
Antihistamine for contact dermatitis

Common Questions and Answers about Antihistamine for contact dermatitis


Avatar n tn Hi, This seems to be contact dermatitis from what you describe. Contact dermatitis is a localized rash or irritation of the skin caused by contact with a foreign substance. Only the superficial regions of the skin are affected in contact dermatitis. You need to wash the areas several times with fresh water. Do not use any cosmetic products at the sites. Apply calamine lotion at the site of the lesions and see if it helps.
Avatar f tn They are slightly raised, and itch a lot. The doctor looked at those, and said it was plant related contact dermatitis. She gave me a steroid cream, and said to take an antihistamine. Well, since the appointment, the spots keep showing up. They don't seem to last long as the line one is almost gone, but was quite noticeable two days prior. It's also traveling up my arm to areas that were covered by clothes. They are pink (I have pale skin).
Avatar m tn Skin conditions like contact dermatitis, sweat dermatitis, pityriasis rosea, dermatitis and hives, internal diseases like liver and kidney disorders, diabetes, iron deficiency anemia, irritation and allergic reactions to chemicals,wool,soaps,cosmetics and certain foods can cause itchy skin. You can apply an anti-itch cream or lotion to the affected area. Oral antihistamine, such as Benadryl can also be used. You should take a comfortably cool bath and wear smooth-textured cotton clothing.
Avatar n tn Hi, This may be contact dermatitis. Do you usually cuddle the cat close to your chest? A seborrheic dermatitis may present with greasy and scaly flakes over the chest. Fungal infection may present with a rash with a well defined border. The rash may be itchy and scaly. In a sweat rash, the rash may present with small vesicles and they may also itchy. They are usually associated with excessive sweating. Do you have any of these conditions?
Avatar f tn I think it might be contact dermatitis. But you could use 1% topical steroid it may help. I would see a dermatologist or your family practice. They may help get rid of it sooner. If it is contact dermatitis it may be due to some new shirt or detergent etc. Something your skin came in contact with recently. Try to think if there was anything new you tried on or are wearing, a new perfume etc. a new partner with new deodorant , perfume, clothing etc.
Avatar f tn Hello, I cannot confirm anything without examination but it can be due to cherry angiomas,folliculitis,contact dermatitis,sweat dermatitis,heat rash or dermatitis. Cherry angiomas are made up of clusters of tiny capillaries at the surface of the skin, forming a small round dome ("papule"), which may be flat topped. When they first develop, they may be only a tenth of a millimeter in diameter and almost flat, appearing as small red dots.Pls don’t worry as they are harmless.
Avatar n tn Hello, Unfortunately I cannot confirm without examination,but it can be folliculitis,insect bite,hives, contact dermatitis,rash due to friction rub with clothes, dermatitis (atopic, contact, allergic)or excessive sweating causing sweat dermatitis. Wash the areas several times with fresh water. Do not use any cosmetic products at the sites. You can apply some calamine lotion at the rash as it will help in soothing the skin.
Avatar n tn Hello, Well without examination,confirmation of a diagnosis is tough nut various possibilities are there for your symptoms.It can be eczema,contact dermatitis,allergic dermatitis,fungal infection or sebrrheic dermatitis. Wash the areas several times with fresh water and thoroughly dry it by patting nor rubbing Do not use any cosmetic products at the sites. You can apply some calamine lotion at the rash as it will help in soothing the skin.
Avatar m tn Sorry but I know Allergic contact dermatitis inside and out. More about it than anyone here. For I studied it for years, and have this myself. I have specialized in this only. Holy crapola doc. you have to change this.
888736 tn?1241040977 Hello, Well these rashes can be due to irritant contact dermatitis,solar dermatitis.heat rash,sweat dermatitis,eczema or fungal infections.Pls elaborate more on the symptoms and description of rash so that I can help you in a better way. Hope it helps.Take care and pls do keep me posted on how you are doing or if you have any additional queries.Warm regards.
