
Lump at side of neck

Common Questions and Answers about Lump at side of neck


Avatar n tn not long i noticed a swollen lymph near the place this lump was,the lump also vanished but the lymph node is still there,another lump appeared on the right side of my neck and the area close to that lump also swelled but not as big as the lymph node on the left side,now i have some tiny spots like rashes on my penis and a lump appeared at the left side of my leg in between the area close to my thigh and scrotum,white fluid come out of it,and since then being feeling pains there,am feeling pains
Avatar f tn One week ago I developed a small lump on the back of my head since then I get severe pain on the left side of my head! At times it goes away and I feel fine. The lump has since gone away. But the pain is still here and at times I just want to scream. Any ideas! I have been to the doctor twice and no ideas!
Avatar n tn i have lump under skin on top of neck on spine right at last bones an brain seems pain on left side neck lower back pain severe an neck always stiff with bone paines ,was told a calcium buildup by my old dr new one said no but no one says if serious cancer runs both sides all my dads side has had one or another a type of cancer his mom,sisters,brothers an 2 deaths on that side teeth are rotting an yes brushed always 3 times just no help do to layoff an no clinics just put you on waiting list b
Avatar n tn I'm quite worried. These recent days I've experience a sort of lump across the left side of my neck which is in fact not painful. I repeatedly feel it whenever I press upon it or while swallowing. The lump does appear on neck surface & it's as if on the inside of the left side of the neck. Could it be due to stress? I also feel much tired & weak for a 27year old person. I shall be very much grateful if anybody can give me some insights upon this matter. by Zenovia.
Avatar m tn i have exactaly the same problem only it is on the left side of my neck. the lump is very large and feel like it is under my muscle. it is not painfull although the top of my back on that side dose sometimes ache. if you have found out what cause it or what it is please let me know. thanks.
Avatar n tn My son has his lump on the left side of his neck for 2 years now and all doctor's have done for him is sent him for blood work aswell. Is you lump mobile? Feel firm to the touch?
Avatar n tn I have a dime sized lump on the right side of the neck, it doesn't hurt nor do I have any other symptoms. Just a hard lump that doesn't move under the skin when I put pressure on it, it just stays in place. I don't remember how long I've had it. Maybe a few months to a year, I hardly ever get sick the most is once to twice a year. Any suggestions would be helpful thank you.
Avatar f tn Hello, I am 15 and I am not sure how longs it been there but i have two bony like lumps at the top of my throat and they are about the side of an m&m I haven't been to the doctors and I found the same kind of thing in my brothers neck but his isn't as big so any help would be appreciated.
Avatar f tn particularly on my right collar bone area and sometimes in my collar bone area, chronic sore throat, some tickles in my throat, needing to cough from time to time, a burning tongue sensation, tightness, even fluttering in my throat (as if something was blocking my airway at times), skin blotching where the lump is, pain/tightness in the back of my neck and towards the back of my head, inflammation/soreness in the back of my ears, at times reaching to my cartilage, and a burning/bubbling sensati
Avatar m tn i have a 1 cm lump/bump/nodule on the left side of the throat right below the thryoid cartilage. My doctor ordered an ultrasound.During the ultrasound ,the technician told me she saw the lump on the right side of the screen. Now the results say its on the left side. I am confused. Does the ultrasound show the images in reverse or do i have another lump on the right side. I cannot afford another ultrasound and the radiologist who checked the reports say its on the left. Why did the u.
Avatar n tn Im brand new to this forum but really really need to know whats going on. In January I found a small lump on the side of my dogs neck, it doesn't seem to be attached to any muscle, its just sort of under the skin and is about the size of a grain of rice and pretty hard but almost feels like it can be roled around but not far.
Avatar n tn I've had a sort of lump on the back left side of my neck for about 2 years now. It's not very big, and it's situated in between the back of neck and the side of my neck kind of where the hairline begins. It has not grown in the two years since i've noticed it, it isn't sore to touch or painful whatsoever. As well, I can only feel it at certain angles and i really have to push into my skin to feel it, it feels hard like it could be a bone or a muscle or somthing.
Avatar f tn Hi, just read your message on the lump on your neck, I just had 4,5, and 6 anterior fusion and I have the same lump at the neck incision area, my surgery was 11/18/14 and was never given a neck brace even after i mentioned it, so two days after going home I called and got a perscription steriod pack and told to use ice packs at the site. did the ice and working on the precription, so far swelling is smaller but still feels knotted up, Have you had any luck with this?
