
Celexa vs cipralex

Common Questions and Answers about Celexa vs cipralex


Avatar f tn I've been on cipralex 20mg for about 1.5 yrs, before that was on 40mgs of celexa.. I'm 37, about 190lbs 5'7".. Anyway my question is, my dr prescribed me ability 2.5mgs that I'm scared to start because of all the scary side effects I've read :-(. I guess I should also let u no that I suffer from severe anxiety/ severe depression disorder.
1001742 tn?1252685847 That's not the same drug, citalopram is celexa, not cipralex.
Avatar f tn I was on celexa for 8.5 yrs.. Started on 20mgs n my dr raised it to 40mgs after 4 yrs cuz it just didn't seem to be working.. After another 4.5 yrs it stopped working so she put me on cipralex... Been on cipralex for about almost 2 yrs now, and I don't find it worked as well as the celexa when it was working... I'm guessing it works different for everybody.. Do u still suffer panic n depression a lot??
Avatar m tn I have had head aches on cipralex, and when I drink some or even more then some drinks I get almost sick with a head ache. 1) are head aches common in taking anxiety drugs, 2) any way preventing the head aches. 3) dry mouth is that common with these drugs.
Avatar f tn I have experienced this from both Celexa and Cipralex. Weening yourself off the medication will probably be your doctor's strongest suggestion, as this eases the body out of dependency. The first withdrawal symptoms I experienced were slight brain twitches, almost as if I was feeling little shocks or jerks. They didn't scare me because I knew the cause, and they subsided quite quickly. After that it was mostly dizziness or lightheadedness, fatigue and irritability.
Avatar f tn I was on cipralex and Wellbutrin for 1 and a half years and then my doc switched me to Effexor for a year which caused more side effects than anything so iv been back on cipralex for about a week, I guess we will see how that goes.
574118 tn?1305135284 So since I am taking 5mg of lexapro this would be equivalent to 10mg of celexa. But the 10mg tablet in celexa can be divided while the 5mg in lexapro cannot. So fearing that I should reduce my dose of cipralex eventually like I did before, then either I take my 5mg of lexapro every other day or switch to celexa by taking 5mg.
Avatar f tn Hi I'm currently taking cipralex (antidepressants) for anxiety and panic attacks. Currently I have been feeling a strange electric shock type feeling going through my body. This is usually accompained by pulsing of muscles. I don't think this could be caused by anxiety as lately I have been less anxious. I am worried that have some rare disease I would be really grateful for any advice. Thanks in advance :).
Avatar n tn ive been put on cipralex 5mg by my doctor for anxiety. i started wit half tablet (2.5mg) for two weeks and started takin full tablet about a week ago. but for past two mornings hav been waking up with nausea and become very drowsy late afternoon. is it normal for side effects to manifest a full week after takin 5mg tablet?
3159640 tn?1430907300 I tried Zoloft and Celexa and found that in the end cipralex is currently the best option for me. Like JG said, it is trial and error. If you find one is not working for you, talk to you dr and try another.
Avatar f tn What they did was cut Celexa in half to create Lexapro, and thus were able to get a new patent. Celexa is a lot cheaper, therefore. If Celexa is working, I probably wouldn't switch; if it isn't, then I probably would.
Avatar f tn i have had generalized anxiety (severe) for 12 yrs. currently only on 5 mg of lexapro only because i couldn't get off the last 5mg. i take clonazepam which is the only thing that works, but every couple of years i hit a wall and need to up the antidepressant. been on zoloft, paxil, celexa,effexor, lyrica, cipralex(lexapro), maoi's, etc..wondering if pristiq works, or maybe cymbalta? only snri i was on was effexor, which didn't do much but also had a brutal psych.
Avatar m tn Should a patient be on zoloft and celexa at the same time. I have a patient on celexa 20mg that started 5/17/11. She was previously on Zoloft 200mg daily that has been decreased to 100mg daily x7 days then 50mg x7days then d/c. My problem is this combination of the two. Should she have finished the tapering of zoloft before starting the celexa?
Avatar n tn Been there, done that... You're weight gain, more than likely, is as a result of your med's. I can speak for Zoloft anyway...It slows your metabolism so even if you don't eat a lot, you still gain weight. It is very difficult to lose also.You can't take diet pills to reverse the effects of Zoloft either because it will cancel out the good that the med's do. My boyfriend has had a difficult time dealing with the weight issue.
Avatar f tn Yes 10 mg of Cipralex isnt that high of a dose for me. Prior to this experience, I had been on Celexa for two years and when I got off of it I was fine for a few months but then I was even worse than when I started on it. This made me conclude that medication alone would not help me recover from Panic.
Avatar n tn This is thing about prescription antidepressants and anti anxiety meds. You have no idea what kind of side effects you could start experiencing once the drug takes effect. I've also tried Celexa and Cipralex on separate occassions, and neither of them left me thinking "Good thing I went on those!" They're not worth it. Your sleeplessness and drowsiness and confusion are only some of the harsh effects that people can experience.
672514 tn?1265655141 Been taking 30 mg of celexa for just over 4 weeks for anxiety....had dry mouth and a little fogginess for the first couple of weeks but that has worn off. I'm much better than I was without the celexa but still think it needs more time (or possible dosage adjustment)....been wondering if I should try lexapro but hate to change since I'm so far into the celexa. No ED for me....but was warned it was a possibility.
415867 tn?1323365503 Newer antidepressants don’t have the same side effect. While Paxil and Zoloft do cause some weight gain, other SSRIs, like Prozac, Celexa and Lexapro, don’t. For Paxil and Zoloft, the weight gain can add up to five to 40 pounds a year. Some people do experience weight gain with Lexapro or Celexa, but most don’t. In this case, it is not a surprise to have idiosyncratic responses, since the chemical structure of all the SSRIs is so similar.
Avatar n tn The newer antidepressant (which is pretty much all that is getting prescribed nowadays) have pretty much the same side-effect but each person is different so if you are getting a lot of side effects (past the two week point - they all suck the first two weeks) on one you may be able to switch to another and it works great. There are just too many variable in the human body. For example I can't handle Wellbutrin but can handle Cipralex or Celexa.
Avatar m tn The first med I was Luvox, on lasted quite a while (5 yrs), after that, Zoloft worked for 2 maybe 3 yrs. after that, Effexor 2 months, Celexa worked for 1.5 yrs. Cipralex 6 months, and I went over to Cymbalta which after 2 weeks blew me out of the water with anxiety. There are other classes of drugs that have long term benefits like Lamactil and Abilify , though Bipolar meds, with refractory depression they can work. I have very minimal depression now.
Avatar f tn lexapro/cipralex/escitalopram I took it until yesterday for 2 months. it's very good but I had to stop it as I wasn't on an MS like you. True it works fast. In different forums people either take it or its cousin cipram/celexa/citalopram incidentally same danis company. Or wellbutrin too is well tolerated by BP pts. Of course don't exceed dose otherwise will bring mania but i assume not for you as you take lamictal.