
Acyclovir hair loss

Common Questions and Answers about Acyclovir hair loss


Avatar n tn neoral definitely is associated with this type of hair growth. the hair loss is probably related to telogen effluvium, which can occur this time post-transplantation.
Avatar f tn Have been on acyclovir for a couple of years and my hair has gotten extremely thin on the sides and top. So depressing as this works for suppression. now I read that this seems to be more common aide effect than manufacture is aware of. Have read that valtrex also has the same side effect. how about Famvir? This is soo depressing and is the hair loss permanent?
1549204 tn?1353361673 Hi Grace, I'm doing okay. Just still going through this skin condition on my bottom and I've been going through so many different creams from the doctor. But I'm here to ask about hair loss and taking acyclovir. Because of my medical insurance, I don't believe I'm able to switch medications, but because this is becoming more of a medical concern by losing hair, would my medical possibly cover another herpes medication?
Avatar n tn at this point it's really a chicken and the egg type thing. the vast majority of folks who take valtrex don't experience hair loss. most folks who do, experience it initially when diagnosed and go on valtrex and are incredibly stressed. for most , it does come back. I do know of less than a handful of folks who experienced hair loss while on valtrex, they could find no other cause for it and even after stopping the valtrex the hair loss did not stop.
Avatar n tn Also are side effects such as hair loss only a concern for long term suppressive therapy? Acyclovir seems to help but it seems like it would depress me even more if I lost hair or went bald because of it. One last question, does acyclovir cause concern in raising blood pressure.
Avatar n tn Hi all, I am having extreme levels of hair fall and uncomfortable pain in my knees ( not a shooting pain ). I am scared to death, because i kissed my gf and she also started having extreme hair loss now. No STD's tests are positive - HIV antibodies, TPHA (syphilis), Gonorrhea & chlamydia (blood & urine, did not took one for throat as we do not have a test here - however i started on doxycycline for past 1 week to fix any kind of infections ), Herpes 1,2,are negative.
Avatar f tn I've been taking acyclovir 400mg for 6 months and have noticed my hair thinning and I've googled the heck out of it finding yes and no relations to the two. Please help me know the truth and reality of this medication. Thank you.
Avatar f tn I will try the 800mg for 3x day for 2 days. But I am worried about my hair shedding. Last OB my hair stopped shedding and went back to normal soon after the infection was finally suppressed. So I'm pretty sure it's related to the Acyclovir. Ever heard of this?
Avatar m tn Yes, acyclovir can cause hair loss. However, since the scalp itches, chances of a fungal infection of scalp or of dermatitis are higher. Also, diabetes can affect anyone. Even those without a family history. Since you have recurrent problems, it is always advisable to rule out diabetes. Also, test for anemia.
Avatar m tn Are there any long term side effects from acyclovir use? I have read that hair loss is a side effect. Has anyone experienced this? Also I am confused about the whole genital hsv 1 thing. The doc told me this would not be a big deal and that Type 1 rarely recurs in the genital area. Is it possible that I am still experiencing the initial breakout or are these recurrances? Its only been 4 weeks. Any advice would be appreciated.
Avatar n tn Does Acyclovir alter or make a HIV TEST false negative. Does Omperazole alter it as well. I still have a red color rash on both sides of my thighs. I noticed the some of the hair follicles have dry white stuff, also there are bumps in some areas of the thigh. Thigh looks wrinkle. No sores. aT 10 Weeks I took a Proviral DNA by PCR Test and Elisa Test negative. At 13 weeks, I took an Home Access test which I was HIV negative.
Avatar n tn Does Acyclovir alter or make a HIV TEST false negative. Does Omperazole alter it as well. I still have a purple and red color rash on both sides of my thighs. I noticed the some of the hair follicles have dry white stuff, also there are bumps in some areas of the thigh. Thigh looks wrinkle. No sores. At 10 Weeks I took a Proviral DNA by PCR Test and Elisa Test negative. At 13 weeks, I took an Home Access test which I was HIV negative.
Avatar f tn I was tested positive for HSV2 back in May, I would say my first outbreak was 6 months before that but was told by my doctor it was an ingrown hair (outbreak was on bikini line) It then spread to my labia (this was the sore that I got a positive test from) I made the decision that I wanted to do the suppressive therapy taking acyclovir twice daily, this helped the outbreaks but the symptoms hadn’t gone at all, I was then told to take acyclovir three times a day..
Avatar n tn She said it was possible I have herpes but she not sure so she gave me Acyclovir 400mg for pain. I took it for two days and it doesnt burn when I pee now. Does this mean I have herpes? SN: I have had two boils before after having rough sex.
Avatar f tn Low iron levels can cause hair loss. You might want to get that checked.
Avatar f tn I'm losing hair too. Not in clumps but I clog the drain once a week from my hair loss. And all my friends said their hair was so full and healthy during pregnancy and after lost some. I get a ball of hair during evey wash and its not normal for me also my scalp itches like crazy and I don't have bugs lol o had my husband check lol!
Avatar f tn It started freaking me out so my hubby looked it up and said the number one cause of hair loss in women is pregnancy...
Avatar n tn I lost a ton my first pregnancy. I was taking OTC prenatals. This time around my doc recommended prescription prenatals and I haven't had any hair loss or breakage this time. And bonus, the prescription prenatals are free with Affordable Healthcare Act!
Avatar f tn Especially after combing my hair,there is a ton of hair in the sink. However my hair seems to be growing as fast as it falls out so I have thickness still. Someone told me to drink more milk and I find on the days that I do I see less shedding.
Avatar f tn It makes me depress everytime i see how plenty of hair i loss. I tried every hair fall shampoo but none of those worked. I don't wanna comb my hair anymore.
Avatar f tn Is Anyone experiencing hair loss during pregnancy I thought I was Going to have this really beautiful hair but is not working out that way does it mean that I'm going to have a girl?
Avatar f tn Ever since I got pregnant I noticed a lot of hair loss, my hair just falls like crazy! Has anybody else expirenced this?
Avatar f tn I'm very early in my pregnancy and I've noticed some mild hair loss. I have a lot of hair so it's normal for me to shed but this is a lot more than usual. Anyone experience this during pregnancy? Or maybe its due to something else?
Avatar m tn I actually posted about this a month or so ago. I have hair loss that really started post Tx. My hair didn't grow hardly at all during Tx, than about 6 weeks post Tx it really started falling out, probably lost 50%. Everyone says it should grow back fine after 6 months post Tx. I figure it is the least of my worries. Looking for my SVR12 in 3 weeks. Hang in there.