
Cymbalta and smoking

Common Questions and Answers about Cymbalta and smoking


712802 tn?1274645485 No longer covered by her Medicare, her psychiatrist took her off the cymbalta and abilify. Switched to prozac 40 mg once a day. Last day for cymbalta and abilify was Wednesday. She is having horrible throbbing , headaches, angry outbursts, crying, the "runs", nausea, panic, agitation. She cannot get to sleep and wakes up after 4 hours once she does get to sleep. What she wants to know is whether or not she can take tylenol for the headaches?
Avatar f tn ve quit smoking and am almost off cymbalta z I feel like it helps a little with anxiety symptoms of OCD but nothing else. I guess this isn't really a question, just an observation....
Avatar f tn 30 am every morning since I quit. The Cymbalta did not help me sleep, so my Dr. prescribed Seroquel XR so it would kick in in the middle of the night. I take 50 mg and within 2 hours I have to be in bed. I am super groggy in the mornings. So my Dr. decided to switch to regular Seroquel. Took it last night for the first time and was up all night. Fell asleep around 4:30 am and had to get up for work at 6:30. I am tired of being sleep deprived and anxious.
1580828 tn?1322128022 My question is if I miss one dose of the cymbalta within a day I have the brain bashing migraine and the severe dizziness as bad as when it first occurred. Plus the fibro pain returns. Is this withdrawal from the drug or has the drug actually been keeping these things in check for me all this time and I would have been worse off sooner if I didn't start taking it to begin with (for anixety and quit smoking). Any help is greatly appreciated.
Avatar f tn I've been smoking marijuana for about 5 years. I've been diagnosed bipolar for about 2 years. I recently had a really bad reaction to pot. REALLY bad. I almost killed myself, screamed at my friends, and vomited for 2 days. No one else that smoked it had a bad reaction. I haven't had a medication change recently. I'm on lamictal, seroquel, wellbutrin, cymbalta, and adderall. I don't know what happened. It wasn't laced or else everyone would have gotten sick.
Avatar m tn Hi, I am 42 yrs old, I missed my period by 2 days, and on the weekend I was rushed to the hospital for food poisoning, my white blood cell count is high, and I feel better 2 days after the food poisoning. So I am wondering if I could be pregnant. I know I am old and I know my changes are very low, and I am in a place in my life where I don't want this to happen. I have looked into lyme disease, and any blood diseases assosiated with high wbc.
Avatar f tn s like can I ever get well - I was placed on Lamictal, Cymbalta and Klonopin - however my doctor upped the lamictal to 400 mgs and the cymbalta to 60 mgs and I had a very severe reaction to it (this was after having been rushed to the hospital in the intensive cardiac care unit because the doctor prescribed lithium when I was on a diuretic for high blood pressure).
Avatar f tn My doctor wants to increase my Cymbalta but I just want to be clean. I also quit smoking cigarettes the same day . Please anyone help me! Thank you!
Avatar f tn I honestly feel like I'm dealing with pms during this pregnancy- I don't remember how bad it was with my first but it certainly got a little out of hand with this one... I definately hear you and I didn't have quitting smoking to deal with on top of that-- my hubby and I had some bad fights that in hind sight I can see were either inspired by or exagerated by my hormones and feeling so tired... bad combo :( I've been doing much better with moodiness lately and I am now 32 weeks.
Avatar m tn I wanted to continue the thread that's old. I've been on it forever years . I'm taking 90 mg but I think I need a increase. I feel like crap...I can't stop eating . I have so many nervous habits smoking and eating ugh I can't take it anymore. I'm not suicidal, I'm just beyond frustrated ....
596143 tn?1226648054 I'm on Cymbalta for moodswings and fibro. Someone posted that they were on Cymbalta and Lamactil and it worked well. Cant find the post. Anyone taking this combination and does it work.
Avatar n tn I was put on cymbalta for depression and nerve pain ( RSD ). I hate taking new medicines I know nothing about. I am young and I am afraid of it. I start off taking 30 mgs for a week than increase to 60 than I will get up to 120 at some point. Could someone please tell me something about this drug? Is it safe? Thanks Susan...
1258539 tn?1293840202 Overall I think Cymbalta is one of the best medication out there but this have a cost. Cymbalta cost is outrageous and Cymbalta is very hard to stop. I stopped cold-turkey after using it for only 5 months and I had brain zaps for a little more than a month. The withdrawal was quite severe but it is expected with all potent powerful antidepressant.
Avatar f tn personal_page_id=817569 The link above takes you to the person on here who wrote about Cymbalta and Abilify helping her daughters. It is written in five parts. Thought you might be interested.
Avatar n tn I have come off of a lot of my medications. My final meds are Wellbutrin, Trazodone and Cymbalta. The Wellbutrin is suppose to take the place of the cymbalta. After horrible withdrawal, I came completely off of Cymbalta last week. I became so depressed that I couldn't stand to talk, much less move. All I wanted to do was sleep and be left alone. When I did interact, I was grizzly mean.
Avatar f tn I am 42 years old, married to a wonderful wife and great kids. I have my own business and have been smoking pot for the past 6 years. I would only take a small toke in the mornings, noons and right before I go to bed. It was awesome. Everything tasted good, the movies i watched where more interesting . I had good thoughts on how to improve my business. Smoking pot was great. I loved everthing about it .. Then about 2 years ago , the economy tanked and my stress levels went through the roof.
Avatar n tn The average dose for Cymbalta is 60mg per day, and although some doctors do prescribe it 120mg per day...there is no evidence to prove that it helps any more than the 60 mg per day. The maximim dose for Prozac is 80mg per day so you're still below the highest dosage on that one. I doubt your doctor will increase the Cymbalta anymore, and if he tries to...find another doctor! Best wishes.
Avatar f tn My sister started taking Cymbalta for Fibromyalgia and her appetite dropped a lot, and just a few months later she was pre-diabetic. I have read some other people's comments saying that going on or even going off of cymbalta has really messed up their blood sugar. some people even say that it made them diabetic. so if you are on cymbalta, just watch out for some of the pre-diabetes symptoms and tell your doctor about any weird eating habit changes that happen.
Avatar f tn Namaste, mcmcorp45 offers excellent information and advice and it is true that studies have shown that Cymbalta does note alter the reproduction process. If this is going to be your first child and you are having difficulties, I would consult with a doctor, who may need to refer you to a specialist as mcmcorp45 mentioned. Don't forget to have both parties evaluated for a possible problem.
Avatar n tn And Paxil gives more people a rough time upon stopping than any other antidepressant other than Effexor (and, ahem, Cymbalta). Your friend should have been tapered off the Paxil, and maybe was, but if not, and even if your friend was, there's a lot going on now possibly, too much for us to say which is which.
Avatar m tn I was on Cymbalta and experienced those side effects, but was much better after switching to Lexapro. Good luck!
714288 tn?1243254191 lol Maybe someone else can tell you their experience on cymbalta without the methadone and you can improvise accordingly. good luck http://www.cymbaltawithdrawal.
Avatar f tn More than when my thyroid was out of whack. Could the cymbalta be causing this and if so, what if I took it at night?
Avatar n tn I was 90 mg of Cymbalta and 300 mg of Seroquel daily for 5 years and it had gotten to the point where my legs would just give out and I would fall and I was in pain I went off all the medications and the falling and weakness in my legs eventually stopped but I am still in terrible pain...
400867 tn?1371753094 Ive been on Cymbalta 60mg for a year and very nauseaeted, what can I do? Trazadone 50mg at night for sleep.