
Antihistamine for sinuses

Common Questions and Answers about Antihistamine for sinuses


565430 tn?1272695820 a lil vics would help with the sinuses.. as for sleep maybe a nice warm bath and good book with some sleepy-time tea.. Congrats on 557 days !!
Avatar m tn Used mebhydrolin,cetrizine,fexofenadine, for prophylexis,got result but no complete recovery. Taking mometasone masal spray, got result, but not complete respite. How to get rid of it?
Avatar f tn Do not mix antihistamines though such as an oral antihistamine and spray. Ocean Spray does not have an antihistamine and will simply dry you out and is safe to use with an antihistamine.
Avatar f tn t stand it right now so have taken an antihistamine which has not done anything!!!! l am allergic to oral cortisone and sudafed makes me really jumpy inside my body' l am also very allergic to raw carrots, celery and kiwi fruit.....
674555 tn?1272600376 m 26 and i have had this strange pressure on and off every hour or so for the last 3weeks (its not painful) just pressure behind my nose temples and forehead and it feels like the pressure moves around, like its never exactly the same pressure twice and it will last for 10-45mins its also been giving me a light lethargic cloudy head feeling (i only take 80mgs of diovan for BP (which is under control 120/78) ive had bad sinus infections before that inflamed and blocked up my Eustachian tubes and
Avatar n tn t too bad I went to work and ended up coming home feeling like ****. I developed the typical clogged sinuses, sore throat, and cough I usually get. Here's the kicker: when I get a cold it starts out with a pretty weak case of the clogged sinuses and sore throat and then migrates into a nasty chest cold that takes a while to get over. I knew something was up when when the sore throat stuck and got pretty annoying - that and the clogged sinuses were here to stay as well.
Avatar n tn It can be even easier than that. You could alway ask your doc to try free samples of Nasal Sprays for rhinitis, sinusitis. If it works than you know what it is. Then you need to figure out why it happens like if it is allergy or sinusitis and treat it more specifically if you want to. Once way to rule in allergy is antihistamine like Benedryl. If you take an antihistamine and it stops it's more likely rhinitis.
Avatar m tn i never ever get headaches and for the past week i have a killer headaches what can it be ive always had allergies can that be the cause ??
Avatar f tn i just talked to my family doc and i requested him to arrange my appoinment with a specialist( ENT).now i just have to wait for the call from ENT. for the time being i will try the nasal spray and steam...... thank you......bec i have never thought abt the CT scan..neither my doc EVER talked abt this..... i will be back ....
Avatar f tn t itchy, but I could feel my sinuses swell a bit along with my tear ducts swelling. I took an antihistamine, which I haven't taken in a long while. The antihistamine alone was okay, but combine it with using my contacts, and my eyes swell. I don't know if it's the saline or contact solution. So, I stopped the meds, and it went away. My contacts alone are fine. No issues. Last week, I took an antihistamine before getting my allergy injection, and I was fine.
1454889 tn?1305048958 The past 3-4 days I’ve had a low-level headache and could use your help I am chalking it up to springtime allergies, which so far have not affected my sinuses as much as last year. But I still have the headache. I’d describe it as starting behind my eyes (pressure) and running up to the front of my head. Sort of like if I grabbed my forehead with my palm covering my eyes. It hurts there. Can you please help me out?
Avatar n tn The best diagnosis for this problem is a CT of the sinuses. Surgery is recommended to patients that fail maximal medical treatment. Hope this helped and do keep us posted.
Avatar n tn Spiriva (titropium) is a inhaled antihistamine indicated for the treatment of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) including emphysema and chronic bronchitis. Antihistamines frequently cause dry mouth and dry sinuses (benadryl is an antihistamine). The side effect is not considered serious, but you should call your physician if it continues. A saline nasal spray can moisturize the sinuses and possibly reduce the symptoms.
