrogen was only 23, is it possible? My lining was so think 4 mm only.
Avatar f tn I remember that prior to starting treatment in Sept 09, I read somewhere that being post menopause would be a negative strike against me but I still opted to NOT take estrogen. I have been in surgical menopause since 1996, I took estrogen for 10 years and then quit because of the increased chance of breast cancer after taking estrogen so many years. I finished treatment (without taking estrogen since 2006) and I achieved SVR.
Avatar m tn I went through a serious bout of stress from my job a couple of years ago and ended up leaving. My hair thinned, I started getting fat round my waste and on my chest giving me the dreaded man boobs look. The stress and lack of sleep got so bad at times that I often forgot what day it was and could not sleep or stop my hands from shaking. Now the problem remains and I can't get rid of it. My DHEA is fine and so is my testosterone.
Avatar m tn three months ago I had Pnemonia and even with using bi -est, I am having hot flashes and night sweats which has never happened to me on a constant basis. My husband thinks the pnemunia/fever rearranged my hormones and it will take awhile for them to settle down. I am 57 and was pretty stable on the bi-est. has this ever happened to anyone else?? Thx!