
Painful lump in neck gland

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Avatar n tn I noticed this weekend a big lump in neck between adams apple and base of neck; the lump moves when i swallow - went to er and it said swollen cartilage - i'm not comfortable with this diagnosis. Anyone else experienced this? thanks.
1690048 tn?1307555227 My shoulder muscles are going into spasm frequently and it is quite painful. My neck also very painful also but I expected that since I was not having a fusion. Please someone let me know if this sounds like nerve damage. I am thinking maybe I waited too long to have this done and there is some perminent damage. I had stenosis and the left side is supposed to be feeling better. What does anyone think may be going omn. It is a burning, aching feeling.
Avatar f tn Lipoma and an infected sebaceous gland may present with a lump and tenderness also. Lipoma may appear in areas of the body rich in fat such as the abdomen and back. The lump is doughy in character and may be movable and slip through the fingers when you palpate this. Refrain from touching the area. My primary differential here is EBV or infectious mononucleosis.
4763188 tn?1358868279 My son felt a burning flow of maybe acid reflux stuff in neck directly under his chin where the tounge is on the right side. He then felt pain & burning from that area travel to the fenulum( under tounge) & a lump appeared that is very painful, could this be a salivatory gland issue? He can not even eat yogurt or the discomfort is almost unbearable. This happened as he was eating ice cream, don't know if that is related or not.
Avatar m tn It was just a benign tumor and was not cancerous. This lump grew inside of my gland in my neck which is very rare. They usually grow on the gland. If I were you I would go to the doctor and get it removed and have them test it to see if it was cancerous. My doctor told me that if you touch the lump and it moves freely its cancerous, if it dosn't move then its non cancerous and is just a benign tumor. Good Luck.
Avatar m tn 4 days ago I got a painful swollen gland in my neck, i have not been sick w/ a cold or anything that would cause this...when i google'd for the symptons and saw this forum i couldn't believe it because I too use Listerine Pre Brush Whitening. I have discontinued use of it as of 4 days ago and my swollen gland has not changed. Not sure if this is a coincedence but I have never had a swollen gland in my neck before! This discussion is related to <a href='http://www.medhelp.
Avatar m tn So I have a lump or inflammation of what I presume is a gland between my large neck muscle and under the back of my jaw line. Last week I was ok but developed a sore throat and headaches late last week and by the weekend I had a sore throat, vomited once and developed a sore neck and this lump all in the space of a day. I dunno what it is but if I turn my neck now it's not that painful but before it felt like I had strained a muscle in my neck and the lump itself is quite tender to touch.
1748247 tn?1311799602 As to the swelling I feel that its to the lump behind my hear that is causing my jaw muscle and neck muscle to swell, as a defense to the lump behind my ear. I am also feeling numbness in my L. side of my face, lip and arm which she said is a nuero issue. She ordered a CT of my neck to check what she diagnosed me with to see what is the cause of my swollen shoulder. P.S.
215234 tn?1305142961 It turned out I had thyroid cancer but unfortunately the ENT performing the surgery left swollen lymph nodes and an inflamed parathyroid gland in my neck. Find a good endocrinologist because the thyroid tissue should not be painful. Perhaps you have autoimmune thyroiditis that is treatable with medication. Stay away from ENTs who dont help you. And remember parathyroid disease is very hard to diagnose sometimes so ask your endocrinologist about that too. Good luck to you.
Avatar f tn My mother is 87. She woke up with a large painful lump under her tongue. It was painful to touch the side of her mouth and under her jaw on the left side. She ate her breakfast of a breakfast bar and milk. At the end of her breakfast she tasted something very salty. When she felt her mouth the pain was gone and so was the lump. Can you tell me what this could be and if we should worry about it.
Avatar m tn s up through my left abdomen as well and I even have a little swelling in the left gland in my neck. Could this be some kind of lymphatic infection?? The doctor felt the lump and said because it was seperate from the testicle, it can't be cancer. Problem is, the pain is killing me and I no longer have health insurance. Could this be life threatening? All my blood work came back OK as well.
Avatar n tn Hiya my name is Emma i think i have found a lump by my right glands in my neck it does hurt when i eat, swallow or talk. it moves when i eat, swallow and talk. Can someone give me some advice about what it could be plese i am afraid it mite by cancerours or a cyst. Do you think tht i should get it check out by the by doctor.
Avatar f tn Thank you Dr. Santos, Do you think the symptoms of my throat and my glands, and the pain that radiates in different parts of my neck are related? It seems that they should be, the "lump in throat" feeling started first, for about a week, and then the gland hurt in my neck, and then that stopped and traveled up to just below my ear, and then went over to just below my ear on the other side...
