
100mg of seroquel and ocd

Common Questions and Answers about 100mg of seroquel and ocd


802234 tn?1237830136 I would like for him to change meds, come off the Seroquel and maybe go on another drug (antidepressant such as Luvox) for his OCD. How long would it take for him to wean off Seroquel and start another drug? I feel since he started taking Seroquel in 2004, his eye problem has gotten worse and I would like him to come off the drug. I don't know if this will help with his eyes or not. Any suggestions/comments would be appreciated.
574118 tn?1305135284 I had tachycardia from Seroquel at higher doses and I told my psychiatrist at the time and he said it was not of concern (in me) but its important to report any side effects to your psychiatrist of any kind. I do know that for me Seroquel did not work until it reached 300 mg. and I believe that is the lowest effective dose but you could ask your psychiatrist about that.
Avatar n tn i have only had about 4 hours of sleep for the past two days because of this. ive been reading books, and stuff but its stuck. i wake up in the morning. and the song goes back on loop what do i do? i know how to get over the thoughts, but songs?? help much appreciated.
Avatar f tn I suferred from gad and panic desorder. I'm on zoloft 175mg, clonopin 1mg 3 times a day, seroquel 100mg to go to sleep and 25 mg twice a day, however, I don't take the seroquel morning dose because it makes me too sleepy. I'm desperate trying to find out why I'm still having anxiety and the ton of meds are not working. I was on disability for two months and just went back to work. I've been constantly crying and being anxious. I don't know what to do.
1985196 tn?1402190098 i envy you both.
Avatar m tn I have also seen the effects of to much seroquel.. Affects motor skills speech and memory also has a tendency to build on it's self so make sure you have at least 8 or more hours between doses..
Avatar m tn My psychiatrist has prescribed me 50mg of seroquel for my OCD. However, I have heard that Seroquel can shrink your brain. Is it worth it? What do you guys think of these studies? http://www.medpagetoday.
574118 tn?1305135284 I have been taking seroquel for years. my dose fluctuates between 50 and 300. I noticed that below 100 I get into depression. my question: is it true that one has to to take at least 100 mg for depression?
398920 tn?1218779347 As I got better, the dosage of Seroquel was decreased and I am now on 200mg and doing well. Seroquel worked wonders for me and I hope it helps you as well.
Avatar f tn Ok i've now been on seroquel for about 1 month started at 50mg went to and 100mg and now i'm at 125mg i don't really notice anything different then when i was taking 50mg. my pysch prescribed it severe insomnia and maybe bipolar i've been seeing him for almost 3 1/2 months and still no real diagnosis. Also i take clonazepam and things are still the same. I just lost, confused and tired. Just wanted to if anyone ever experience the same thing while taking these meds?
574118 tn?1305135284 I used to be on 100mg a day of seroquel and my phciatrist had said that some people can be on 400/500mg (and even more than this) of this tablet and function fine/not be tired/dozy etc where as for other people lower does can be really good aswell and sometimes can be even more beneficial.
Avatar n tn Is Seroquel XR 50mg 2tabs 2x a day the equivalent of Seroquel 100mg 2x a day?
Avatar n tn i took 250 mg of seroquel and the medicine was not prescribed to me and now i feel weak what should i do
1052851 tn?1307741160 He notices the slightest changes, so I went back on the noon Seroquel, and I told him I had only stopped the 100mg, but after thinking about it and chatting with ILADVOCATE, 100mg of Seroquel being stopped would be noticeable. I am coming to the conclusion that I will most likely have to take these pills for the rest of my life, if I want a semi-normal life.
Avatar m tn can you take risperdol 4mg with 400mg seroquel if not can you take 100mg of triazadone with 400 mg seroquel?
574118 tn?1305135284 But then my sadness disappeared after knowing that my 100mg extra of seroquel is equivalent to just an additional 1mg of risperidone. The reason was that I read about the kindling effect therefore I am subjected to it because after each new episode psychiatry tells you you up your dose. But the additional dose wasn't huge i.e. I only have to make sure that I don't get manic again (keep my fingers crossed). Anyway I chatted with an astra zenica doctor (comp which produces the seroquel.
Avatar f tn My mother was put on Seroquel and she too has pitting edema of both of her feet and ankles (more on the right than the left). She's been checked out for blood clots and heart problems but everything is ok. Her psych doctor said it was probably the Seroquel. (IS Saphris a good substitute?). My mother takes Seroquel for dementia.
Avatar f tn (the latest edition), and spoke to the people at the Monash University centre that specializes in drugs and breastfeeding information. It's considered one of the 'more compatible' drugs for breastfeeding, mostly due to the fact that it doesn't enter breastmilk well. Weight-adjusted infant dose is estimated at only around 0.45% of maternal dose.
447130 tn?1225470866 Afetr being on 100mg of Seroquel at night for about a month now, my sleep is back to normal and the seroquel is making me feel better, keeping depression at bay. I've been through a rough 2 weeks with some personal things and I came through like a champ. I don't need Restoril or Ambien anymore and I have adjusted to Seroquel so my doc wants me on it for a bit longer. He explained sleep is crucial to bipolar disorder and ordered my on the Seroquel until otherwise notified.
Avatar f tn I have been off Seroquel for 4 nights now. I was on Seroquel for about a year and a half and I have to say all that it ever did for me was help me sleep but I was only on 100mg-150mg at bedtime + trazodone 200mg., I have depression also but I think that the dose for depression is higher than 150mg. Maybe that is why it never helped with my depression? The best med that I have ever taken for sleep is triazolam (Halcion) .25mg @ bedtime.
1258539 tn?1293840202 I have only taken seroquel now for two times. One on Friday night and one on Sunday night. 100mg. I do not like how it is making me feel at all. I don't think I am going to take it anymore. Do you think I will have any withdrawals from that?
Avatar m tn And still it was a coin toss if I was going to sleep or not. So I went down to 100mg of trazadone and .5 alprazolam. Some days I sleep ok and others I don't. My anxiety isn't as bad as it was but I still struggle with it everyday. I think the trazadone has helped a little with this as my dr said it is a mild antidepressant. My question is if I think if I get the anxiety and OCD(thoughts) under control that my sleep would return.
Avatar n tn I often go through periods of sleeping through lunches and I typically sleep away most of the entire day of one of my weekend days and can't help but nap the next day too. I am on my feet and do physical labor for a good part of my workday and there is no doubt exercise helps with energy and combating depression, however, nothing is a cure. That's a sad reality for me that I've just had to accept. Good luck on your journey.
Avatar m tn 0 mg at night, and seroquel 450mg. After the addition of seroquel I started having classical music in my head that I could hear when I was hospitalized I asked several people if they heard what I did and they did not. However when I came home from the hospital I didn't have anymore auditory hallucinations. Seroquel helped me a lot with my ocd and gave me a lot of functioning ability. My adverse affects are sleep walking, night sweats and shaking hands until I eat something sweet.
Avatar f tn I've been on 25 mg of Seroquel daily as a mood stabilizer (anxiety, amongst other things) for 10 months and I'm about to ween myself off of them. I still have a month's supply and my general doctor told me previously to take one pill every other day to see how that goes. I started Seroquel with my medical doctor, then later saw a psychiatrist. I will be seeing my psychiatrist at the end of the month to refill my Valium (as needed) and to get another refill of Seroquel.
Avatar m tn 5 mg daily and seroquel 450mg for severe ocd and other conditions. I have gained a lot of weight and my stomach became huge. I eat a lot and I am always hungry. I don't want to stop my medications because I used to be mentally paralyzed without them. Has anyone been successful with maintaining and/or losing weight while on Seroquel.