
Elisa test use

Common Questions and Answers about Elisa test use


Avatar n tn elisa wb is a confirmation test if you test positive on the elisa
Avatar m tn There is a lot of new tests but elisa is just the type of test, there are 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th generation of elisas, and there continue to be a lot of research for new tests, the newest teste tend to be rapid test accurate as elsia tests, there has been also improvement also in the NAAT tests, and some labs are trying to come up with a new 5th generation rapid test (PCR+Antibody+p24) but is not ready yet.
Avatar m tn I have checked on-line with labs that use the same tests and they all have said (3Labs) they use the test that my doctor used and they consider it 99% accurate. Besides that as you might have read where my situation is different then yours I had performed oral sex and the risk factors according to this forum do not exist. I also have checked on-line about unprotected oral sex for medical advisor's and they claim the risk is very low.
Avatar n tn I will go Jakarta if my villege no 3 generetion test. test shop paper print EIA (assxym). Is the test not the forum call elisa or is one old test long time no use already.
Avatar m tn If the laboratory does DUO test - is possible, that laboratory used of 1st. or 2nd. generation ELISA test + p24 antigen, without 3rd generation ELISA? Or everytime must be used 3rd generation ELISA?
Avatar n tn i live in the us and had an elisa antibody test at 7 weeks 9 weeks and 13 weeks which all tested negative. i still get leary on the whole 6 month test. is the elisa here accurate This discussion is related to <a href=''>A different question</a>.
Avatar n tn Is the elisa test conclusive for my relations prior to the latest one? Does the elisa test nvalidates the rapid blood test that appeared undetermine or whatever? Can i rule out my last relation given that use protection for vaginal and girl tested negative? What can cause rapid test to be undetermined? would the elisa test detect the antibodies is rapid test show a barely seen fainted line?
Avatar n tn Hello forum. After a risky exposure i took an ELISA test at 8 weeks wich came back negative. And today i took another one wich is 82 days since the exposure, its 2 days short till 12 week mark. Could i consider myself 100% HIV negative? And is 82 days conclusive?
Avatar n tn What exactly is an ELISA test? Do they use rapid tests when sent to lab? I had a 16 week negative unigold rapid finger prick test and was wondering how reliable it is?
Avatar n tn Being content and paying for an unproved test doesn't make much sense. If you want to know your status use an approved test. Take an ELISA test which is approved for diagnostic use.
Avatar n tn They just had their blood work done, and the guy who is supposed to be the bio dad (his sperm will be used to impregnate me) got an indeterminate result on the Elisa test. From all Ive read here, most people get indeterminates on the Western Blot, not the Elisa. Weird? Anyway, his Western Blot was negative, as was his viral load test. Based on his symptoms...fatigue lasting approx 4 weeks, and his location, his drs have decided to treat him for Lyme disease, and do more testing...
Avatar n tn I did not worry much until now, but now I am married, and I am worried about my husband although we use adequate protection. I was again told that ELISA was of no avail when I inquired before getting married. So will it be good to do a hiv rna or dna pcr? Is there anything that I can do now?
Avatar n tn will an ELISA test detect all strains of HIV including groups N and O and all CRF's???
Avatar m tn This may not be the best place to ask this t I wondered if anyone knew this one. When a lab is testing your blood for HIV. Do they use the same Elisa assay kit (tray) to test multiple people at the same time? Or is it 1 kit to 1 person?
Avatar n tn Ask them. A plain ole ELISA test is one of the best.
Avatar f tn Hiye, this may seem a silly question but is the Elisa test that is used for HIV the same as the Elisa test used for rheumatoid arthritis?.. Is the Elisa just a standard antibody test that is not disease specific and if reactive then a specific test is used?..
Avatar n tn They use the oraquick because for one you get results in 10 to 20 mins and they are reliable results plus they are FDA approved test the elisa test can take 2 to 5 days for the results why sit around with more worries when rapids are just as reliable with quick results Sorry Dr Hook if I am wrong about this