
Antihistamine classes

Common Questions and Answers about Antihistamine classes


Avatar n tn How long can i use antihistamine for my daughter aged 7 months to relieve her of the eczema itching.
666921 tn?1254990618 I personally don't take antihistamine but just some advice I read that - antihistamine suppresses the immune system - never thought about it before - they work like steroids - some very good advice on another forum was - do not take antihistamine if you have lyme I am sure some of you already knew this but just thought I would mention it
Avatar f tn not life or death type allergies, but sneezing, itchy nose and eyes, headaches. I take a one a day antihistamine to deal with it. .. but it says on the box not to take if pregnant. Im only 7 weeks, and have stopped taking them... but my allergies are horrible at the moment. All the sneezing is not helping with my morning sickness. During my last pregancey my symptoms actually went away but not this time... my question is can i take my antihistamine?
Avatar f tn So everyone I know (pretty much) that has a child has told me that while they were prego they took lamaz classes or parenting classes or just some kind of classes u can do with ur partner. This is my first pregnancy and me and the babys father r not together at the moment. So id feel dumb going to classes alone. But my question is r the classes good to go to? R they expensive? And r any mandatory or does anyone recommend a class that really helped them out?
Avatar f tn hi just wondering at what stage of pregnancy are u offered antenatal classes/ birthing classes? I'm 30+5 and have not heard anything about them? And do all hospitals offer a tour? I'm from Milton Keynes if anyone knows specifically about mk hospital?
11988597 tn?1438629414 I am a FTM and my doctor gave me a long list of classes that are available. I was wondering what classes did you feel were well worth it and which ones to skip?
Avatar f tn Has anyone taken or signed up for childbirth classes? I just signed up and am pretty excited :) its in 3 weeks and they go over everything from labor to breastfeeding and even do a tour of the hospital. I hope this will make me feel more prepared!
Avatar f tn I am just now looking to register (at 24 weeks.) I never realized how few classes there are, I assumed that the local area would have classes going on all day long and new groups every week or two. I can only find new groups starting about every 6 weeks, and always at night. Which is a problem because husband and I both work nights. At the same place. Its going to be very hard to be able to get the time away from work a day every week for both of us.
Avatar f tn I am a FTM in my 9th week. I have recently met with the nurse at my doctor's office and she provided me with a lot of information. Some of the information given could be very helpful to someone younger than myself. Being a woman I think it's silly to take classes for first time parents (I am 31 and the last of everyone I know to have kids). I have changed, bathed, fed, you name it I've done it.
Avatar f tn Anybody taking birthing classes or have taken birthing classes?
Avatar f tn did any of u ladies attend parenting classes? my mom has suggested that I go to one for young mothers so I have someone to talk to u who is going through similar things. I don't think for any reason I need to go to learn how to be a good parent but maybe to be able to connect with someone and maybe make a friend (I don't have ANY in real life). has anyone gone for this reason and enjoyed themselves? just curious as to if I should give it a try.
Avatar f tn m a ftm and through out my pregnancy I have been attending parenting classes and I had my first tour of the maternity ward at the hospital I will be delivering at I was soooo emotional and excited at the same time I just can't believe I will be having my baby girl soon do any of you guys attend parenting classes????
4676259 tn?1364758061 I'm a ftm, and I really want to take breast feeding classes, and the child birth classes.
Avatar f tn When should you start attending classes? I have so many I want to take like birthing, slings, cloth diapering etc. I'm 16w2d right now.
Avatar n tn What kind were you taking?
612551 tn?1450022175 I had prior to the vet visit above been given Wilson one half Benedryl 25 mg Antihistamine morning and evening, in the hope it would clear up the paw problem. A couple weeks of this did not produce any improvement. I then checked and saw recommendations to use 1 - 2 mg per pound. As Wilson is j20+ pounds my does level was low. I have decided to continue giving him Benadryl but now one 25 mg capsule morning and night. Hope it keeps his paws and general itch problems under control.
Avatar f tn Here's one for the books. My daughter has had a allergic reaction to an oral antihistamine she took for what appeared to be hives just below the right side of her derriere. This little bout of hives were taking their time going away and so she thought by taking the antihistamine it would help the process.
Avatar f tn Hi, my dermatologist has prescribed me a antihistamine for my itching and wants me to use it for 4-6 weeks. The med is called hydroxzine. I am concerned because i never heard of anyone using antihistamine for that long. Will this severly affect my liver? Please help!
10777943 tn?1412955415 m from the UK and went to birthing classes where they went through the stages of labour and how things worked pain relief. First aid for babys and toddlers. Breastfeeding I found it all very useful and enjoyed all the classes.
10261762 tn?1424370602 How long did the classes go? Did you find it helpful? How was your partner through the process?
Avatar f tn Yea evn I am ftm on 21 weeks now want to know abt them..
8340642 tn?1399135360 I personally didn't find mine anymore informative then a good pregnancy book and mine was ran by a midwife and cost $250AUD. It was supposed to be 6 classes but we didn't end up going to them all because it was such a waste of time.