Avatar f tn HI, I have recently noticed that i have a lump behind my right ear, it hurts to touch and is giving me pain down my neck and in my wrist. I am also having ear pain. can anyone help? thank you.
Avatar f tn Hi, hoping to get some insight here, because I'm really afraid. It all started about three months ago with a feeling of a lump in my throat. Not an actual lump, but the feeling of one, right below where my adam's apple would be (I'm female though). I'd feel it on and off through the day, sometimes not so bad, and sometimes very noticeable. When I eat or drink anything it gets better though, the feeling of the lump goes away.
Avatar n tn Hello. I get a lump on my earlobe every now and them. They grow to about 1 cm in diameter and are usually not painful or itchy. They go away spontaneously after a couple weeks. However, I got another lump, and this time, it extended down a little below the earlobe. I lanced it and tried to squeeze it, but I couldn't get anything to come out.
Avatar n tn Hi there, I'm 23, and last night was woken by an extremely painful nipple. There is no physical reason for this pain, but this morning I have notices a swelling and lump that has come up - around the size of a 5p piece and it is very painful. The surface of the skin is just as painful as the lump itself, and although there is a lump there, it is not of substance, as in I can't feel a lump under the skin, and when you stretch the area, the swollen area does not protrude.
Avatar n tn I do have swelling on my right side of my neck with some pain that is in the lump, jaw and ear. My doctor thinks it is my thyroid. She had a test ran that she called a T4 Free and a TSH but she says it is normal. It does not look normal to me. T4 Free shows results of 1.09 with a range of 0.78 - 2.19 TSH shows results of 1.53 with a range of 0.47 - 4.68 The test also reads > fatigue, low T3 what does this all mean. I have a Ultra Sound Schedule for the Lump in my neck.
Avatar f tn Hi, hoping to get some insight here, because I'm really afraid. It all started about three months ago with a feeling of a lump in my throat. Not an actual lump, but the feeling of one, right below where my adam's apple would be (I'm female though). I'd feel it on and off through the day, sometimes not so bad, and sometimes very noticeable. When I eat or drink anything it gets better though, the feeling of the lump goes away.
Avatar f tn I m only 15...I felt a lump in my left areola and it was quite fixed and hard..Compared to few days ago,it was less painful...Was it possible to be breast cancer?I dont have any discharge from my breast..
Avatar m tn Hi there. I have a lump, possibly a swollen gland on the left side of my neck, close to the jaw. According to the charts it looks like the jugulodigastric node and is right on top of the jugular. My best guess to size is just over a half inch. It isn't tender, just swollen. I just quit smoking and I'm 24 years old. I'm not sure how long it has been there, though I suspect its been a while (been monitoring it for a week now). I don't have any other symptoms that I'm aware of.
Avatar m tn Her swelling is evenly distributed near the neck or it looks like a lump ? Mine is like a lump, but its not fully visible. When we touch it, we can feel a lump there. I am planning to consult the Dr this weekend to confirm about this issue.
503418 tn?1231098736 Hello, Two possibilities are there for such lumps.It can be a thyroid cyst or a swollen lymph node. A thyroid cyst is a fluid-filled sac located in the thyroid gland. Cysts may be small (< 1cm) or large and they may develop slowly or appear suddenly. Treatment of thyroid cyst involves fine needle aspiration of the fluid. The aspirated fluid is then sent for histopathological examination to look out for any malignancy.In svere cases surgery may be required.
Avatar n tn About two weeks ago I noticed a small lump under my left armpit. This was right below my extra milk gland and not painful. I was told I have a lot of breast tissue under this armpit and when I breastfed my children I always had a large milk gland where I couldn't put my arm all the way down. Now There is a lump and after finding it two weeks ago it is a little larger.
Avatar m tn So hi my name is Simon and I have a big lump on my neck and i think its a lymph gland its on my right side and I have another lump which i think is also a lymph gland on my left side of my neck but it is very small and also there is another 2 lumps on the back of my ear (right and left ear) which are pea sized and there is a lump on my neck near my shoulders I am getting very scared of this and I dont know what it is someone please get back to me as soon as possible thanks - Simon
Avatar m tn The lymph is a clear fluid that circulates throughout the lymphatic system, containing many infection fighting antibodies and associated cells. Lymph is filtered in the lymphatic glands, which are numerous in the neck upper chest, and in the groin. When your body is fighting an infection, you might notice a slight bump in these locations. Sometimes these glands themselves become overloaded and infected.