
Zoloft with caffeine

Common Questions and Answers about Zoloft with caffeine


Avatar f tn Who told you not to have caffeine with Zoloft? Never heard of that. I was on Zoloft for years but first time I have heard this. I did not avoid caffeine as never told to avoid it. I was fine. Perhaps you should check with a doctor or pharmacist about this. Personally I have never heard about not having caffeine with Zoloft.
Avatar n tn Hi, Im on zoloft/sertraline and im also very sensitive to caffeine, even before the zoloft. I also have a med called Inderal (name in Sweden - Propranolol beta blocker) which I discovered takes the negative coffein effects away. It also takes the overall physical effect of anxiety away. Its actually a medicine for heart decieces but I highly recommended it. :) I think its neutralizing the effect of increased output of adrenaline, which causes stress etc.
Avatar m tn I've been on Zoloft for 2wks now for panic disorder and mdd. week1 was 25mg and week2 50mg. while I've felt a bit of a difference in both my depression and anxiety, I still worry about a few things. one being drug interactions. I've asked my doctor and pharmacist a couple questions but i'm still hesitant about a couple things. 1. is it ok to drink chamomile tea while on Zoloft? 2. are pain relief meds like ibuprofen and acetaminophen ok to take while on Zoloft?
Avatar f tn I heard that vitamin b6 and b12 is for anxiety also if your like me and you love soda or any thing with to much caffeine in it can increase the chance of panic attack for me i take a centrum when i wake up and stay a way from stuff with caffeine in it hels a little for me
Avatar m tn Over the past 4 months, I have tried zoloft, lexapro, celexa, buspar, and now Zoloft again. I was given the 25mg tabs and told to take half (12.5) due to my body is apparently very sensitive to these type of meds. I was taking it at night, but i could not fall asleep. I would be dog tired, but couldnt flip the switch.
Avatar n tn Does your doctor advise you not to drink coffee or does caffeine trigger your anxiety? Are you concerned with the coffee interacting with the medication? I take sertraline before I go to bed and have about 3 cups of coffee by 7 am at work, however, I initially stayed away from it when I first started confronting my anxiety. We tend to react differently to various stimuli in my opinion. Have you just started taking sertraline?
Avatar f tn Usually this happens with Paxil, but could happen with Zoloft. Sometimes it will take more for it to work the second time around, and sometimes it just doesn't work the same. Could be the body learns better how to fight the foreign substance, but who knows? These drugs are odd and the brain is odd, so you just have to go with what's happening, not with what's "supposed" to happen.
Avatar n tn I have been taking 100mg of zoloft and 300mg of wellbutrin for almost 2 years, i recently added another 150mg of wellbutrin so i take 450mg total. I have noticed that my hands have started shaking and im having mild tremors and im wondering if this is a normal side affect that I shouldn't worry about, or if I need to contact my doctor?
Avatar n tn What I find so strange is this caffeine problem just started with the dose increase. It was a minor dose increase. Really freaked me out.
Avatar n tn s pretty common with all the snris and ssris -- it can happen with Effexor just as easily as with Zoloft for some people, so there you go. If you decide to quit, please do it slowly and in consultation with your psychiatrist.
433485 tn?1321813390 Hi. I was recently diagnosed with GAD. I also am a clinical depressive and have been since the age of 9. I am 51 now. I went through a period, mid 90's, when I was having panic attacks but then they stopped after I was put on and stabilized with SSRI's. Now I am on 150 mg of Zoloft as well as .5 mg of Klonipin ( 3 x per day). I am noticing some nausea which seems to settle down after I take my anxiety med. Is there a connection?
Avatar f tn Hi all. I've been on Zoloft for 3 weeks now. I was on 25mg for the first 2 weeks then went to 50mg. I am doing better but still not 100%. I am still having the nervousness & anxiousness in the mornings although not as bad as before. It seems to let up around noon. I have been taking a quarter of Ativan also with the Zoloft until the Zoloft kicks in. I'm trying to go without that today just to see how I'll do. What I am wondering is should this nervousness be gone by now?
Avatar f tn I was a zoloft user for 14 years, went off it last September and have been trying different meds since. Just had a really bad reaction to prozac last week, so now I am back on Zoloft she started me on 25 mg for a few days and upped it to 50mg last night, could not sleep even had ambian to help and woke up anxious again this morning, will this pass after I get use to the 50 mg again? Maybe I should take it in the morning, always use to take it at night!! Input would be nice?
Avatar n tn Hi, im 30 years old and sometimes i will either have a hard thump or a flip flop type feeling in my chest and right at the same time this is happening i will experience intense dissyness /lightheadness, i am over weight, ive cut down on caffeine alot i do use tobbacco, the dip kind, im taking zoloft-10 yrs, metoprolol-5yrs, zantac-150mg-1yr,androgel-5mg-3months, the doctors say ive got Premature Ventricular Contractions, but they cant answer why i get dizzy when they happen if anyone can help me
Avatar m tn I consume a lot of caffeine, (at least 5 12oz cups a day of either coffee or tea) and once (sometimes twice) a day I get foggy and confused for a good 3-20 minutes. If its not the caffeine can I get some suggestions? And if it makes i just switched about 2 weeks ago from 200ml of zoloft a day and 1mg of klonopan before i sleep to 10mg (for now) and still take the 1mg of klonopin. Just some side notes.... I am very active in the gym, which might have something to do with it.