Avatar m tn Forgive my terminology, but i have had ROTTEN sinuses since I was about 7 yo. How can sinuses do this and how should I pose the question to my dr? Thanks to everybody who has input. This discussion is related to <a href=''>Burning sensations throughout entire body</a>.
Avatar m tn Hello~I say do what is best for YOU, not anyone else, you know your body, you know what works, what may have side effects for some may not have for you. I, too, get tired of hearing all this "stuff" your body knows what it needs, go by it when possible. I hope you feel better soon.
Avatar n tn i've been constantly sneezing and having a stuffed up nose, no sore throat or anyhing else, for 3 days now. i am 23wks now. i tried to put up with it but i can't sleep. the pharmacist said the only thing i am allowed is Polaramine (antihistamine) tablets. upside= i can actually take it cause theyre tiny as and i cant normally swallow normal size tablets at all... downside = they make people drowsy..and i get drowsy as hell off them but need to be alert to do daily things..
Avatar f tn I went to rite aid and asked the pharmacist what I can take with my symptoms and she said Clariton. so I bought it and have had the biggest headache all day. Will that work for a cold though? I need quick relief!! Anything else I can take? People always assume to drink and eat warm things but my throat LOVES slurpees, that's normal right?
Avatar f tn I have been experiencing this for a couple of months and really need some advice. I wake up every morning with what feels like lots of phelgm in my throat, and since I sleep on my right side, there is some fluid that seems to build up in my right ear. Nothing ever comes out of my ear but when I lift my ear off the pillow there is a suctioning sound, and when I wiggle my finger in there I hear stuff. I also get a flutter felling in my ear sometimes. Whew...........
268356 tn?1236002604 Ugh, I feel awful. My head is all stopped up and my sinuses are draining down the back of my throat making my throat ache and my head ache. I'm not running a fever and (TMI) the snot is still clear so no infection. Just miserable. I have tried benadryl and sudafed, neither seems to be helping. I've got some halls cough drops which were also on my okay list. I was wondering is theraflu okay to take?
666921 tn?1254990618 I personally don't take antihistamine but just some advice I read that - antihistamine suppresses the immune system - never thought about it before - they work like steroids - some very good advice on another forum was - do not take antihistamine if you have lyme I am sure some of you already knew this but just thought I would mention it
Avatar n tn How long can i use antihistamine for my daughter aged 7 months to relieve her of the eczema itching.
Avatar f tn i once took claritin D for a week or so when i took the med i felt quite normal no congestion or anything for a couple of hours after taking the pill
644219 tn?1229798591 I had sinus trouble in the late summer/fall and now that it has been below freezing (-4 last night) it is starting up again. I only have trouble in my sinuses and head. I feel dizzy, head is burning, sinuses are dry and I get headaches. Anybody else out there suffering? Tried everything OTC and RX. Does anybody know of a remedy to keep sinuses lubricated?
454221 tn?1259445739 I just recently went to see an allergy doc and said it could be my sinuses, but I have to do ct scan of my sinuses on August 11th. I'm also having a skin test done on the 6th. Allergy doc said sinus problems can mimic asthma, possible vocal cord dysfunction on methancoline challenge test. Could this be possible?
Avatar f tn About three months ago, after a brief cold, I decided I was ready to try to quit smoking again. The good news, I have been cigarette-free for three months, the bad news is that I've clearly done some serious damage. After quitting smoking the cough left over from my cold grew worse and I could feel my sinuses draining in the form of post-nasal drip.
Avatar n tn I have been suffering from a bad sinus infection on and off for 6 months. I have seen 3 ENTs and had a CT scan and a MRI. CT scan 2-2-08 findings: retention cysts are seen in annular recesses of maxillary sinuses dated mild mucosa thickening is present in sphenoid sinus. Rest of visualized paranasal sinuses are well aerated. No evidence of air-fluid level. Concha bullosa is noted bilaterally. Bilaterial ostiomeatal units are patent. Visualized bilateral orbits appear grossly unremarkable.