
Diaper rash milk

Common Questions and Answers about Diaper rash milk


Avatar f tn My 2year old had a bad diaper rash due to diarrhea and I tried everything. Milk of magnesia worked great. I would pour some in a container soak the cotton balls in the milk of magnesia and rubbed on the rash I also used the burping cloths with warm water to wipe him instead of the baby wipes since it irritates the rash.
Avatar n tn I just had a new born on 10/13/15...when I change her diaper she has this RED rash on her buns wit a little bit of blood...
Avatar f tn Has anyone ever tried using breast milk on there babies diaper rashes? I heard its supposed to help a lot! If you've done this did it work? How long does it take to start healing?
Avatar f tn My son us 3wks old. I was wondering about diaper rashes. He has a bit of a rash under his scrotum. I'm wondering if this is normal. Its the only area that has gotten red. I do let him dry out a bit after diaper changes and started putting Desitin diaper cream on it. Any suggestions on making it go away? Tia!
Avatar f tn t let her sit in it too to long. Pat dry her bottom and put the diaper rash cream on every diaper change. Make sure you keep her bottom dry when you change her. I baby sat this baby girl that had the same problem but hers was really really bad she cried non stop never smiled it broke my heart but its because her parents wouldn't change her diaper when she was dirty. Anyways if I'm not mistaken she had to be on antibiotics.
4528412 tn?1357069833 You can put her in the tub with warm water and baking soda a couple times a day, change her diapers very often, use your diaper rash ointment every time and try to keep her as dry as possible. Also, try to leave the diaper a little loose so some air can get in. Simply try to keep her dry and give it a couple days. When it comes to the diarrhea, if she is on milk based formula and is vomiting as well she may need a soy based formula, my daughter did.
317245 tn?1258737545 My little boy is now 13 months old. He was breast fed for 11 and a half months and his stool was always very loose....but that didn't concern me or the pediatrician because it is normal for a breast fed baby to have loose stool. When I started the weaning process I started to introduce whole milk to him. As soon as I started the whole milk he almost immediately developed a horrible bleeding diaper rash (he had never had diaper rash at all before this).
Avatar f tn My son has never had a rash that lasted linger than a couple diaper changes. I use it every time he starts getting red. Idk if they sell it in the baby section my dads friend bought it for me and told me about it. But she said you can get it at Walmart. Its a medicated powder.
Avatar f tn So, I have a little girl who is almost 8 months and she STAYS with a diaper rash. She has had the same one for well over a month now and we have done EVERYTHING. She's been to the pediatrician twice, we change her diaper every single time it's dirty, we've used Boudreauxs regular and maximum strength butt paste and we've used desitin. We've also used Johnson's baby powder AND Caldesene powder in the pink and blue bottles.
Avatar f tn Currently getting babys bag ready for the big day ! Feel weird because I cant think at all What do you pack in your baby's diaper bag ?
266539 tn?1281402152 So today I found out my best friend is having a baby boy and so I was thinking about shower gifts and I was wondering what you thought about the idea, if you would like that as a shower gift or not. I was thinking of getting a diaper bag and fill it with everything you need in a diaper bag. Like; diapers, whipes, baby powder, rash cream, sun screen, lotion, a few toys, bottles, pacifires, an outfit, and a mini first aid kit. Anything I missed for a diaper bag?
Avatar f tn My 4 month old daughter has a really bad diaper rash, i put rash cream on everytime i change her, but it just keeps getting worse. She also has had diarrhea 3 or 4 times a day and just her right cheek is red on her face. she just had her 4 month immunizations about a week ago and we started her on rice cereal a week ago. I am calling her doctor first thing in the morning. Any suggestions on what this could be before I call?
Avatar f tn Could just be a regular diaper rash, butif it's not going away it could be a yeast diaper rash. If regular diaper cream doesn't clear it up within a few days, talk to his doctor. You may need a special topical cream (possibly Nystatin cream) if it's a yeast diaper rash. You could try a little cornstarch to keep his bum dry and change his diaper often. Also, keep it clean and give it some time to air dry too.