Avatar f tn I'm no scientist, but since I take Zoloft and Codeine, along with some other medicines, I know a little bit about their effects from reading and experience, and so I can tell you that getting a little sleepier is all that happens when combining your two drugs. They do not drain some imaginary tank of dopamine or serotonin or anything else like that. Some illegal drugs do, specifically Ecstacy used long-term can damage the brain and this can be seen in an MRI, and Meth can flatten emotions.
Avatar f tn I was scripted for 25 mg Zoloft with 1/2 tablet first day then whole tablet there after. I did that and my chest pains went thru the roof along with the anxiety and jittery. I have a script for .5 mg Ativan that I half and take. Called psychiatrist and said to go back down to half (12.5) to see if it helps. I take it in the morning as when I took it at night I didn't sleep for 2 days. I have to be at work at 6 am so I take Zoloft 5am.
Avatar m tn hey im 19 and a freshman in college.. i was recently prescribed Zoloft for anxiety/depression and will be taking 50 mg (gradually starting with 25)... my doc said it was ok for me to drink just go slow etc.. i was just gonna get yalls imput bc im afraid i'll damage my liver or something.. i drink about every weekend and i will try and drink in little amounts...
11638679 tn?1457985940 It made you terrified because if you also have an anxiety problem, and most folks have both anxiety and depression as they pretty much feed into the kinds of thoughts that fuel the other, wellbutrin is perhaps the most stimulating of all the commonly used antidepressants (I say commonly, because speed is used for depression, but not commonly anymore) because it doesn't only work on dopamine, it also works on norepinephrine, also called noradrenaline, as the SNRI class of drugs do and for man
Avatar m tn For years and years now--like a LOT of people here! After a few years of messing around with worry over these things, including a couple of trips to urgent care, I finally accepted that my EKGs, stress tests, and ultrasound tests *actually* did indicate that my heart was plenty healthy in spite of all the carrying-on it was doing. I took myself to a good shrink, a real MD with an additional degree in problems between the ears, and one who had a superb background in pharmacology.
Avatar f tn They like you to keep caffeine to a minimum, of course drink water, some seafood your not suppose to have, basically just try to eat as healthy as you can. Medications while pregnant are a big thing, NO Ibuprofen, you can have tylenol. They will be able to tell you exactly, some doctors are different. Just make an appointment at an ob/gyn office.
Avatar m tn The zoloft didn't destroy anything in your brain. Most likely, your symptoms are from anxiety. When you were experiencing the side effects, did you talk to your doctor, or did you just stop taking the Zoloft? Have you tried any therapy? You need to continue to follow up with your doctor about the anxiety, to find a way to get it to a manageable level.
Avatar f tn yes, yes, yes. Givde in some time 3 weeks is not enought. Give it almost 8. Not to discourage you or raise a little anxiety, but You may actually feel a little worse at the begginning. Don't let that dscourage you though, it will only be temp, and you'll feel better than you felt about 8 weeks into it. Time for that stuff for sure. I have heard of other Meds kicking in real quick, but not Zolft.
Avatar n tn and desided to go to the psychitrist... I was diagnosed with panic attacks... and I was prescriped with Zoloft... 25mg to begin with... and an other pill called "akamon" to help me sleep at night.... he said that its a therapy of 6 months and then I will be just fine but since I was very worried of taking these meds i kept visiting websites and they are all full with people that take them for years and no one that said... "ok i took them for 4-5 months and then I was ok"....
1100140 tn?1260594269 your like myself and many others who have PA, (In my open journals, I talk allot about my meds) zoloft, gave me my life back with my first round with PA. I would really try to focus on staying away from reading the side effects (hopefully you have someone around to observe you) and stop taking your pulse, it is really hard to do, but when you do that, you are telling your brain that there is danger, when really no danger is present.
Avatar f tn Hello, I have recently started taking Zoloft for about 6 weeks now and I've had insomnia. But when I take it in the morning I feel sluggish for at least a couple hours and feel Ike I need a nap. I'm only on 25mg now but my doc said I may need to up my dose for full effect. She also prescribed lunesta which did help me fall asleep but I only sleep for like 3/4 hours then I can't go back to sleep! Which also makes me tired. She suggested splitting the dose.
Avatar n tn For some people caffeine does raise BG (caffeine is a stimulant). For others it does not raise BG. only way to tell is to test. Test before... drink... test after. if BG higher after than for you yes. HOWEVER do NOT do the test in the morning as you may have DP (Dawn Phenomenon) and that can sque the results of any testing in the morning.