
Diflucan for ringworm treatment

Common Questions and Answers about Diflucan for ringworm treatment


Avatar n tn And was prescribed diflucan 200mg 1x a day for 1 week. She said it may take a while for it to fade. I am now at 3 months and went to see another dr. He prescribed diflucan 150 mg 1x a day and nystatin ointment 2x a day, but I feel like it is still spreading. Thankfully only on my arm but it's huge and ugly! I don't feel like it's getting better. What's next?!
Avatar n tn I was put on the oral anti fungal drug Terbinifine. I took it once a day for 2 weeks for a severe case of ringworm. The ringworm started clearing up fast, but I developed many side effects. They included: an itchy red rash, which my dermatologist said was an allergic reaction to the drug, loss of appetite, swollen glands, occasional right upper quadrant pain, which has subsided. I had shortness of breath, and I have developed a persistant productive cough.
20797525 tn?1510602613 I have had candida for a little over a year now. It all started with strep throat that I required penicillin to combat. Penicillin helped but never fully eliminated the problem. I began to notice a lot of itching underneath my left arm. A few times I would put deodorant on and it would sting to high heaven. Then I noticed that classic yeast smell. I tried all types of treatments with no result, relief or answers.
Avatar n tn I have fought this unfriendly fungus off and on for over 10 years. (43/F) I have taken Griseofluvan, Diflucan, and tried every topical cream, oil, and alternative remedy I can find. I took Griseofluvan for over 4 months with no improvement, and quit the treatment because of the toxic effects. The doctor said there was nothing she could do, that it was systematic, and I would never get rid of it.
Avatar f tn If the investigations for fungal infections(ringworm) have come negative, I suggest you to take a second opinion from another dermatologist and get nummular dermatitis also ruled out. If it is ringworm then you may be needing oral antifungals as well. I hope it helps. Take care and regards.
Avatar f tn Antibiotics will not help yeast infections, in fact they can cause them, for me anyway. Monistat or diflucan OTC for the yeast infection. Not sure about the other.
Avatar n tn I am currently being treated with Diflucan and Cipro for an existing yeast problem. I am taking Diflucan for 30 days and Cipro for 10 days. This will give me some relief for about three or four months and then I will need to treat the problem again. Questions: Should I change the Diflucan/Cipro time schedule or try different drugs? Any other suggestion would be very much appreciated. I should note that I take enzymes with each meal (Digest Gold and Fenol) Thanks for any help, Sam.
Avatar f tn But like I said before I dont have insurance so she prescribed diflucan, mupirocin ointment( for bacteria) and another that starts with a Kertaphmeme(for fungal infection). Im hoping one of these things will work because im getting pretty nervous here. I'll keep you posted if i have any progress.
Avatar m tn t see anything like ringworm but have been very itchy and I have three children diagnosed with ringworm this week :(
Avatar m tn // Ringworm is not difficult for a physician to diagnose and treatment varies depending on the severity of the issue. Treatment usually takes 2 to 4 weeks to clear it up and prevent it from returning. Let us know what your doctor says.
Avatar n tn I went to my doctor and he just prescribed me some hydrocortisone for my eczema and told me to use antifungal on the affected areas i thought were ringworm. Well it took about two months for the circular rashes to clear and luckily they weren't visible so I went back to work. This past December I got the rashes again and they have been healing and coming back for the past few months.
Avatar m tn I'm going to give you the following link with the warning I've never actually tried holistic treatment for pets (it's a subject I'm starting to get more interested in). There is an Icelandic herb that's very good for treating infection in cats, but I can't remember the name for the life of me right now. I'll try to jog my memory and get back to you. Be aware that these companies are not federally regulated.
Avatar f tn If it is nummular dermatitis, then antihistaminics and topical steroids may be needed whereas the treatment of fungal infections like ringworm is antifungals drugs. It is very difficult to precisely confirm a diagnosis without examination and investigations and the answer is based on the medical information provided. For exact diagnosis, you are requested to consult your dermatologist. I sincerely hope that helps. Take care and please do keep me posted on how you are doing.
Avatar f tn Does anyone know how long it usually takes for a yeast infection to clear up? I just popped my second week of Diflucan, and my symptoms are much better. My red, irritated, itchiness is gone...just stuck with that gross cottage cheese-like discharge. How long does it take to go away?
Avatar m tn What is the usual dosage for treatment of toenail fungus with Diflucan? My doctor prescribed it to me and it just seems to be different than normal. He said to take 100 mg/daily for the first 10 days of each month until it's gone. Is that a normal regimen?
Avatar m tn I went back to the doctor, he gave me diflucan, She also got diflucan. After three days on the diflucan, her symptoms were gone and mine were 90% gone. I then began to apply a diluted vinegar solution. The symptoms were gone for a few days, including the redness, but then they came back. Not as bad as before, but still there. At that point he screened for claymidia and gonnorea, and gave me the zpac. I continued diflucan and vinegar, with the sympmtoms almost, but not quite, vanishing again.
Avatar n tn Medicated shampoo such as ketoconazole is often used for treatment in mild cases and to reduce the risk of spreading the scalp ringworm.However, oral antifungal medicines are prescribed if the fungus invades deep into the hair follicle. This usually requires at least 6–8 weeks of treatment with oral antifungal pills or syrup. Discuss this with your doctor for proper management.
Avatar n tn Both ringworm and yeast infection are fungus. in fact one of the very best treatments for ringworm is monostat mixed with hibiclense I am not a medical pro, but I did rescue 3 infested kittens 4 years ago and my hairless dogs got ringworm. from that i learned the ringworm spores can live many months. I bought a woods lamp, only to discover all ringworms do not florese. dry skin does florese. grr a waste of good money.
Avatar f tn Hi, I have been fighting ringworm for about 3 weeks now and I feel like I'm going insane....seriously.... At first there was 1...then about 25 of the little bastards... I started using OTC creams and it didn't work...then I went to my Dr. and got a script for that Keta something....and started changing clothes 2 times a day, taking a shower, then the cream again.... It's a neverending cycle of starting to clear up then finding more...I hate this.....
Avatar m tn Ringworm on the other hand is highly contagious and all of your issues are common for someone who has not had proper treatment for it. I strongly advise you to to a dermatologist and get appropriate treatment in order to resolve the ringworm. Your massage therapist was actually at risk from you spreading your ringworm. But nothing that you have posted has anything at all to do with HIV.
Avatar f tn If suspected ringworm does not respond to routine antifungal treatment, further diagnostics must be performed, like a skin biopsy, a fungal culture, or a skin scraping for fungus identification. Let us know if you need any further information. It would be advisable to consult a skin specialist for the symptoms and a proper clinical examination. Let us know if you need any other information and post us on how you are doing. Regards.
Avatar m tn hello im 14 years old and i have ringworm on my face and on my left ear but it wont go away ive tried everything like otminents and creams,medicines and ive went to a dermatologist but no help so whats next im ready to get rid of these ive had it for about 2 years oh and i have ringworm on my head like multiple bald spots about 5 spots and starting to get embrassing so is it permanent or can i get rid of it before next year please any information you have will help
Avatar f tn Look out for fungus again.
Avatar n tn Apply warm compresses on the lymph nodes and complete the treatment for ringworm as prescribed by your doctor. Once ringworm is treated, lymph nodes will come back to their normal size. I sincerely hope that helps. Take care and please do keep me posted on how your daughter is doing.