
Zyprexa settlement forum

Common Questions and Answers about Zyprexa settlement forum


Avatar n tn My psychiatrist has just added Zyprexa to take with Prozac as the Prozac is not working like it used to work.I'm worried about the weight gain with Zyprexa, is there something else that could be used with the Prozac instead? Also until now I've also been taking 1 mg. Ativan in the morning and 1 mg Ativan before bed. Is it safe to use Ativan with the Zyprexa?
Avatar f tn I called the labor board and the boss got fired and the employee got a 3500 dollar settlement check from the company and he kept his job. I wish you the best dove and I will miss you.
163305 tn?1333668571 BP is urging a federal judge to give final approval to a proposed settlement with residents damaged by the 2010 oil spill, who have barely a week to decide whether to opt out of the deal. In a document filed Monday night with U.S. District Judge Carl Barbier of New Orleans, BP rebutted objections by various parties in recent weeks and said the size of the settlement and the small number of opt-outs - under 1,000 so far - prove the deal is fair. Prospective claimants have until Nov.
Avatar f tn i was diagnosed with bipolar 6 years ago after a head injury and was taking zyprexa. Soon after, I was hospitalized with pancreatitis. The doctors immediatly took me off the zyprexa. Since then I have quit all alcohol and never did take drugs. I am currently taking Lexapro, but i don't feel it is what i need. I am constantly tierd, gaining weight, have constant muscle pain, especially in my feet and legs. I still suffer from mood swings, the ups and downs.
Avatar m tn My son is stopping zyprexa because he said it has never helped his depression. He is on 2.5 mg a day. He went off each pill one week at a time because he gets dangerous withdrawl symptomsms. He is off a pill on friday, saturday and monday. He is still on the 2.5 mg of zyprexa on tuesday, wednesday, thursday and sunday. Which would be the next pill to get off of? The program he is on refuses to take him off the medicine now and he went to the hospital to get off it.
Avatar m tn I'm prescribed Zyprexa in the "Zydis" rapid-dissolve form, 5mg, as needed "for agitation". I'm bi-polar, and sometimes I get worked up to a state that is more frustrated & agitated than it is manic, per se, The Zyprexa works well for this, except for its notorious weight-gain side effects. I just can't handle the weight issues.
Avatar f tn I was on Zyprexa for over 15 years after doctors had tried numerous anxiety/depression medicines without positive results. I was convinced that it was a bad drug and I should quit taking it a year ago even though I was happy and just newly married. I thought life was good so I went off cold turkey...Boy o boy. The horrible withdrawals made me feel like I was doing the right thing and that it was a horrible drug because of how bad the withdrawals were.
Avatar m tn Then, about 2 ½ years ago I had a near-psychotic meltdown, mostly about the devil and evil spirits, and was diagnosed with OCD and prescribed Anafranil and Zyprexa, which helped with the irrational thinking and obsessive thoughts a little. Between now and then, I have been diagnosed with OCD, Social anxiety disorder, GAD, major depressive disorder, ADHD, and most recently, aspergers/high functioning autism.
Avatar n tn Not sure what state you live in. My attorney here in Georgia told me that 25% was the max she could charge. ( I was willing to give her more to take the case, for she is GREAT). I have a work injury to R. Knee. W/C paying. Neck injury in 11/07. Denied since I had neck surgery in '98 Crazy huh? I am in the same boat as you. I was wondering what the settlement for knee injury wit a % perm disability raring.
Avatar f tn what can i do, my pom just ate my zyprexa pill (prescription that makes me sleep for 8 hours) i am really worried he is going to die. will he be okay?
Avatar m tn Can anyone give me some info. on zyprexa? Has anyone been given this to help stabalize their mood, during withdrawal? If so, please share with me if you benefited from this, and is this addictive as well?
Avatar f tn Anyone else experienced this, my mom was hit by a person who was texting and driving and ran a red light and totaled her vehicle she is now waiting on the settlement, she should be getting it within the next couple weeks she says she wants to buy me a crib and a more reliable vehicle for the baby, but I'm not sure if she will have enough if not me and my husband were gonna go ahead and put the crib in lawaway and pay on it and just trade our car in next week.
