
Swollen glands on dogs

Common Questions and Answers about Swollen glands on dogs


Avatar n tn my male puppy was born on dec 28 2011 he is swollen on his left lower abdomen it looks like it migt be a gland or something what can i do to fix it
Avatar n tn i have a 1 year old wennier dog and she has been licking my carpet and winning 24/7 last night i noticed that the glandes right behind her jaw were swollen. It is on both sides. I want to take her to the vet but i would like use input first on what it could be..
Avatar n tn When we returned home, within the hour my boyfriend noticed that her neck glands were swollen on both sides. It was as though she may have eaten something on the trail that might have given her this reaction but we are not sure. She wasn't swollen before the hike so we know that something caused her glands to react like this. We gave her some benedryl and the swelling reduced by half the size.
Avatar n tn Please give me an anser about my dogs hardened breasts and her swollen vagina she is twelve
1139082 tn?1278162422 Dogs will primarily show joint pain, perhaps fatigue and refusal to eat in early stages, further early symptoms include fever, lameness and muscle soreness, swollen glands and joints. They may cry when they move a certain way, or walk with a noticeable limp. It can be difficult to recognise in a dog and can advance into late stage Lyme disease which will affect the heart.
Avatar f tn She is up to date on all shots, deworming, etc. My mate believes she has anal glands that get swollen and need to be 'popped' almost so he does the glove thing, goes in & pops them. Is this normal? Thanks for any advice!
Avatar n tn We have same problem with our dog. Swollen glad on one side, both lymph nodes on neck swollen, increased thirst, urination, generally less energy. CPC came back normal, teeth are fine, blood work came back fine as well. Vet really doesn't see anything abnormal, but my dog is not himself! The only thing is that they want to test now is his urine that I need to catch him in the morning.
Avatar m tn The lumps could be infected (abscesses)....they could be swollen glands, caused by some other thing that she has wrong with her. Even badly decayed teeth or even gum disease could cause swollen glands......they could be lipomas (tumors consisting of fatty tissue which are benign) Or they could be cancer. Whatever, she needs to get the right treatment now, or at least for you to know what the lumps are -even if they are harmless. So do please take her to the vet tomorrow morning.
1401877 tn?1288107639 Hi, My dog needs frequent anal gland expressing, which I have learned to do myself (about every three weeks- I know it's time when he starts leaking that nasty stuff on my couch and licking his butt...). But sometimes when I express them myself he seems to need them expressed a couple days later again.
Avatar n tn Swollen glads could be a number of different things. Too hard to pin point what it could or could not be based on limited info. If you ae concernned about it, go to your Dr and get checked out.
Avatar m tn hi, i got a sore throat about 2 months ago, the doctor diagnosed tonsilitis, and put me on calvepen, this got rid of the fever symptons but my glands stayed swollen an my throat stayed red, when the fever came back a few weeks later i went back and he put me on augmenten, this had the same effect i went back last week and was put back on calvepen and he did a mono test which came back negative, but said my white blood cell count was high and it looked like i was at the tale end of a virus, somed
Avatar f tn could the whole mind playing tricks on you relate to other stds and mysteriously have symptoms show up such as swollen glands?
Avatar m tn I have 1 swollen gland on the left side of my neck.
385884 tn?1215073330 I'll bet it's impacted anal glands, which is a common problem in dogs. As the glands fill up with fluid, they can burst all at once, or leak slowly. Sounds like you've got a leaker. Most dogs express these glands on their own when they defecate - other's can't. Your vet can check this out and express the glands manually. You don't want to let it go as sometimes the glands can become infected and abscess if not taken care of early.
Avatar f tn Is there reason to be concerned about the swollen glands? Should I take her back to the vet before the next visit 10/15?
Avatar m tn - Swollen armpit glands (not individual nodes, but a general swollen feeling) for 4 weeks, starting 23 days post exposure. Is this the normal timeline for acture HIV symptoms, and is this a common one? - Could this be related to another STD anyones aware of? - Does the Oraquick (gum swab) test provide the 80-85% accuracy at 4 weeks some people seem to be claiming, or does this figure only apply to blood tests?
1548905 tn?1303331009 These days, I found pain swollen glands in my neck, behind my ear and under groin. Today, I went to see the doctor, he confirmed the swollen glands. And he also found I have sore throat, I dont feel anything about it. All the swollen glands cannot be seen by appearance. I dont have fever, no diarrhea, no weight loss. I also did the normal blood test, which showed WBC, RBC and all others are good. I am still concered abou HIV infection. I am wondering the risk of being infected by HIV.
Avatar n tn The swelling of lymph glands in a region of the body implies that an inflammatory or infectious process exists in the region drained by those glands and should be evaluated. Swollen lymph nodes may be aspirated (punctured with a needle and fluid drawn out to test). A significant middle ear infection could cause swollen glands in that area. Of course another process (dental, other infection, tumor, etc) may also exist.
Avatar f tn Its way too late after the fact to be worrying about these symptoms. Swollen glands usually happen in early HIV. Plus if you havent been diagnosed with swolen glands then you are juts speculating. Stop researching on the internet before you go crazy. Heres the simple solution, go to the local clinic tommorow and get a rapid HIV test, you can be in and out with conclusiove results in under an hour. Problem solved.
Avatar f tn My dog has had 4 visits to the vet this last week - due to swollen glands. She has been having problems with her ears, the vet gave me some ointment to put in to help clear the wax. Occasionally the glands would come up and the vet would give an anti-biotic and anti-inflammatory injection. I had been anay for a few days and came home to Mushu looking as if she had a plastic bag of water around her neck. The Vet said it was the lymph nodes and nothing to do with her ears.
Avatar m tn I have had HIV DUO test at 6, 12 and 22 weeks all negative. However no post 7 months exposure my left glands are swollen and seem to have a blockage filled with mucus. Doctor has advised it is inflamation of Salivary glands. My worry is am i having a late sero conversion as internet keep stating that swollen salivary especially parotid gland is an indication of HIV? Please help share your thoughts. I am horrified and very anxious. I have had eye burning and dry mouth along with this.
Avatar n tn s glands are two small glands on each side of the opening of the vagina. TThe glands produce a fluid that helps protect the tissues around the vagina and provides lubrication during sexual intercourse.
Avatar f tn I have swollen gland on my left hand side of my throat, I have no tonsils, but when it really gets really swollen I find it very hard to breath and swallow, please help.
Avatar n tn hI; are the swollen glands behind the ears on each side of the neck? or you mentioned cheeks. If so it could be TMJ but if behind your ears it could also be your salivary glands. See, if they become swollen more often. mention it to your doctor. There is a disease of the salivary glands call sjogrens syndrome. I pray you do not have that.