Avatar m tn Hello all! So around august last year, I discovered a lump around the size of a nickel underneath the right side of my jaw. It doesn't protrude from the area, rather I need to puff out my throat to be able to feel it. At first I thought nothing of it and thought it was just an enlarged node as I compared it to the other side and it is relatively biggerIt's been almost one year, and it has still remained there, no change in shape and size.
Avatar m tn Hello all! So around august last year, I discovered a lump around the size of a nickel underneath the right side of my jaw. It doesn't protrude from the area, rather I need to puff out my throat to be able to feel it. At first I thought nothing of it and thought it was just an enlarged node as I compared it to the other side and it is relatively biggerIt's been almost one year, and it has still remained there, no change in shape and size.
Avatar n tn i have fuild in my ears, and a hard lump on the right side of the back of the head, headaches, eye problems, neck pain and very tight muscles in my neck and shoulders.
Avatar m tn Hello all! So around august last year, I discovered a lump around the size of a nickel underneath the right side of my jaw. It doesn't protrude from the area, rather I need to puff out my throat to be able to feel it. At first I thought nothing of it and thought it was just an enlarged node as I compared it to the other side and it is relatively biggerIt's been almost one year, and it has still remained there, no change in shape and size.
Avatar m tn The left side of the neck swells out from time to time all the way to the left-back side of the neck. It can be very painful at times and other times just stiff.The swelling is worst around where the bump is though. My thyroid blood work came back normal along with normal CBC but also getting an ultra sound. Doctor says he thinks I have extra muscle tissue on that side and since I get stressed it is making the muscle tense up and get hard but I am still nervous.
Avatar n tn Hello. I have a lump on the left side of my neck, half to an inch away from the shoulder It i think started 2 years ago (maybe earlier and i didn't think anything about it) beginning as a small lump (pea shape), which over the span of a week turns bigger and bigger to the size of a walnut. going from non-sensitive to very sensitive to touch as it grows, also as it progresses to get bigger it then turns pink into a very noticeable red (many co-workers thought i had a hickey on my neck).
Avatar m tn I have one lump at the side of the neck...I asked my doctor and he said its a swollen lymph node and prescribed antibiotics...The course is finished but the lump is still there...It has not increased in size since a month..I had no signs of infections...My doctor said its nothing serious because i am just 13 and have no symptoms like night sweat or wight loss...Well i just got freaked out when i felt a lymph node one the other side of the swollen one...
Avatar m tn I have noticed 1 lump on my neck (not the same one as before). the lump is at the back of my neck, up by the top to the left. The lump is small, pea size, it's sort of hard, it doesn't seem to move that much when pressed, it doesn't hurt that much when I press it down, but I'm sure it did burn a little when I did it not long ago. I am 17, male... Can someone help me out a little ? thanks..
Avatar m tn It appears to perhaps be attached to a vein. It is about an inch below the back of my hairline on the right side of my neck. the lump is very hard and the size of a pea or a beebee (sp?). I noticed this first two days ago not long after getting a particularly large insect bite about an inch or two from the spot. I'm not sure if these two are related. I've tried to rub it out, thinking it was just a tiny tense muscle knot or something, but it isnt going anywhere.
Avatar n tn Hey, I have a small lump, about pea sized, on the back left of my neck. It does not hurt, unless I constantly press on it. Over the past year, I have also been having pains in my chest when I breathe, and am short of breath a lot. Also, my legs have been feeling really weak sometimes, to the point where I can't stand. I don't know if these are all related, but I am worried about the lump being some kind of tumor/cancer. Can anyone help me?
Avatar m tn My girlfriend developed a relatively small lump on the back of her neck at the base of her skull just above her hairline about 3 inches from her right ear. It developed fairly recently. I am always rubbing her back and neck because she had been in a car accident a couple of years ago and experiences chronic back pain, and did not feel it until 2 days ago. It is not visible on the skin, is about the size of dime or nickel, and causes her pain if pressure is applied.
Avatar n tn i have a swelling on the left side of my neck just above my collarbone. It seems to get bigger during the day, as when i wake it is not there really. It is painless. I take thyroxine 75mg as i have been diagnosed with underative thyroid. Is this lump due to this? i thought a goitre would be central on the neck?
Avatar m tn Hello, I have noticed a lump on the back of my neck. It is only on the left side. It is in the area circled in the attached pic. It is scary and i really just want too know if there is a chance it could be nothing to worry about. I had a few random panic attacks a couple months ago, and ever since ive been thinking something is wrong with me. So im hoping that it could be nothing. I hope that its not cancerous. If you could tell me the possibilities, it would be great.