
Androgenic hair loss

Common Questions and Answers about Androgenic hair loss


Avatar n tn Hello, From the pattern of baldness it looks like male pattern baldness. Androgenic alopecia is a common form of hair loss and typically occurs in M shaped pattern. Men who have this type of hair loss usually have inherited the trait. Other causes may be use of some drugs, infections and underlying disease, such as lupus or diabetes. A biopsy (taking a small sample of cells to examine under a microscope) of your scalp may be needed to establish the correct diagnosis.
Avatar m tn i m 24 male, i m suffering from diffuse hair loss, mainly in the vertex and frontal region, my father and his line of family dont suffer from any sort of alopecia, but my grandpa ( mother's side of the family) suffered from total alopecia around the same age of mine, whereas his son (my uncle) suffers from severe frontal alopecia but most of his vertex and temporal are intact, my hair loss started coinciding with a pretty stressful event, at this point back then i thought it might be just t
Avatar n tn This they would term as the vertex and bitemporal regions of hair loss. In women, the loss is usually limited over the crown. Pattern loss may be seen as early as in the 30's in men and later in women. Hair loss may be due to an underlying scalp problem also. Seborrheic dermatitis and fungal infections may present with a well demarcated or diffuse loss of hair. Discoid lupus erythematosus may also cause hair loss in more localized areas. Do the males in your family experience hair loss?
Avatar n tn My question is I have been noticing more then normal hair loss the last few months. Not in one area but all over, as of now I have no signs of a receding hair line or bald spot. Infect now I have a lot of hair, my hairdresser told me before the I have fine hair but a lot of it (lots of follicles). My Dad has lots of hair too. But now When I run my hand thru my hair ill see anywhere from 1-5 strands of hair in my hand. In the shower I counted (Yes I counted) about 40 -55 strands.
Avatar m tn Depending on your type of hair loss, treatments are available. If a medicine is causing your hair loss, your doctor may be able to prescribe a different medicine and if it is due to infections or systemic disease,then treating it will treat baldness. Medicines which are useful are minoxidil and finasteride. Finally one can resort to hair transplantation also.
Avatar m tn From your symptoms I would like to rule out androgenic alopecia as well. It is a common form of hair loss and typically occurs in M shaped pattern. Men who have this type of hair loss usually have inherited the trait. Other causes may be use of some drugs, infections and underlying disease, such as lupus or diabetes. A biopsy (taking a small sample of cells to examine under a microscope) of your scalp may be needed to establish the correct diagnosis.
917035 tn?1243299631 Depending on your type of hair loss, treatments are available. If a medicine is causing your hair loss, your doctor may be able to prescribe a different medicine and if it is due to infections or systemic disease, then treating it will treat baldness. Medicines which are useful are minoxidil and finasteride .Finally one can resort to hair transplantation also. An evaluation with a dermatologist will be the best. Hope it helps .
Avatar m tn High chromium indicates the loss of chromium through hair. it can be due to mineral imbalance. Biounavailabilty of chromium usually indicates a disrupted cell renewal process leading to subsequent hair loss. It also indicates depleted energy levels. Manganese: This indicates manganese toxicity possibly du to drinking water contamination. This might lead to iron deficiency in future. Usage of hair dyes also gives a false indication of high manganese content.
Avatar n tn Oh, okay. That's different than vitamin deficiency. Here's information on androgenic alopecia Both men and women get it and in men, it's called male pattern hair loss. I guess you can start the supplements if your doctor says okay for good measure. But, it probably won't help too much if vitamins aren't the issue. Alopecia is harder to treat.
Avatar f tn ve read that Levongestral is extremely androgenic, and has been a trigger for Hidradenitis suppurativa. It started with random ingrown hairs, then a huge cyst in my panty line (that's never happened before) then some acne on my butt. I was almost always on my period so it was hard to say if it was before during or after my period that symptoms got worse. I went to the Dr because some spots weren't healing, they told me it was simple folliculitis and prescribed and antibiotic.
Avatar n tn I consulted second dermatologist and he agreed with me on telogen effluvium case (he did examine my hairs unlike the first one who just looked at it) but he did not completely discount the cause of the hair loss could also be attributed to androgenic alopecia. He then suggested for me to have a blood test instead of biopsy which I initially requested but he deemed it invasive and not warranted for my condition.
Avatar f tn I am hoping getting my levels up will help a lot with both fatigue and hair loss, but I am also now trying to get my iron levels up, because even though the doctors said my ferritin level was perfectly normal I think it needs to be higher. How can I quickly raise my levels, and how much iron is safe to take without risking overdose?
Avatar n tn Beard area is under androgenic stimulation not as much the level of the hormone, but the genetic expression at the hair root level.You have to accept this limitation,and even increasing testosterone will have no beneficial effect.
Avatar m tn Hello, Hirsutism in PCOS is thought to be mostly due to excessive levels of androgenic hormones. Temporary hair removal can be achieved through depilation or epilation. Drugs like androgen receptor blockers, androgen suppressing agents and 5 alpha reductase inhibitors are also used. Permanent means of hair removal by electrolysis and laser treatment are also useful.
Avatar m tn In fact, in a recent survey of 500 women, it was found that a staggering 33% reported hair loss. This was observed as an increase in the amount of hair shed or a reduction in the length grown, both of which contribute to a reduction in hair volume if the problem persists for any length of time. So if you believe your hair has less volume than it did a few years ago you can at least console yourself with the fact that 1 in 3 women also consider themselves to be in the same position.
Avatar f tn Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, where in due to hormonal irregularities the person has symptoms of irregular menstruation, weight gain, insulin resistance (diabetes) and excess androgenic activity causing facial hair. Again symptoms of weight gain could all be the side effects of certain medications. It could also be due to hypothyroidism, it also causes constipation, weight gain and loss of appetite, it could be in the subclinical form, when it fails to manifest.
Avatar f tn Ferritin, which is your iron storage, has a suggested test range of 15–160 ug/L; but to prevent hair loss and ensure thick hair, your reading should be above 70 ug/L. (I'm at 105) Hair follicles contain ferritin. When ferritin stores decline in the hair follicle, it affects the ability of the hair to grow causing non-pigmented fine hairs to develop. These hairs are often mistaken for androgenic alopecia.
Avatar m tn Hi. Thanks for taking the time to answer my question. My testosterone came back elevated a few months ago, but my doctor said he thought it was a lab error because he didn't see that I had any symptoms. He took the tests again and the are still elevated. However, he says he thinks it's still a lab error. What are the chances of this? I've gained about 25 pounds in the last 8 months without changing my diet or exercise.