
Foot bones ligaments

Common Questions and Answers about Foot bones ligaments


Avatar f tn Yes, there are no traditional hernias in the foot. However, if your plantar fascia and other ligaments are weak or injured then pads of fat can slip out and cause lumps. The bones held together by these ligaments may slip from place and cause a lump which looks like hernia. You need to ask your doctor for a MRI.
1558461 tn?1295392601 could simply be the muscles and ligaments of those stressed joints yelling in protest. Or causing other bones to rub together differently and thus cause joint inflammation. Have you been seen for the chronic pain in your toe? It sounds like you need to get to the root cause.
1148201 tn?1262165258 There are two menisci, anterior and posterior cruciate ligaments and medial and lateral collateral ligaments in your knee joint, total six ligaments. Sometimes there are accidents where you injure medial meniscus, medial collateral ligament and anterior cruciate ligament together and this is called O'Donoghue triad. So it is possible that you have multiple ligaments involved and you have to go for a surgery and then follow up with proper physiotherapy to recover completely. Take care!
Avatar f tn It could also be stress fractures of the bones of the foot. You will need MRI of the whole foot, X-rays of the foot, EMG and nerve conduction studies for a confirmed diagnosis. Take care! The medical advice given should not be considered a substitute for medical care provided by a doctor who can examine you. The advice may not be completely correct for you as the doctor cannot examine you and does not know your complete medical history.
Avatar n tn Hi, It probably appears like a strain of one of the ligaments of the foot. A ligament is a thick thread like structure that joins a bone to a bone. It can happen commonly and best treatment is a rest to the foot. You can also put your feet in a tub of warm water 2-3 times in a day and that will help. I think you can wait for 2-3 days and try it out and if it still does not get resolved, you can consult an orthopedic surgeon. I hope that helped. Please do keep me posted. Kind Regards.
Avatar m tn The deltoid, anterior talofibular, posterior talofibular, and calcaneofibular ligaments and the interosseous ligaments show no evidence of rupture. The spring ligament complex is not well-seen. Plantar Fascia: No abnormal thickness or edema is seen of the plantar aponeurosis. Sinus Tarsi: A small amount of fluid is seen in the sinus tarsi. Impression: 1. Diffuse bone marrow edema of the navicular, with a minimal, nondisplaced fracture line at the anterior subchondral aspect of the navicular.
Avatar m tn I would suggest you to get yourself checked of your medial and collateral ligaments and also posterior and anterior cruciate ligaments are fine. Menisci are the other two ligaments in your knee joint. Go for clinical examination of the strengths of the muscles near an orthopedician and also if required go for an MRI. With proper diagnosis you will need the right course of treatment. Do not jump, run or twist your knees till given a go ahead. Take care!
Avatar f tn The anterior tibiofibular ligament and anterior talofibular ligament are difficult to see because of soft tissue changes around the ligaments but appearances suggest at least a partial tear of both ligaments. The posterior talofibular and calcaneofibular ligaments appear intact. The deltoid ligament also appears intact altough there is oedema of the tibio-talar component. No bone abnormality is shown at the ankle joint or elsewhere in the mid or hind foot. No tendon abnormality is shown.
Avatar f tn I haven’t had foot reconstructive surgery but I’ve had multiple back injuries/surgeries that have resulted in nerve pain down my entire leg and into my foot. I am sure t will help you stretch your ligaments/tendons. Keep elevating your leg when your foot becomes swollen. I hope you see a lot of improvement once you’ve had PT for a while.
Avatar f tn t a break in a bone in there somewhere? There are so many tiny bones in your foot. It took the drs 5 months to find the break in my foot. (This was many years ago. Ended up being a sesamoid bone on the bottom of my foot.) I'm telling you this because those breaks can be hard to find. Or it could be some type of nerve damage. I don't know. My best advice is to see an orthopedic doctor. You may wish to consider wearing an ankle brace, available at CVS, Walgreens et al.
Avatar f tn Impingement of the ankle joint between the bones of ankle and foot is another possibility. The clue to right treatment is right diagnosis of the cause of pain. You can consult an orthopedic specialist. Take care!
Avatar f tn I was playing soccer when i went into a tackle my Body got twisted around but my foot and lower leg stayed still. I felt a massive pain through my knee on the inside of my knee and heard and felt a snap. My team mates imediatly came running over because they said they heard a snap sound to and that it looked nasty when i did it. My coach put ice on it and strapped it up but i can only put a tiny amount of weight on it before my knee collapses.
Avatar n tn So I immediately went to the hospital. Where they did do an x-ray and was told that I did not have any broken bones. My foot was red and would change colors, especially when I put weight on it. I was referred to an orthopedic who then ordered a bone scan but did not find anything however he did put my foot in a cast to see if it helped with the pain and swelling. 3 weeks later my foot was still the same and the cast was taken off.
Avatar m tn s kind of like a football knee, the kneecap that is usually held against the bones by ligaments can pop out of the slot in the bone for a few steps before the ligaments put it back in again. If you can feel her kneecap and it's a bit loose, that also might tend to confirm it. Talk to her vet about it.
Avatar f tn That will help you a lot and can even make labor go faster since you are more relaxed and the bones, ligaments and muscles are in the right place. You probably need it very much since you are in pain.
Avatar f tn My past surgery involved extracting a nerve, reconstruction of the foot, repairs to tendons and ligaments, lengthening of the calf, a bone graft, they created an arch, shaved down a few bones, and inserted a few screws and pins. For about a month I started to feel relief but two weeks ago the pain came back and is getting worse every day. It hurts sitting standing jumping or running.
Avatar m tn The person checking me out reckons I damaged one or both sets of ligaments running down the outside of my foot/ankle. I should rest for a few days and then start to do physio exercises she gave me to build it back up.
7970489 tn?1395885877 I also have sore muscles in my chest, the soreness moves around. I also have what sounds like bones cracking when i do take deep breaths, but i know it"s the ligaments. Is this "the hug" or something else?
Avatar f tn I broke both bones in my ankle and tore ligament completely....I had no pain in the ankle was ok...I could walk on it ok.....but my hip on the other leg..pops and feels out of place..have to get something for inside my shoes....I had infection in the ankle....may need another surgery to clean it out...but I am on antibiotics for the rest of my life....I am so worried and concerned that I will get a bad infection and half to lose my has not hurt in 15 months..but today out of nowhere..
Avatar m tn have severe muscle problems in whole foot, both, bones muscles, tendons, ligaments. calves are screaming, toes feel like they are crunching. never had this before. severe dehydration, ongoing. have no thyroid and only a spec of parathyroid left. graves disease 1969. i was 12. hands , feet, kidney area [pain. after 1 month, labs were o,k, but i dont feel that way. kinda depressed and was already speeding my brains out before the switch so dont really know what to make of all this.
Avatar f tn I really don't think it's the bones. These are ligaments/tendons that tear. I feel the snap of them and have to have rehab each time.
712802 tn?1274645485 s due to the pulling of the muscles, tendons and ligaments on my bones that cause this pain. It is very painful and feels to me like it is the bone itself that is hurting. But I, like you have had "the tests" and my bones are fine. If your pain is like mine I know how it feels!! Ouch!! Please let us know how you are doing. I appreciate your input into our community. I will look forward to your updates.