163305 tn?1333668571 Ten of the nation's major mortgage servicing companies, including household names such as Bank of America and Citibank, have agreed to pay $8.5 billion to resolve claims that they abused some homeowners when they foreclosed on mortgages during the recent housing crisis, the Federal Reserve and the Comptroller of the Currency announced late Monday morning. According to the Fed, $3.3 billion of the settlement will be "direct payments to eligible borrowers" and $5.
Avatar n tn My salary was about 90k/year and the settlement will easily replace that; even if I go back to work, I still collect it and the settlement is written so that the decision can't be appealed. The gastro wanted to fight, but the malpractice insurance company settled it without any input. And my attorney said that there are MANY more Versed patient-abuse cases out there. Do I sound like I'm gloating? Maybe, a little...
616450 tn?1228433627 I've been taking Zyprexa at bedtime for the past few nights, per Endo #3, and I feel a lot better, folks. As a matter of fact, I felt better almost immediately after taking the first dose. It seems to act quick, like Xanax, but stays in the bloodstream longer or something. Dr. Pretorius was concerned that I was getting a little too used to Xanax, so he wants me to try to gradually come off of that and he'll increase the Zyprexa dosage.
Avatar f tn Hi, I am experiencing burning feet,skin sensitivity and pains in my hands and feet during Zyprexa withdrawal,I`ve been on Zyprexa for 6 years and off it for about 5 months now.Please let me know if the burning feet and all other symptoms will go away with time? Has anyone quit Zyprexa successfully? Please help with any information,many thanks!!
739988 tn?1386672969 I have been on BP meds for several years. About a year ago I was diagnosed as diabetic. I've heard that the zyprexa and others like it can cause high blood sugar. Diabetes also runs on both sides of my family. Are there any mood stabilizers out there that don't cause Diabetes? I like the Zyprexa because it works really well for me. I guess I am just wondering if there is anyone else out there like me?
559058 tn?1215810834 I'm bp, been on Zyprexa for 5 yrs off and on, gained weight of course, and know that it has tons of other side effects. But I know Depakote is not without side effects either -- like constipation, liver damager etc. What's worse? Plus, I know it causes weight gain also. What do you guys think? Thanks!
1257808 tn?1322762215 Now, I'm on zyprexa 5mg then increase to 10 mg. Zyprexa instead of Syroquil. Also, monitoring my WBCs to avoid it's down again. The goal is to prevent high mood first then manage and control low mood. My mood include high, low, and mixed moods. Thank you for your time, answer, and help.
Avatar n tn I was wondering if anyone on this website is taking zyprexa for racing thoughts and irritability. I started taking it in December for these symptoms but I have put on weight taking this drug. I am not sure if it is the drug itself or if my appetite has increased. In anycase, I am really depressed about this and am thinking of switching medications or just getting off the zyprexa itself. I am also taking 20 mg. of lexapro and this has not caused a past weight gain. Please help!
Avatar m tn I took Zyprexa 5mg for 3 nights only to help with sleep, but have not taken it for 2 nights. Had really difficulty getting to sleep and my sleep was really broken up. Is this normal for this med.
628714 tn?1268238196 Hi Zyprexa (generic Olanzapine) is an atypical antipsychotic medication. Zyprexa is used to treat the symptoms of psychotic conditions such as schizophrenia and bipolar disorder (manic depression). The most commonly reported side effects are sleepiness or excessive sleeping, dizziness, dry mouth and weight gain. Other side effects include akathisia (an inability to sit still), constipation, dizziness, orthostatic hypotension and tremors.
Avatar n tn I gave birth to my first child in 03/04/09 and was hospitalized on March 12th with postpartum psychosis. I was hospitalized for 12 days and was put on Zyprexa. I have been taking 25 mg each day (20 night, 5 day) since 3/12/09 (almost 4.5 months). My psych has decided to cut my dosage by 5 mg starting this froday 7/24/09. Has anyone else expereinced this trauma and I appreciate any thoughts.