Avatar n tn I went to the dermatologist and she gave me a cream and antihistamine to relieve itching,the contact dermatitis stops but the femininine itching dont.I am using feminine wash to relieve the itching but to no avail iam also applying hydrocortisone but still thi itching remains.pls. help.
Avatar n tn Irritant dermatitis, the most common type of contact dermatitis, involves inflammation resulting from contact with acids, alkaline materials such as soaps and detergents, solvents, or other chemicals. The reaction usually resembles a burn. The second most common type of contact dermatitis is caused by exposure to a material to which the person has become hypersensitive or allergic.
1724258 tn?1309586205 It is definitely contact dermatitis and what caused it I am not sure; poison ivy perhaps or poison sumac. Try OTC Benadryl or a corticosteroid cream. If you can, wear shorts not pants until this clears up. Don't cover it.
Avatar n tn Hi, How are you? At this point, I would recommend that you try to avoid scratching. Contact dermatitis is an inflammation of the skin caused by direct contact with an irritating substance, such as the razor or cream used. It results to an inflammation of the skin. Reactions may vary in the same person over time. A history of any type of allergies also increases the risk for this condition.
Avatar m tn Hello, It can be due to dermatitis skin, eczema or contact dermatitis. Wash the areas several times with fresh water. Do not use any cosmetic products at the sites. You can apply some calamine lotion at the rash as it will help in soothing the skin. You can take some OTC oral antihistamine medications like Benadryl or Claritin and see if it helps. For mild-moderate symptoms a weak steroid may be used (e.g.
Avatar n tn Hello, Without examination, confirmation of a diagnosis is tough but it can be due to contact dermatitis,sweat dermatitis or heat rash. Wash the areas several times with fresh water. Do not use any cosmetic products at the sites. You can apply some calamine lotion at the rash as it will help in soothing the skin. You can take some OTC oral antihistamine medications like Benadryl or Claritin if the blisters itch.
Avatar m tn Hello, I cannot confirm anything without examination but it can be due to contact dermatitis,sweat dermatitis,eczema,fungal infection or dermatitis. Wash the areas several times with fresh water. Do not use any cosmetic products at the sites. You can apply some calamine lotion at the rash as it will help in soothing the skin. You can take some OTC oral antihistamine medications like Benadryl or Claritin and see if it helps. For mild-moderate symptoms a weak steroid may be used (e.g.
Avatar n tn Hello, Without examaintion confirmation of a diagnosis is tough but it can be contact dermatitis,sweat or seborrheic dermatitis,eczema or psoriasis. Most likely,it loks like a case of eczema but other possibilities also have to be ruled out. Eczema is a form of chronic dermatitis (rash).Allergic reaction is one of the important causes of eczema. Wash the areas several times with fresh water. Do not use any cosmetic products at the sites.
Avatar n tn Obviously you need to see a doctor, but depending on size, they could be hives or dermatitis. It sounds more like contact dermatitis. Have you checked your fabric softener and any skin care products you use? Try changing to unscented products. Dove beauty bars for sensitive skin are widely recommended by dermatologists. And are you on antihistamines? That may help as well.
Avatar n tn Itching with associated rash may be due to infestations with parasites (such as scabies, mites, or lice), insect bites, hives, dermatitis ( atopic dermatitis/ allergic dermatitis/ contact dermatitis) and even dry skin. On the other hand, systemic diseases that can cause itching include liver disease, thyroid disease, diabetes, and cancer. Some types of medications may also cause itching. I recommend that you have this evaluated further by your doctor for proper management.
Avatar m tn Others could be due to skin conditions like contact dermatitis and scabies. In contact dermatitis exposure to an irritant like a chemical or metal or anything you are allergic to, can cause rash and itching. Scabies infection is caused by a mite Sarcoptesscabiei, it burrows in the skin folds of hands and feet and causes intense itching mostly at night.