
Zyrtec symptoms

Common Questions and Answers about Zyrtec symptoms


Avatar f tn started getting hives and an increase in my asthma symptoms in sept 2010, no explanation for this that i am aware of, tried benadryl seemed to make it worse, lortadine didnt help either, the itching, burning, stinging was unbearable. started taking zyrtec, seemed to help a little but starts up again so i also started taking zantac along with the zyrtec. i am still getting some hives and itching but now for about the past 3-4 wks now i'm also getting nausea, please help!
Avatar n tn I was also advised to take Zyrtec and wondered if Zyrtec had any more benefit for skin reactions thank Claritin. Claritin didn't help at all. Two dermatologists suggested Zyrtec over Claritin . I hesitate to try the Zyrtec as I took it once a few years ago and promptly feel into a deep sleep. If it is better for the skin than Claritin can it be taken at night and do any good? Your help is greatly appreciated. This discussion is related to <a href='http://www.medhelp.
Avatar f tn I was told to take zyrtec. Now I have a rash on my upper thighs. Is it the generic zyrtec? Would the regular Zyrtec do the same? Have you ever heard of Diamox being prescribed for Meneire's disease? I find nothing in the literature about it and am hesitant to take it as it makes me very tired. I need to sleep about 3 hours a day when I take it. I don't want to experience vertigo again.
Avatar f tn the doctor said it wasnt the drugs fault and it was just my symptoms returning. zyrtec isnt habit forming. i have never had itching as an allergy symptom before. has anyone else had this problem? tell me i am not nuts!
Avatar m tn Both Allegra and Zyrtec are 24 hour medications in my area. I have known several people who took 3 Zyrtec in one day, and my allergist says that you can't really OD on antihistimines. You should be sure to drink PLENTY of water and watch for signs of constipation and dehydration. You should make sure that your dr is well aware of how much of these meds you are taking to make sure that they are ok with any other medications you maybe taking.
Avatar f tn My have had terrible allergy symptoms so dr told me that zyrtec, Claritan and bendryl are safe during pregnancy. I took Zyrtec during the day yesterday with no relief by bedtime so I took a Benadryl to hopefully get some sleep at night because my symptoms were still terrible! Didn't realize this might not be ok to mix- anyone have any idea if mixing them once is ok?? Now I'm really nervous I did something wrong even though they're both safe.
Avatar f tn My 12 year old daughter was just diagnosed today with this. I read the other posts relating thyroid problems with autoimmune urticaria. Since I have hypothyroidism, I'm guessing that she should be tested for this at her regular doctor's office? Right now all I can afford is the double dose of Zyrtec, but with everything else she's allergic to (7 types of trees, 3 molds, ragweed, cat, feathers,dust mites & roaches of course) the allergy shots would be better for her, right?
Avatar n tn I also have a lot of mucus and had some coughing the past couple of days. Since i usually have allergies I take Zyrtec but i dont even know what to treat in this case?? Cold, Stomach, Allergies?? Please someone help! I dont have a family doctor ...
Avatar n tn has zyrtec been banned,i cant find it anywhere,if it has been banned then wot was the reason?
Avatar f tn I've never had allergies of any kind. Then I noticed my nose was runny sometimes. Sneezing some. Nothing alarming. Then I woke up and was having trouble swallowing - felt like something was stuck in my throat. Doc said there was tons of drainage - the diagnosis: allergies. I started zyrtec and flonase, and got a HEPA air purifier. I've had that for about 2 weeks. Annnd now I've developed ear infections in BOTH ears due to the allergies, even taking all that and with the filter.
Avatar f tn Had been on Augmentin for a sinus infection, just finishing up the script, and take Crestor, Nexium, and Zyrtec on a regular basis. Symptoms started a few days after starting generic Zyrtec, which also caused unbelievable dryness that felt like I was dehydrated (no vomiting, though). A day after the chills, I noticed my urine was dark and my stools were very light, almost gray, and I started getting very itchy but no rash.
1274661 tn?1301868321 I already take zyrtec and rhinocort for allergies on top of all of the other meds I take for pain and reflux. I am seeing an allergist in August and I am going back to my pcp tomorrow for the millionth time. Any advice?
Avatar f tn Simple moisturizing creams, wet soaks, calamine lotions etc are generally enough to soothe the symptoms of hives of pregnancy. Try these along with Zyrtec. Zyrtec also causes hives, sounds strange when it is used for the cure. It is also possible that Zyrtec is aggravating your hives. Please take a skin test or RAST test to know what you are allergic to. Hope this helps. It is difficult to comment beyond this at this stage. Do consult an allergy specialist.
Avatar n tn m wondering if this is a reaction to the Zyrtec or if the Zyrtec helps it calm down. It does calm down then "flare" back up. It's starting to look horrible. I've never had skin problems and Im embarrassed to go in public. Doctor doesn't seem to know exactly what it is. Could it be allergy related??!? I'm desperate to clear it up!!
Avatar m tn Alright thanks,and no i take plain zyrtec,not zyrtec d,it doesnt contain pseudoephedrine....i called up my psychiatrist,he said its nothing to worry about,its common with all the medicines im taking,im meeting my physician later this week,and he can then recommend a cardiologist for me....
1232362 tn?1333135406 Yes, I do give Akira Zyrtec. I give her breaks from taking the Zyrtec, too, though. I figure if people can build up resistance to antihistamines that it would be reasonable to assume that the same thing can happen to the cat. I generally give her the Zyrtec when the allergies are bothering her the most so that I don't give her too much.
714275 tn?1295226265 Two years ago, my doctor told me to take Zyrtec. It worked within minutes! I took it regularly and when I ran out of pills I then went without for a few days. I had noticed a very odd reaction from not having it in my system. A horrible isolated itch with raised areas,swelling, and burning. I never had an itching like this before. It was as if the Zyrtec isolated the allergen and made it dormant within my body, until the medicine was out of my system.
Avatar m tn I had turbinate surgery two weeks ago. Now i still have congestion, snoring, loss of smell/taste. Dr's Office said take Zyrtec, this isn't helping. What should i do? Is this nomal? Maybe i need a 2nd opinion.
689528 tn?1364135841 10mg every day for the first five days and then every other day for the next five, in addition he gets a generic Zyrtec everyday. Now he just gets a zyrtec every day, and if his allergies act up beyond the zyrtec's control, like this time of year ,he gets a prednisone per day for 3 or 4 days and then every other day for two or until things calm down. Zyrtec can be expensive, but we actually found a generic brand at the dollar store! $1. for 14 pills, so we clear their shelves!
Avatar m tn I had protected sex about two and a half months back, I'm having on and off symptoms. 1. Low grade fever (Food poisoning) Happens once. 2. Rash, Looks like Hives (I've never had Hives before) 3. Diarrhea, happens after I took medication? (Amoxicillin) 4. Inflame Tonsils (Mild pain, no coughing) These symptoms doesn't come all at once. The rash happens out of nowhere and it's freaking me out, I took zyrtec and it took care of it.