
Antihistamine insomnia

Common Questions and Answers about Antihistamine insomnia


Avatar f tn What can I do if I suffer from insomnia? I lie awake all night, and feel like a zombie during the day. In addition, something strange happens to my mood. It changes from happy to sad frequently.It's like I'm really happy one day, then the next I have suicidal thoughts. What to do?
Avatar f tn Can I take esomeprazole,diazepam,antihistamine( Given by doc to help sleep ). Green tea capsules,cranberry pills,multivitamins and kanna together please? And on days I don't take my diazepam can i take valerian instead with these other supplements? Please advise. Thanks.
Avatar n tn Benadryl is an antihistamine and though its side effect is drowsiness, it may not help for insomnia. Either way to most of the antihistamines, people develop tolerance, that is they stop working very effectively with time. So, try to develop good sleep hygiene. Sleep and get up at the same time every day, avoid smoking, alcoholic and caffeinated beverages and exercise regularly. And consult a sleep specialist for the insomnia, he may help rule out sleep disorders.
Avatar f tn I was having insomnia like crazy, & a Chiari patient suggested that it was the Tramadol. Sure enough. Now I take it first thing in the a.m., before I need it, & Im sleeping better (but not great). I was telling my veterinarian about it today, & he said that he was glad that I told him.
Avatar n tn How long can i use antihistamine for my daughter aged 7 months to relieve her of the eczema itching.
666921 tn?1254990618 I personally don't take antihistamine but just some advice I read that - antihistamine suppresses the immune system - never thought about it before - they work like steroids - some very good advice on another forum was - do not take antihistamine if you have lyme I am sure some of you already knew this but just thought I would mention it
Avatar f tn Lately I have been taking antihistamines to help me with insomnia. I have noticed that my eyes have gotten drier as a result. Will my dry eyes ever go away?
443006 tn?1229201842 One more thing I forgot to mention. Insomnia is killing me. I take my Riba about 7:00 p.m. as I work and don't get home until at least 6:00. I take melatonin, Benedryl, 5-HTP, glass of warm milk, sometimes half a Unisom, and aromatherapy drops on my ears, and I'm still not getting a good night sleep. Any suggestions from anybody? My doctor gave me a px for Trazadone, but I've heard that's a pretty heavy duty drug and I'm a little reluctant to take it.
1310435 tn?1273598077 Hi, katiefaye. Have you spoken to your doctor about this? I have sleep apnea as well as insomnia. I've taken Melatonin (an over the counter item), Rozerem (works well, and is a prescription item), and now I'm taking Tofranil(orescription) to help with my chronic headaches AND insomnia. There is also a brand of antihistamine that helps with sleep, too. Your best bet, again, is to speak with your doctor. Good luck.
Avatar m tn I still have headaches dizziness fatigue left side weakness shoulder pain and insomnia.
Avatar f tn Clariton is an antihistamine that has something in it to keep you from getting drowsy (antihistamines normally make you sleepy and can be used for insomnia). I suspect it is the additive in the Clariton that gave you the headache. Some people react badly to it. If you want to try a standard antihistamine get Benadryl. If your symptoms go away then you know it is an allergy and not an infection. If it doesn't work, go to a doctor.
Avatar f tn Cold remedies that contain alcohol The decongestants pseudoephedrine and phenylephrine, which can affect blood flow to the placenta Pain relief, headache, and fever Acetaminophen (Anacin Aspirin-Free, Tylenol) Allergy relief Chlorpheniramine, an antihistamine (Chlor-Trimeton allergy tablets) Loratadine, an antihistamine (Alavert, Claritin, Tavist ND, Triaminic Allerchews) Diphenhydramine, an antihistamine (Banophen, Benadryl, Diphenhist, Genahist) Constipation, hemorrhoids, and diarrhea
Avatar f tn So like ireallyneedhelp76, I've battled insomnia, I do mange to get a few hours here and there. Last night my RLS was INTENSE. Tonight I was cleaning out my med bag to ensure no more norco was lurking in there. I recall purging all the Ativan, Xanax, Klonopin, Clonadine, Valium, and oxycontin last time I went ct. To my delight, I found that I clung on to one bottle of hydroxyxine. I immediately thought "score", I'm sleeping tonight.
Avatar f tn Could I be having insomnia because of the Ambien. I already take 50 mg of benadryl every night before bed because of the rash which by the way doesn't help when you are trying to fall asleep. Anyone have a magic potion? I feel tired all day because I force myself to get up by 9am no matter what time i go to sleep.
Avatar m tn The Doxylamine is listed as an antihistamine - something that help many people sleep. Stopping this suddenly could be the cause of your itching and insomnia. Stopping the codeine could be the cause of your nausea, anxiety, depression and again, insomnia. What you are experiencing are all withdrawal symptoms, and normal. These symptoms will get better with time, so please hang in there. Please keep talking to us for support...
Avatar f tn not life or death type allergies, but sneezing, itchy nose and eyes, headaches. I take a one a day antihistamine to deal with it. .. but it says on the box not to take if pregnant. Im only 7 weeks, and have stopped taking them... but my allergies are horrible at the moment. All the sneezing is not helping with my morning sickness. During my last pregancey my symptoms actually went away but not this time... my question is can i take my antihistamine?
Avatar f tn Stopped abruptly because of chest tightness, nightmares, fearful thoughts, heart palpitations, insomnia and panic attacks. The advserse side effects started gradually over the past month and then all were happening. Now these same side effects come in waves. Chest tightness stopped for several days as did insomnia. Now having anxiety and fearful thoughts. It was I Sonia last week. How long do these kind of side effects last and would taking an over the counter antihistimines help?
Avatar n tn Something else that will help with the insomnia is Benadryl, an antihistamine that many people take for sleep difficulties. I can understand your wanting to get off Xanax. It is bad stuff.
Avatar f tn I take my zoloft and ativan in morning as it me jittery and causes insomnia. I have seasonal allergies and was wondering the best OTC antihistamine would work better. Allegra, Zyrtec or loratadine. I was on 12.5 zoloft for 2 weeks and tapering up to 25 mg (split another 12.5 in half so 3/4 a pill then one whole 25 mg. I have to do this slowly as I am super sensitive to meds. Thanks for any help. Plus I eventually need to taper down my ativan when I level on the zoloft.
460348 tn?1213452322 Hello all!! I have a question?? I'm having so many problems sleeping at night and I was wondering if taking Tylenol PM or some kind of sleep aid would be ok to take with the Synthroid? I know there are certain things you can't ake when you have a thyroid but since I don't have one now I was wondering if there would be a problem??? I also read the post about the milk...I read some comments on that and was wondering if anyone out there does take their synthroid at night?
Avatar n tn I have had allergy problems all my life and have tried almost every medication out there (OTC and prescription) until I was prescribed Singulair which worked. But, I lost my health coverage and stopped taking it for almost a year. I was recently put back on it (about a month ago) because I have been quiet sick for over 2 months now. The doctors said it was allergies, but I'm starting to wonder because the Singulair should be working in full by now, and I'm still sick.
Avatar f tn I'm not sure about the active ingredients in Tylenol PM, but I know that cold medicines, in particular, can aggravate PVCs. You might want to check with your local pharmacist. Has anyone else noticed that Tylenol PM stirs up their ectopics?