
Carbs in sugar teaspoon

Common Questions and Answers about Carbs in sugar teaspoon


Avatar n tn You are in more danger from flour, rice, and potatoes than you are from a teaspoon full of sugar!!! Can you imagine eating a cup of sugar, teaspoon full by teaspoon full? Yuck. Now, imagine you are eating/drinking a cup of rice or potatoes or pasta or bread or applesauce or soda pop. Yummy? Danger Danger Will Robinson! Now you are beginning to understand CARBS. What are NET CARBS? Simple: Total CARBS minus fiber CARBS equals NET CARBS.
Avatar f tn other product that you could takes for low blood sugar which also equals to 15 grams are 3/4 cup of juice/regular pop; 1 tablespoon of honey; 6 lifesavers; 3 packets/teaspoon of sugar. when you retest after 15 minutes of consuming any one of these following, you should have a snack (15 grams--crackers with cheese; half a sandwich with cheese/peanut butter) if your next meal is more than 1/2 hour away. The purpose of this is to maintain your blood sugar.
Avatar f tn Instead of the cardamom seeds you may also use same quantity of dried ginger plus equal quantity of cloves and after you grind them add some honey to make a thick paste. Preserve that in a glass jar. And take one teaspoon fifteen minutes after each meal and at bedtime. P.S let me know how you feel and I may give you a few more recipes for improving your conditions further.
Avatar m tn Kellogg's cereal does have a ton of carbs in it, which makes me cringe seeing the adverts regarding the alleged "healthy" qualities. One needs to be careful with front of the box disclaimers, and instead one must read the nutritional info and ingredients at the back of the box. Another thing to consider is what happens when the body receives a whopping amount of carbs or protein without fat. Did you know that protein is insulinogenic?
1666434 tn?1325262350 even though it says sugar free, sugar free syrups are medium-high in simple carbs. For diabetics go easy on the portions and use in moderation, let common sense prevail.
Avatar n tn Carbs raise BG so restricting carbs will help BG. when you say 6 units I assume you mean 6 exchanges which is 90 gr of carbs. If you take 250 mg at each meal that is 750 mg a day, the limit is 2400mg a day so you have room to go up on the Met. It can take 6 to 8 weeks for met to become fully effective.
Avatar n tn 2) If you are having a high fat bedtime snack, change what type of food that you are eating that will still give you both carbs and protein. 3) Set your alarm clock for 3 am, check your sugar, and write it down in a log to discuss with your doctor. Only your doctor can really determine what is going on with your blood glucose, but it helps to have already taken the above steps. Good luck and keep us posted on your progress!
193609 tn?1292180293 Yeah counting carbs is a hard thing to follow because there are so many items from the food groups you have to stay away from. Honestly the best choice is to watch you fat content and calorie counting. Also just keep an eye on how much sugar and sodium is in the products you consume. Just because it's healthy or low fat doesnt me it should have a ton of sugar or salt in it. Good luck!
Avatar f tn all even fruit sugars and carbs that turn to sugar in your system. Sugar feeds the bacteria. I usually clear them quickly with this method. Good luck!
Avatar f tn Carbs are in bread, pasta, veggies, etc. They are everywhere and they are good for you, complex carbs.
362249 tn?1441315018 s 5g of fiber or more in a food item, the grams of fiber get subtracted from the total amount of carbs in the food. For instance, fiberOne cereal has 13g fiber and 45g carbs. The 13g fiber gets subtracted from the 45g carbs, which equals out to 32g carbs total for the serving of FiberOne. (I can't remember exact amounts of fiber and carbs--so I guessed for this example).
Avatar f tn Did this person tell you to cut all carbs, or just simple carbs? Vegetables are carbs. Fruit are carbs. Whole grains are carbs. Beans are a combination of protein and carbs. I think what most would advise is to avoid white flour, bagels, sweets, anything that turns to sugar quickly in your system. That's why you're craving sugar -- carbs are necessary for energy, and sugar is quick energy but also stores as fat if not burned immediately. Same with processed carbs.
Avatar f tn It has to do with how the insulin your body produces reacts to the sugar you intake. The more sugar/carbs you intake the more insulin your body needs to produce to cover it. Try to cut back on the sweets and carbs, walk after meals until you can get tested.
Avatar f tn Healthy diet is high in unprocessed and minimally processed foods. This means you will eat lean meats in moderation, plenty of green and brightly colored veges, moderate whole grain cereals, some fruits - but stay away or limit portions of very sweet fruits, nuts, some dairy, healthy fats / oils. Bad carbs could be considered those white carbs that break down quickly. This includes bread, white rice, cookies, candies etc.
Avatar n tn Dr Ramsetty- There seems to be a fair amount of conflicting information on the web as to whether adding apple cider vinegar and / or cinnamon to ones diet can help in blood sugar control. I would certainly consider adding both of these things to my diet if they would assist. Do you have any advice?
269786 tn?1243793707 re on insulin the zinc is already in insulin. Type 2 diabetics tend to be low in zinc and can have sugar craving due to this, however, I am not positive how that might affect the non diabetic population yet. Haven't had time to research it :( Also, you might now care ot go to such an extreme, but avoiding refined foods would probably help as well as they tend to cause addictive behavior.
Avatar f tn Anything with carbs is going to spike your blood sugar. If your trying to stabilize blood sugar, I would recommend eating lots of protein and vegetables. As for carbs, choose the healthy carbs or brown rice and more slow digesting carbs. That way your blood sugar won't rise as high or fast. I'm type 1 diabetic and pregnant, so u have been testing blood sugar like crazy for a good amount of my life.
Avatar n tn Though a rare disorder, pancreatic insulinomas should also be thought of in your case and have someone check your blood sugar while you have an anxiety *** hunger attack. The hypoglycemia in this is transient and there is a quick increase in blood glucose once you eat. If all these are ruled out then it can be an eating disorder and you need to consult a specialist for this. Take care!
Avatar m tn Realistic for me is baby steps – I’ve started by cutting the wasted sugar out of my diet, like the sugar in my coffee and home cooking and I feel great! I’ve been using a low cal sweetener (Natvia) which I found in the supermarket and it’s pretty good. I found cutting out sugar makes all the difference and I would recommend Natvia to anyone because it’s a natural product. Check out their cool site: www.natvia.
3060903 tn?1398565123 long], however, contains 51 grams of carbs and 28 grams of carb sugar. Carbs turn into sugar after eating. Some diabetics can tolerate this amount of carbs and carb sugars while others not. The only way for you to know is to test b4 eating [preprandial] and 2-3 hrs after eating [postprandial]. I's best to eat fruits prior to a workout. Your body will burn of glycogen as energy is needed. Also, eat fruits which are low in fructose such as melons and berries.
Avatar m tn Hi :) i'm on Diamicron 60mg i take 2 pills in the morning and i eat a small quantity of carbs always my BG don't raise more than 40-50 points after a meal i watch carefully the carbs that i'm taking and thanks for your time .