
Differin dry skin

Common Questions and Answers about Differin dry skin


Avatar f tn Ok so I have been prescribed differin gel for "acne" problems. I recently had a huge one with deep cyst (when i touch it i can feel hardness under the skin)...then it formed a white head and oozed a lot of pus (and some blood) after which it stopped being painful. My question is can I still keep on applying differin gel on top of the acne even though it's "broken" skin? The differin seems to help calm the inflammation pretty quick and dry it out...
Avatar f tn Hello, Differin or adapelene is used for acne vulgaris. Clean your skin with a mild cleanser (not soap) before applying the medication. Pat the skin dry with a clean towel and Apply the medication in a thin layer to the entire face or other affected skin areas. Do not apply any other skin products unless your doctor has told you to. Avoid application to the areas of skin around eyes, lips and mucous membranes.
1632818 tn?1299941302 I clarified that my problem was that my skin was sensitive, sore and feels like its burning after washing, and asked if differin would dry out my skin. She said that while it helped my "acne" it would also help with my eczma and that I should leave it on overnight. She said I should try to stop using my moisturiser too and just use the sunscreen, as this with the differin would be enough. I put my fears aside and trusted her and followed her advice.
Avatar m tn Moisturizers and oatmeal baths sooth the skin. After the skin peels, the healthy skin surfaces and should even out your skin color. If the redness persists, it is best to discuss this with your dermatologist for further evaluation. Take care and keep us posted.
Avatar f tn Hi, I have suffered with extremely oily acne prone skin since I was a teenager-I'm now 42. What I use in the evening is Serious Skin Care's glycolic cleanser with dry hands and dry face, rinse, and then follow cleansing with the Daily Ritual Cleanser also by Serious Skin care with a wet face and hands. After cleansing with both cleansers I apply Nature's Cure for Females 5% benzoyl peroxide to my entire face. I also take the Nature's Cure pills AM and PM.
Avatar m tn This helps is soaking the oil and helps in peeling away the blackheads.If benzoyl peroxide leaves your skin dry, apply an oil-free moisturizer after 10 mins of applying benzoyl peroxide. It is very difficult to precisely confirm a diagnosis without examination and investigations and the answer is based on the medical information provided. For exact diagnosis, you are requested to consult your doctor. I sincerely hope that helps. Take care and please do keep me posted on how you are doing.
Avatar n tn I thought perhaps they were small clogged pores, but when pressed on, nothing came out. So I thought maybe they were just a patch or dry skin, or skin a rubbed a bit raw when rubbing my eyes at night or something, so I tried applying Differin cream to it with no result. It is not spreading, but it is not going away either. Some have said it's just a mark I got from being overstressed, but i think that really means they have no
Avatar m tn Cleanse the area thoroughly and apply a good mild exfoliating scrub on that.Pat the skin dry and do not rub it vigorously. Apply a medicated cream or gel containing resorcinol, salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide. This helps is soaking the oil and helps in peeling away the blackheads.If benzoyl peroxide leaves your skin dry, apply an oil-free moisturizer after 10 mins of applying benzoyl peroxide.
Avatar n tn It seems that antibiotics are the ONLY thing that cure my acne since I have really oily skin. The topicals dry it out in the beginning, and I only apply a little, but then my sebaceous glands quickly make up for the lack of oil. I always keep it well moisturized with noncomedogenic lotion but by noon I look like a grease monkey :-( Any help would be great !!!!
Avatar n tn When in the light I notice that on these patches there seems to be a top layer of thin skin. The Differin has subsided my breakouts nicely, but I am still left with these very noticeable red spots all over my face and I am absolutely freaking out. There appears to be no indentation so I would hope this wouldn't be permanent. Is it normal to have such a reaction and if so, how can I help this heal, and how long will it probably take?
Avatar m tn Hi. There is a lack of medical evidence that what you eat affects acne. Acne is caused by high levels of androgens (hormones) common in teenagers and people in their 20s. Androgens stimulate the oil glands in the skin. Bacteria on the skin feeds off this excess oil, blocking the pores and resulting in acne. The best way to treat this is with a course of oral antibiotics such as Oxytetracycline to kill acne-causing bacteria.
