
Celexa and alcohol consumption

Common Questions and Answers about Celexa and alcohol consumption


Avatar m tn You should be aware that anxiety is a common side effect brought on by alcoholism but may also be hereditary. Alcohol is a depressant. Celexa is normal prescribed to treat depression. Please continue to use caution. Citalopram (Celexa) is used to treat depression. Citalopram is in a class of antidepressants called selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs).
Avatar f tn I have had this habit since I was a kid, before I developed severe anxiety, was diagnosed with OCD and stopped and started a couple meds. I actually just started Celexa today. In my experience and from what I've heard of others, medicine doesn't usually work on its own. It is going to take a big effort from you to take back your life and choose to live above fear. (anxiety, whatever you want to call it.
Avatar m tn Could u be more specific about what drugs u used plus alcohol consumption for how long and how much?
Avatar f tn so I didn't know I was pregnant until I was 9weeks. so you know, I kept going out with friends and drinking. did any of you drink a lot before you knew? and do you think it's s big problem?
Avatar f tn I'm 23 weeks and am curious how much alcohol you're allowing yourself to drink?
Avatar f tn I was on medication after removal surgery but my prescription lapsed and it was not renewed. I let it go, the doctors didn't realize and somehow it just fell through the cracks and got lost in the shuffle. Needless to say, I am now back on regular thyroid medication. I greatly appreciate your information to my question and if you have any additional insight, I would welcome it. Thank you very much!
Avatar m tn You drinking is basically undoing anything the Celexa is trying to do. Alcohol alone will make you feel very depressed and anxious for days following a binge. The Celexa is trying to work, but doesn't have a fighting chance at that point. Not to mention, you shouldn't be drinking with this medication anyway...that's a given. Really, your best bet is to stop drinking all together. It is just going to exacerbate any depression and anxiety you may have.
Avatar f tn Hi. Two days ago I started on 10 mgs of Celexa and wonder if it's ok to have alcohol with it. I have read the warnings, the stories, the advice for others on higher dosages. I am on a low dose and I have just started taking it.
Avatar f tn Your medications have been prescribed to help breakdown and eliminate the production of cholesterol and dilate your blood vessels. Alcohol ultimately constricts blood vessels, and increases dangerous cholesterol levels; my suggestion would be to stop, not lower but stop your alcohol consumption; otherwise your risk of liver damage will be synergistic , the combination of a statin or blood pressure medications with alcohol; is illogical and downright dangerous.
Avatar m tn Patients with Ongoing Alcohol Use in those who completed HCV therapy, SVR was similar in drinkers and nondrinkers . Thus, alcohol users should not be excluded from antiviral therapy but treatment adherence should be stressed Patients with Ongoing Alcohol Use Alcohol is an important cofactor in the progression of HCV disease to cirrhosis and HCC (43) .
Avatar m tn He has seen dentists, jaw specialists (wears a night mouthguard), had an MRI (clear), had acupuncture and seen a chiropractor. All to no avail. Can his tmj and tinnitus be caused by excess alcohol consumption? He does drink everyday..... more+ than the recommended daily amount. I feel the alcohol may have a role is causing or worsening his issues.
Avatar f tn Even if a TIPS is functioning, active alcohol use can override its beneficial effects and can thus lead to the ascites and the variceal bleed recurring. Relapses like this really do necessitate that he enter into a relapse prevention program.
Avatar m tn I know that I'm an alcoholic, and have been since I was 10. When I was a kid, I used to get into my mom's wine and beer, and later got with friends with the same interests and started developing my drinking career. Over the years, I have been successful in my drinking career (as well as my scientific and family life) BUT the difference now is that I can't stop. I know about AA and have been to rehab and all that stuff. I have cirrhosis and continue to drink approx.
Avatar f tn Here's a number for Copaxone Shared Solutions information line 1-800-887-8100. I've never heard of any MS drugs prohibiting sensible alcohol consumption, but I'd refer you to the number above to get it from the horse's mouth, so to speak.
Avatar n tn Some subjective improvement may be seen right away, but this is usually due to the overall benefits of alcohol detoxification. If alcohol consumption continues, vitamin supplementation alone is not enough to improve the symptoms of most individuals. Nutritional therapy with intervenous or intermuscular injections of multivitamins is beneficial to implement until the person can maintain adequate oral nutritional intake. Treatments also include vitamin supplementation (especially thiamine).
Avatar n tn I think 2 regular sized bottles of beer in one weekend will not effect your health.... assuming you're not taking prescription drugs with an alcohol warning and you eat a normal/healthy diet.
Avatar m tn Just reading some of the posts and after talking to other sources, i got the impression that alcohol consumption whilst on interferon is worse than drinking pre treatment or after treatment. SVR achieved or not. I donthave another appointement til next feb and i genuinely really want to know. Thank muchly in advance in anyone can shed some light on this!
Avatar n tn So let me ask this....if a man consumes drugs and alcohol would the ingredients of the drugs and alcohol be present in the womans urine analysis after she consumes his sperm?
Avatar n tn ABSTRACT Alcohol consumption accelerates liver damage and diminishes the anti-hepatitis C virus (HCV) effect of interferon alfa (IFN-) in patients with HCV infection. It is unknown, however, whether alcohol enhances HCV replication and promotes HCV disease progression. The availability of the HCV replicon containing hepatic cells has provided a unique opportunity to investigate the interaction between alcohol and HCV replicon expression.
Avatar f tn m no doctor (though I did get an honorary degree in retail pharmaceutical sales and consumption). Why does your family object? In addition, recent studies now suggest that even 1 or 2 drinks a day can contribute to health risks that far outweigh any benefits that such moderation may bring. And most definitely, alcohol consumption of any amount will worsen many existing medical conditions.
Avatar m tn What is the time lapse between consumption of two drinks and increased heart rate(in some indivuduals)? Can it occur 5 hours later causing awakening?