Avatar f tn I packed up nail clippers, diaper rash cream, baby powder, burp rags, pacifier, hats, a few changes of clothing, his outfit to come home in, baby hair brush if he has hair lol, etc.
9536744 tn?1414122031 The benefits of mommas milk are so great for example my little girl was getting a diaper rash so i expressed a little milk on my finger and rubbed where the rash was and it was gone by the next day! And it works way better than any nipple cream they sell for sore/cracked nipples just express a little and let it air dry.
9571159 tn?1419571005 and of course stuff for clean in like shampoo diaper rash cream .. and a softbrush nail clippers usually comes in a set baby qtips..
470885 tn?1326329037 If there are little red dots it could be a yeast rash. It could be from him teething too. Elijah STILL gets bad diaper rashes from time to time, at two and a half almost. Best thing I can suggest is letting him be naked for a while during the day, usually when I let Elijah be naked for a little bit it helps when he has/looks like he's getting a rash. I'm not 100% sure why Elijah gets them, but he does get yeast rashes sometimes too...
11970398 tn?1443134602 For the redness, it could be chapping from the diaper... maybe try letting his bum air out for a few minutes during diaper changes?
639543 tn?1297027634 He NEVER got the diaper rash that can be present with oral thrush. It is VERY difficult to treat since yeast thrives in warm, dark, moist places like a mouth. Get it checked asap so you can get it treated and under control sooner than later. Thankfully you are not breast feeding because it can pass back and forth between mom and baby making it painful for mom and even more difficult to treat. Good luck!!!!!
1950374 tn?1332384136 d let her air dry a bit and put on a dry diaper. When needed, we used a diaper rash cream, or let her have some tummy time without a diaper on a blanket we didn't mind soiling. This time, we're having a boy. I asked a friend about caring for the foreskin and she said that she just pulls it back a bit and wipes with a wet cloth each day. If you're not sure you're doing the best job you could, feel free to ask the postpartum nurses.
4654179 tn?1595183520 My poor baby has suffered on and off with diaper rash. I've changed diaper brands and have been using Destin religiously. Any ideas that could help?
3930380 tn?1357887113 Make sure to keep her clean and dry. Bath her before bed time and use burst bees diaper rash ointment. With my daughter she rarely got diaper rash but when she did it sees nothing would make it go away we literally bought a bottle of every ointment and burst bees was the only thing that would make a difference. Walmart and target have it.
3062924 tn?1350414109 I'm a ftm and my daughter has a diaper rash. I put destin on her when I change her n try to change her every 2 hrs or so. Except at night. Instead of getting better it looks worse. I was gonna go to the dr but theres a blizzard. Any other ideas to help until we can get to the dr???
Avatar f tn What is the best cream i can use for diaper rash ?? My 15 month daughter got 1 and idk what to put on her ..
Avatar f tn So I stopped shavin dwn there for a la'while because it's kinda tender & tonight I decided to shave. Anyways, I took a mirror to look dwn there ( it's jst somethin I have a habit of doin ) & I saw wht looks like a diaper rash. I have a Dr appt tmrw so I plan on askin her wht can I use but have any of you ladies experienced this & if you did, is there anythin tht you can suggest tht I can use or do for it ?
Avatar f tn diapers asap I bought huggies n ever since tht my sons had a diaper rash.? Has anyone experienced this too?
Avatar f tn Sorry your little one is having diaper rash. My first daughter got diaper rash when I tried being fancy and bought her Huggies Supreme. I realized she was allergic to it and I switched her to LUVS. I've always used this powder call Caldesene, its in a pink bottle and you can find it in any CVS or Walgreens. It is so good it formulated to keep moisture away from their skin. You can use it on prickly heat too.