Avatar n tn I follow up the scrub using use products with witch hazel or tea tree oil to soothe my skin and keep my face from becoming overly dry.
Avatar m tn She went to her dermatoligist and she said it is perioral dermatitis by looking at it. Now let me mention my gf had dry skin around the area for a few weeks before this and she uses differin and some oral medicine for acne. She also asked her dermatoligist if this could be acute hiv rash and the dermatoligist said no since acute hiv rash is generalized and not localized (also said she would have other symptoms), She had a sore throat for a few days and a dry throat a few mornings.
Avatar m tn it says its for rosacea but doest oracea work to kill acne to or no?and the differin gel 0.3% isnt this not as strong drying to dry up pimples as retin a micro 0.1%?why do you think he changed everything i dont wanna break out more for this stuff im thinking of calling the office friday and asking him but hes always so you think this is a good change or bad and trying to uunderstand how the differin gel 0.3% not as strong as the retin a mico 0.
Avatar f tn Hi I've recently been using differin gel, but about a week ago I started breaking out bad and decided to take a week long break from the gel to heal my skin. I was wondering if taking a week long break was a good idea or not?
Avatar n tn She gave me this thing called tend skin but it seemed to just dry my face and I got some more blemishes after using it. I don't know what to do. I could really use some advice on how to shave. I use an electric razor because the blade was killing my face. It seemed to help for a while but not a ton anymore I guess.Is there any type of laser therapy or alternative treatment I can use? If what I have is folliculitis and not acne, is the treatment different?
Avatar f tn The best topical lotion in my opinion is Differin. It can be as effective as topical Isotretinoin but is usually much better tolerated, with little or no redness and peeling. It is even more effective when used in conjunction with oral antibiotics. I have taken Accutane twice (20% of patients require a second course) with good results, please see my photos in my profile. I am happy to discuss any concerns you have about this drug. Eloise.
Avatar f tn Avoid using cleansers with high alcohol content as they tend to dry your skin out and cause more irritation. Cleansers such as Cetaphil or Aquanil are the best because they clean the skin but also moisturize them as well. Hot water may be good for your dishes but they reek on your face. Try cleaning often with a gentle cleanser under mild warm water and then moisturize with that is made for sensitive skin. If you wash with a wash cloth make sure it’s really soft or just use your hands.
Avatar n tn Short periods of intense rubbing can cause a blister, but any rubbing of the skin at all can cause a blister if it is continued for long enough. Blisters form more easily on moist skin than on dry or soaked skin, and are more common in warm conditions. Sometimes, the skin can blister when it comes into contact with a cosmetic, detergent, solvent or other chemical; this is known as contact dermatitis. Blisters can also develop as a result of an allergic reaction to an insect bite or sting.
Avatar n tn I got Differin from the doctor and used it for 6 months with no results. Is he to young to start to serious ritual? He is adopted and his birth mom has very serious acne. He is very worried about all these pimples. He started getting them at nine. The doctor told me they aren't really acne but I forgot what he called them so I could look them up.
Avatar m tn There are not very many big acne heads (I have benzoyl peroxide5%, Differin 3%, and Minocyclin 100 mg twice a day). These medications play a big part in my not having many big zits. Anyways, I have lots of little acne heads all over. How effective is Accutane at getting rid of these heads and keeping them off? (from your experience or from official sources) Thanks!
Avatar f tn He provided me with some antibiotics and a gel called Differin.. Which is supposed to dry out your pimples and anything else concerning the " acne".. As I used the differin I did not notice any changes in the rash.. I went back after a while and my doctor decided to give me prednison for a week.. Which did ok.. the rash disappeared only to come back less than a week after finishing the prednison treatment..
Avatar n tn A synthetic topical retinoid like Differin will turn the skin over and completely remove the blemish. Or see a beautician or a nurse at a skin center who could extract the lesion without scarring, or carry out a chemical skin peel. Eloise.