
Miscarriage symptoms older women

Common Questions and Answers about Miscarriage symptoms older women


Avatar f tn There are increased risks to your baby when you are over 35. But there are also risks for overweight women, underweight women, diabetic women, women with mental illness, and young teen mom's have an increased risk of preterm labor. In a way almost all women have risk, that is why taking care of ourselves is so important!
Avatar m tn t see any harm if you fancy older women as long as you treat them with respect , who knows you may find a nice older woman and settle down with her , But you must get out of the habit in touching women in public places , you will get into trouble for it , Please take care ,
Avatar f tn I am 41 and expecting my 5th child. My older children are 20 18 17 and 5. I was very nervous at the beginning of my pregnancy because I had a miscarriage last year. But I am now 37 weeks and looking forward to meeting my second in the next few weeks. Good luck!
Avatar f tn This is because those few pregnancies that occur in women who are getting older usually end in miscarriage (according to figure 14 close to 60% of all pregnancies in 44 year-olds) because of chromosome abnormalities. There is probably nothing you can do to fix these chances, short of using a younger egg donor.
4141598 tn?1353918254 Yes it is supposed for women 35 years and older. But some younger women seem to think it's also a miscarriage forum...
1068361 tn?1290628159 Since genetic glitches are more common as women get older, miscarriage due to this problem is directly related to your age. However, the risk of miscarriage in women over 35 is still only slightly higher than in younger women. " ( I don't have a highlighter so let me emphasize the word SLIGHTLY . I hope you heal from your m/c and that your heart heals soon too. This forum is great whenever you need a shoulder to lean on - or just an ear for venting.
384150 tn?1399904816 Mine is not until the 17th. I no longer really have the problem of shorter LP, but am going to ask about that as well. I'm also going to ask about the clomid not being recommended in older women, and exactly what number constitutes "older". Thanks for the info. A.
Avatar f tn Hi There, The fact of the matter is that eating disorders are very common in older women and I think that the reason that it is not a well known fact is simply because as older women this is something that we hide pretty well. I am 38 "Soon to be 39" and I also have an eating disorder. I flip flop between bulimia and just not eating at all. I am 5'0" and I weigh about 113. I have a medium frame and I work out like a demon. I both love and hate food.
Avatar f tn Hi! First trimester miscarriages are almost always the result of a chromosomal abnormality in the fetus. Both chromosomal abnormalities and miscarriages are more common in "older" women. (According to mother nature, women over 35 are "older"). The fact that you conceived twice within the year so far suggests that you have a decent chance of another pregnancy.
Avatar m tn Hey, I found out I was 6 weeks pregnant last week (YAY!) so I would be in my 7 weeks tomorrow. However, I don't really experience much pregnancy symptoms at all, other than frequent urination and light cramping (mostly last week, it's pretty much gone now). Is this normal? I'm worry that I had a miscarriage but didn't know it as I know there are a lot of women that has miscarriage without knowing it. Oh and my first prenatal is not until March 9, ugh!
Avatar n tn Do your breasts feel heavy and tender? Not all women experience nausea or other symptoms, but nearly all have tender breasts at this point. I know you asked for positive stories, but I wanted to give you the thought that if this one also ends in an early miscarriage, it is time do to some medical tests to find out why this keeps happening. I had two blighted ova, interspersed with healthy pregnancies, so blighted ova aren't all that uncommon.
Avatar m tn I dont think you should give up there are plenty of women of all ages that have M/C and plenty of women over the age of 35 that have successfull pregnancies, i dont see why the trip would have done it but you should probley take it easy cause the docs say that you would be at higher risk. Im not sure though im just going by what i hear from others and read.
Avatar f tn With my first pregnancy before a miscarriage. I felt my symptoms right before my missed period. Sore boobs and fatigue... craved tacos too. But everyone is different!
Avatar f tn The only signs you might have are lessening pregnancy symptoms. Most women don't realize when they have a missed miscarriage, nor does their body so it doesn't expell the tissue. If it is suspected make an appointment to have an ultrasound with your doctor.
Avatar f tn Honestly idk but it can be possible u can be pregnant and have ur period my mom said that with my older brother well his not older then me but his older then my little one well she said that she didn't even know she was pregnant with Him since every month she kept getting her period and it wasn't intill she fainted and they took her to the hospital and the dr told her she was already 5-6 months pregnant and that also happen to a close friend or mine besides she had her period during her
Avatar f tn I read a lot of articles online that women with high antibodies have a lot of risk of miscarriage etc plus those women need to start therapy before pregnancy. especially when my doctor knows that me and my husband are trying to have a baby.. I don't know if I should trust him he change his mind a lot about the fact I'm not pregnant yet. I'm confused. Please help me.
11452962 tn?1419396945 Does A Miscarriage Hurt Worst Then Labor? Different Females Told Me A Miscarriage Hurts Worse! I Know How Much Pain A Miscarriage Can Put You Through Those Pains I Had I Wouldn't Wish On My Worst Enemy! I'm 7 months &'d as my due date approaches i'm getting more &'d more scared about labor!
Avatar f tn About half of women who have first-trimester vaginal bleeding have a miscarriage. That might sound scary, but that also means that half of women who have bleeding don't miscarry. Light brown-tinged spotting can happen after a pelvic exam or sexual intercourse, but this type of spotting should stop within a day or so.
Avatar f tn I am about 7 weeks prgnt and had all the usual symptoms of early prgncy, but as quick as they started now they have all gone away. I don't feel the slightest bit or morning sickness. My breasts aren't as sore as they were. But I haven't had any bleeding or anything to make it clear I have miscarried. Is it likely I am jsut done already with morning sickness?
Avatar n tn The other day she went to the ER because she has been having symptoms of miscarriage. Chronic cramps in the pelvic area, stress on her back, white/pink discharge, and just last night she has been vomiting and having nausea. Although, the doc at the hospital did an ultrasound and determined that implantation was normal as well as her hormone levels. She told me that she regretted to tell the doc about her other symptoms...I suppose she only mentioned the cramping.
Avatar f tn Those symptoms were when I had my last miscarriage. Any chance you were pregnant?